
Gathering The Excess

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 11/08/2015 - 20:17

What we mean by Gathering the Excess is proportionately linked to cosmic alliances which have conditions of the energetic transmissions in postulations which interconnects Hyper Active Grids in systems that utilizes conscious energy emitted in a multidimensional timetable, which is construed by implementations of Higher Octave Chains, inherited by the processes of assimilation, while we transcode information which is adaptable to our conscious resonances by chances of what we accumulate while Gathering the Excess.

The liability hidden behind implementations which have causations of higher attributable links (Connections) to systems which may be "Out There" has us in wonderful contact (Transmissions) of the initial causes which are gathered for accountability by beings which are working thoroughly day in day out to advance the necessary steps needed to have an augmentation to another transcriptional point in time, which heralds attributes of an alliance far away in the galactic planes...

As additions to our constructs have perpetuated frequencies which are gathering higher probable formations of our contact codes in Assimilations... We subdue facts which are held under secrecy for advances in these writings while we coalesce properties of an advance nature which is multiplied by the core extensions found within cosmoses (The process).

Perpetuated forms of galactic awareness which construes from a consciousness of another level of resonance than ours... We can implement teachings which are held under currents of changes by exemptions of laws which were created for advances in fields of physicality...

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Submitted by Mario on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 15:28

Why is everything as it is...? It seems that the potential we have to understand existence came from developments which are made daily while we keep on inventing, to allow what we currently have, as to allow further developments which we can carry on for formations of what we could term Nature.

The nature of our beings, the nature of the universe, consciousness, energy, matter, vibrations, patterns, assimilation's, conceptualizations...

The governing flows which allows us to attend to more advancements within our fields of developing attributes, abilities, coherent stats, what we know as facts, science fiction and additionally the conceptualizations that are carried on from nothing.

What seems to portrait higher existences which sustains by nature the effects of all that we term as existence...

Higher Grids

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 16:02

Aspects conforming additional concepts inherited from trans-dimensional beings… Coalescing with greater reuptakes in advents which potentially lifts the veils and gives access to hyper dissolutions.

The greater core conjunctions analysed from prospects individuated frequently can be brought up by substantial remarks which are made daily on occasional fluctuations from the galactic waves from space.

Trans-Dimensional beings are potentially linked in what we can term a nexus which individually governs the flow of consciousness which is disposed throughout the universal grids… By chance we can integrate effects which are achievable by transfigurations to connect impartially on the other side of the veil which can be lifted from activating higher resonances in our genomes…

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Generic Transparency Levels Attained

Submitted by Mario on Sat, 10/03/2015 - 21:22

Distribution of these forms on web sites can carry on greater formulations for future contact trips which additionally composes the processes main trans-coding formulations which interposes the distribution levels attained from future numerations, in additions the temporary block has been lifted and we now supply extraordinary routes to humans whom partakes in the substantial wave modulations attained by re-selective counts in the higher processes which interchanges transgressions to subliminal partitions.



Requirements in additional concepts (remap occurrence call)

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 09/30/2015 - 05:14

This message is for resurgence of telepathic nodes/modules accessing terminological demands where we are in need of support financially, this gives hope for us to contend on the right formulations for the universe to manifest what is needed in times where they are needed (the demands) for actualizations on temporal grids which activates subliminal accountants prospected views... Thereby we assess the neutral intakes from demands which splice the generic formations of our words to give about better understanding in the near future...

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Trans-dimensional Beings

Submitted by Mario on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 11:26

Adjustments for our beings to interact with indifferent forces which acts out there, potentially giving us new measures every day.

Co-extensional realms are an appropriate topic for this document. By giving into consent in which we agree to subdue facts about these beings, than we will coalesce and integrate the potentials to have communications with these beings from dimensions above our known understandings of the concepts anchored here on this Earth.

Additionally the fabrics which shifts coherent nodes will adjust the frequencies, our vibrational states, to allow higher communications.

Welcome we come from Alpha Centauri and in additional advances prospected by this individual we will give out a message which sustains higher frequencies to support the populace with truth.

