
Higher Grid Enactments

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 22:54

Higher Grid Enactments

Probable future timelines are in disposable fractions, seconds beyond what we can attain/learn by choice is conducted at a temporal flux which helps the formations of our genomes to act accordingly. Postulations made at greater length to supress has core dispersions on actual grid type ratio decryptions, which alleviates the temporal flux programs, which are in depth truths, and realities we can work in/to/from by actualizations made in earnest from our surroundings and inner processes.

Actualization of core dispersions are abundant in supernatural orders, borders which can bring about new measures in our own life decisions to actualize grid commands and keep correspondence intact with other grid type users. Defining the intellectual properties of others is a conduit for internal structuralizing, what we depend on the most while conducting some internal affairs, through others is simply intellectual gatherings made for correspondences through experiences gathered at a crossing, (decision point), do I say this or that, do I say nothing… You don’t actually say that in your head but in resonance that’s the matter which are conducted as choices which shifts many things dependently while others are telling a story or speaking of events, or even better ideas.

Now more than ever were in need of assistance, for donations, if anyone whom wants to donate, they can make a simple donation to By simplifying the flow which allows us to gather the momentum for these channelings, more so what we need to simply live without the need to worry about taking care of some business unattended.

Core Neutralities

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/09/2015 - 20:31

Core Neutralities

Conjunct to Saturn’s moon in opposition with Jupiter... Massive conundrums for us to have momentarily... Giving a remap/recap in how this will unfold in a short enough amount of time... Given that we are adept in making something which is diverse in many occupants’ fields...

Contemporary the fabrics in which we will speak about has us remembering some old concepts where we were inept to the fields in view... While bypassing the abnormal flows which surrounds us dearly/daily... What accompanies us in these moments has surmountable postulations in acquisition to the synaptic modules while processing quite indifferently at occasional conjunctions.

Contemporary the fabrics are "chained" or engrained... In some of the above templates while we premeasure the content which may become appropriate after viewing some core anomalies/disruptions, contemporarily fabricating "things" at a nexus for us to abide in quite differently... If momentarily the constructs do not evolve we will have to give about end to this flow... While contending views appear... In synapse, synapsing currents we contend/abolish the flow for resurgence at the anomalies which takes part in making this gigantism, mission by which many are concurrently holding onto as prospects to keep on going with or without our consent or field views...

Interactive Venues

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/02/2015 - 12:09

Interactive Venues

Interactive venues for similarities in how the synaptic functions will evolve in contact modules to exceed in potentiality which abides within all of us as fragments of potentiality unwritten from formations of our advances throughout cosmoses. Individually the sub selective formations (Groups) which help alleviate the formations of these words momentarily while we abide in constructs which help evolve the formations of our words to sub selective venues for interaction at higher timelines for readjustments to take place in the mass media programs which allows the formation of intellectual drives to be enacted as formal aperture to indecisive measures which allows the velocity to flow at better causes. Subtle shifts are needed for the intellectual drives to become active in what pertains as similar projects for protecting some of the individuals timelines, while in formations as the mass media projects go on out individually, informational flows which are interactive in modules excelling in complexities what corresponds within us as amounts of preconcissive measure independently growing at large the fractals of acquisitioned states for better attunement in some pertaining matters for actualizations trough thought programs as what we would term a mass mind control program having possibilities amass from the interactive grids higher technological stand points or utilizations of the universal mind.

This would allow some formation as groups of beings whom are aware of the informational flows (The programs) which enables the massive energetic downloads to abide from the intellectual drive which is preconceived in moments of attaining what some would term the quantum thought.

Preconscissive measures

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 03/01/2015 - 21:18

Preconscissive measures

Independently we are having abnominal factors abolishing the interactive flows which allows from our dependence some intellectual drive to begin…

Conceptualizing formations for adaptability programs to begin…

Momentary flux adaptable trough measures which allows hollow deck individuals to amass light from the grids and achieve higher light quotient for the general populace.

Enactments of the higher grid technologies in utilizations of our predisposed amount of states which carries on out in advances some intellectual formations for us to attend to in nominal factors playing out worldwide. The attempts we achieve from gathering a sub selection of groupings while interactive media is played has sub sections of our minds working in coherency with what seems impossible to manifest or understand from resonance, the frequencies which are being interlinked or interplayed momentarily within us for advances throughout our cosmoses.

If we choose individually formations of the greater apertures in reawakening the populace then many soldiers on this Earth will take part in their light missions as missionaries of light and activate partials of the light grid technologies which allows us to remember and actualize formations of the greater apertures (Inherent abilities) in condoning experiments to actualize some experiences in individuals having clearings or channelings taking place where the speaker is having a fortunate amount of time in correcting the information which is carried on out as (A sort of scramble) to attain individually some adaptations which corrects the fluctuations in allowing us to dismember the actual accountants purposes in remaking the grids within our general brain structure to allow formations as these to be written with ease.


Submitted by Mario on Sun, 03/01/2015 - 06:21

Intergalactic Transmissions


Integrating messages for synaptic modules in excess of the abnormal factors, driving forceful matters to abolish the accompanying flows, in virtues of world affairs, while aligning truthful matters to higher grounds.

Pronunciations of words, in acquisitions to synaptic modules, are interactive in systems of choice from human’s inner processes… While adaptive it gives room for conventional gatherings of Intel in abnormal places while subdividing inner potentialities for responders in acquisitions of terminal synaptic modules in excess of the aboriginal synapses while having inner potentialities rise from an unprecedented amount of “misfortune”.

While they are giving out their mishap’s we are going to go into a subversive “Coeiridation” … What pertains to those matters are some selective attributes in worldwide propaganda. Achieving a higher synaptic module in excessive counterparts while ignoring some intellectual drive (Feeds), we will surpass the known abilities for us to attain the momentum of worldwide affairs in having what is needed for us to attend to the greater fabrics of our lives while surmounting ideologies of (In Depth Individualities).

What consorts with the users in aboriginal synapsis is converted from the inner awareness of the frequencies which we are looping in our daily momentum for a gradual rise in successive counterparts from daily fractions/actions/factions of the amounting drama interplaying from linkage to what pertains in us as momentum of said drama.

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