archangels and devas

8/8 Meditation Gift & 14/8 Full Moon Workshop Invitation

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 08/07/2019 - 09:28

Beloveds, the upcoming Full Moon on 14/15th August in Venus focuses its attention on our need for a deeper and more meaningful love relationship with ourselves, and others, especially those closest to us, and a deeper understanding of who we are.  Therefore in this workshop, we work towards bridging the gap in separation consciousness between who we see ourselves as as humans and we we truly are in the higher realms of Consciousness. You cannot fully love another until you love yourself. To love Oneself one has to know Oneself.

To read more and book your seat in this Full Moon Workshop – PLEASE CLICK HERE.

We use the Diamond Light because it is a very powerful energy and like the diamond gem itself, can cut through anything. This is why we use this powerful light in our energy work. The Diamond Heart energy is also associated with the First Ray, the Sapphire Blue Ray, which governs the throat chakra, one of the most heavily congested chakras in mankind today. The Throat plays a major role in acting as the bridge between the Sacred Heart and Solar Christ Consciousness. The Blue Ray is also associated with the Fire Element. Say no more…

Revelations & Workshop Feedback

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 02/24/2019 - 03:56

The World is Your Oyster!

Dear Readers,

Where to begin? It’s taken me an entire week to finally sit down and record this feedback on our last workshop held together, which was on Monday the 18th. One of our attendees said for her it was the most powerful so far! And so it has been. The energetic shifts can’t all happen within the allotted time of the live workshop, and therefore are felt over a period of time as integration takes place within our morphogenic field.

Our morphogenic field is a basically a field of resonance that we are in the process of co-creating in every moment. What we put into it, is what we get out of it. It creates our reality, our living experience. It is impersonal, meaning it gives us the reality of our choosing. The Point of Power attunement which we received during the worskhop, helps to establish a field of higher resonance, and Daniela’s inner journey exercise helps to uncover and clear all that we no longer wished to continue to (auto) create.

Solstice Energy Update 21st June 2018 and Beyond

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/17/2018 - 21:43

A short energy update follows to help make sense of all the changes happening. Firstly we stress again the importance of eating light foods, as live as possible. Meaning containing as much life force as possible. If you are fortunate enough to have your own garden, harvesting foods and them eating them the same day is the way to go. If not, then purchase fresh foods daily and eat them well before they ‘expire’. The physical body is going through enormous cellular restructuring at this juncture and could use all the support it can get. Your body elemental will thank you!

The energy is mostly being felt again in the cranial and base of skull as the brain structure and spinal column receives the New Codes of Life, as one may call them. It is an appropriate enough description. The new codes enter the brain and spinal fluid flowing through the nadis and meridians into cellular tissue and structure, finally making contact with the atoms and electrons where they are engaged in their upgrading work.

Water is an important component for your physical body, as always. Before ingesting anything it would behoove you to send your life force energy into it. You can do this simply by intention and focusing your energy, infusing the water and food with the purity of your Light.

Sunday Musings ~ So Much Love! Go on! Grab hold of it with both hands! What are you waiting for?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 09/28/2014 - 08:40

Our hearts expanding continually to hold more love than we have ever before experienced. Sometimes that may feel painful, but it is nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it is something to be celebrated. Every time you feel tightness in your chest, know that your heart center is expanding to hold more love and light. Take several deep breaths to help the energy flow through. Pamper and nurture yourself! Take a luxurious hot bath with lavender oil and sea salt. Go for a walk in nature if you can. Listen to music. Play an instrument if you can. Dance. You have no idea what is going on inside of you or the full extent of what you are accomplishing here as a Warrior of the Light. You may feel as though you’re doing nothing, but know your Higher Self is working with you and through you non-stop! The more time you spend within your Heart /Higher Self / Soul, the easier the transition becomes.

Everyone is going through various stages of releasing right now. Don’t let your ego and your fears prevent you from facing these negative emotions. Do whatever it takes to keep your vibration high and stay positive. Watch happy movies. Watch sad movies. There is nothing wrong with crying. It releases sadness which is a positive thing. All of us have come here with our fair share of negative emotion within our karmic imprint. It doesn’t matter what you’re releasing or for who. We are all One! What matters is that you don’t hold onto it and take ownership of it. It is surfacing to be released. Nothing more. Don’t make an issue out of it and don’t try to analyze it. That is what your ego does.

Sunday Musings ~ “Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust is Without Borders”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/24/2014 - 09:30

What a week! We’re experiencing intense energy as we approach the culmination of Lions Gate and the New Moon tomorrow. We continue to be challenged, but also there have been lots of miracles! My computer shutdown by itself and refused to reboot. It said it had a ‘Fatal Error’. Spirit told me to just let it rest for a while, so I did. When I returned to it just over an hour later, it rebooted with no problem. During a Reiki session which followed shortly after I was asked by Spirit if I would like them to ‘clean my computer for me’. I responded with a definite YES!