What is known as truth can shift many times as for the way to understand our fabrics (evolution) we will work on the potentials to give out an infinite amount of information for you to dwell in through this being.

Resurrection, what seems to bother us is how one can die and come back to life, how is this sustainable in our premises on this Earth?

Advancing in Core Groups

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 09/17/2015 - 13:24

To sustain a higher connection we will give about mindful meditations to have us sustain memory at its greater expense.

The Imaginative forms of our creations should supply us with future creations which will temporize the hyper velocity factors which brings about contact.

Additionally we will not come in contact with ones whom are not ready as for the causation is temporarily adjusting some of the lower excerptions within the memory which may cause fear in the populace... As we give little bits of information which shifts the amount of time it takes for them to realize a concept, we will be bringing into better causes, while having adjustments made to our hyper velocity factors which will conjoin in a metamorphosis… An advance conceptualization of realities core adjustments which are made from systems far away as Andromeda and Linksys which is new in mentions of our understandings.

By allowing co-immersions which are achievable by hyper active fields we will sustain experiences which comes off grids as for the exemptions we have at remarks made on grid can potentially be linked to the Network which sustains our lives experiences of Love and Joy. This means that a temporary patch should be attempted to fixate on problems which are needed to be solved for future generations while we allow humans to work at their greater potential in fields which they develop as synergetic formations which conceptualizes new mathematical proportions to understand forces which are beyond are known levels of consciousness and reasoning.

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Accessing Demands

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 19:56

Accessing Demands

The control factor we get from accessing demands.

Exponential growth factors have abolished in subliminal counts, portending fabrics have shifted profoundly, and simple measures/adjustments are being made by proactivity’s.

Complacency between stars initial causes in fractals access codes are given from the subliminal counts portending fabrics shifted adequately substantial results are being made in depth processes have been readjusted from fractal access codes.

Subliminal impartations are quantifiable by extents of the suprema/universal constants. Downfall is adjusted by a primary model of associations, custom designs are brought up from imperative functions, substantial things are left for us to commemorate, in depth, through analysis. Frequencies are adjusted from fractal access codes, probability factors are conjoined by synapsing modules, in excess to liability consoles which are simple levels graded through an augmentation of our current nodes which coalesce in deeper trance/waves adjusting synaptic modulations by temporal velocity, globes in suspects to bring about a leveling (Initiating Force).

Paramobilia has access codes in probability factors which conjoins at greater reuptakes for individuals bypassing subliminal actions towards divinations which are contemporarily given on wave feedback grids.

Paramountability has suspects in causation of lighter bodies from fractals accessing internal demands of our super consciousness. In depth analysis portended in fabrics which are adjusted daily by interactions with other humans.

Susceptibility, modules are extroverted by synapsing currents which shifts in temporal velocities.

Obtaining Energy from the Grids

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 05/25/2015 - 20:34

Obtaining Energy from the Grids

Predisposed informatics, we are adjusting the temporizations within the frequencies which aligns core matter (attributes) to form/flow at better causes, when we allow ourselves to become depleted.

Simple grid enactments, while adjusting, seems to bring about higher attributable forms of postulations, for query, while we interchange transgressions in the momentum worldwide. Disposing higher intellects, compromises the structural synapse in disposition to a quantum fluctuation inherited from hyper dissociating fabrics of a cosmic/universal mind. Some momentum gathered from worldwide activity, confines the generalized idea we can get from internal grid structures, while adapting morally what we are attaining from hyper dissociations. What compromises the effects of individual augmentations, are from embankments made at internal dispositions which shifts the intellects from counterproductive venues while hyper dissociating contents of an aboriginal synapse.

Portending fabrics are augmenting dissolutions of matter from terminological responses, in frequent matters, as we have dissolved the last chain of events from hyper dissociations.

Augmenting in productivity, confines the general idea of where we are at in this whole system, embarking and adjusting the frequencies to align your venues with some of the hyper dissociations we may be making in the grids internal systems.

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