Also earlier this week I received a wonderful gift from a friend in California. She was prompted by Spirit to send me her Emerald Green Andara who wanted desperately to work with me! It is not surprising because Michael told me more than a year ago that I would work with this crystal and that it would be the only crystal I would ever need. And now he has arrived to work with me. He is my ‘little helper’ and he has been helping me throughout this past week. He assists me on ground level and is helping to raise my consciousness and awareness of Self. He is also assisting me with my Reiki work. I know there will come a time when he will ask to go back to his rightful owner, and so it shall be that he is no longer needed by me when that time arrives. In the meantime, I am eternally grateful for his presence.

In Heartfelt JOY and GRATITUDE we wish to say THANK YOU!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 12/12/2013 - 11:07

In heartfelt JOY and GRATITUDE we wish to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have supported our new blog and Facebook page. Since February we have had over 100000 hits on the blog and we have over 200 followers and we are close to 1300 likes on the Facebook page, which is AMAZING!

There is so much to look forward to in 2014! We encourage you to stay vibrationally in tune with us for further messages of hope and inspiration to help you along in your journey here on Earth. We promise you that your life can and will only get better!

2013 has been a year of major changes for many and we are still calibrating new energies each and every day into our energy body and Being. We are tapping more and more into our Higher Consciousness and the wisdom that is available to us there and we are once more becoming the Multi-dimensional beings we always were, with one exception: we will be Multi-dimensional beings as citizens of Planet Earth! You will have the ability to change form and to bi-locate your body. You will be able to perceive yourself as a complex being existing in many different levels of creation. You will be able to use your full power and potential to manifest changes that will blow your mind.

Together we will co-create a New Earth, one where an abundance of Unconditional Love, Joy and Peace exists for All.

We wish you everything of the very best for 2014. Please stay with us. We love and honor YOU. Namasté.

Blessed BE.

Archangels and Devas


Ask Archangel Michael

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 07:42

In honor and celebration of the opening of the 12:12 portal one year ago, I am offering this special which will run during the holiday season.

AA Michael is a Spiritual guide to all souls incarnated here and he is always willing to help and guide those who ask. He will work together with your Higher Self and Angelic guides and they will provide you with the answers you are looking for right now to help you on your Spiritual journey here.

Please make a donation on our website of $12.12 and send your question via the contact form or with your proof of payment to

In much gratitude and love!


Trinity of Blessings

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 10/05/2013 - 09:15

trinity of blessings archangel michael

The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement received from Archangel Michael to help you become aligned with the energy of Divine Love, Peace and Joy. This higher vibrational energy will help you to transform your life as you become more and more comfortable working with this energy.  This vibration and frequency of Love, Peace and Joy exists within the highest part of your Self and as you begin to work with this energy, you become more in alignment with who YOU TRULY ARE ~ A Being of Infinite Wisdom, Possibility and Creativity. When you begin to work with the highest part of your Self, which is your Highest consciousness, you begin to attract miracles and blessings in your life and your life is transformed.

When you receive this attunement from Archangel Michael, you give him permission to appoint these energies to each of your chakras, which will open you to receive this frequency of vibration and the awareness of the amazing gift of manifestation that lies within you. This energy offers the key to unlocking the powers that exist within each and every one of you to manifest your most deepest desire.

There are no distinctions made regarding religious beliefs, it is totally non-denominational. We embrace and promote Unity among all faiths and beliefs whether you are Buddist, Catholic, Wiccan, Jewish, Native American or any Earth-based Spiritual belief…All are welcome to work with these energies!

The Devas and Keepers of the Crystals on Planet Earth

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 10/05/2013 - 09:06

Many years ago when I came across a book on the Crystal Devas in an esoteric bookshop in Cape Town, South Africa, I felt a great affinity for these beautiful Beings of Light. At the time it never occurred to me that I would be working with them. I had discovered crystals many years before that and always loved them, before I had any idea of their power or their purpose here on Planet Earth.

Crystals are playing an important role in maintaining balance and in assisting Gaia in her Ascension process. Crystals are able to hold high vibrational energy and as such can be used as conduits and portals for the healing energy and Light that comes from All That Is, the Creator and Source of All Consciousness. Many eons ago when Planet Earth was created, crystals were strategically placed within the Earth grid system in order to maintain balance between the forces of dark and light to ensure that Earth never fell prey to the darkness alone, and to work with humanity and other Light Beings to eventually restore Light Consciousness upon the Planet. It was with the help of these precious crystals that the Earth was saved during the destruction of Atlantis.

Crystals have extraordinary qualities also within their energy make-up, and as such can be used for healing purposes by esoteric healers across the Planet. But this is not their only purpose. Crystals are also used by the Crystal Devas to restore balance within the energy body of Gaia,  just like they are used by healers to clear and balance the energy centers or chakras, and restore balance within the emotional, mental, etheric and physical body in humans.

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