Aries Full Moon


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 10/06/2017 - 18:47

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Full Aries Moon … is a powerful one! This Moon is also known as the Harvest Moon although it is a little late in the season this year….it also is known as the Equinox Moon….leaving the Full Moon lasting a little longer than normal.  Aires/Harvest Moon/Equinox Moon is a Super charged Full Moon…and it can ignite a lot of growth,  or a lot of compulsive and destructive behavior… deep feelings are brought to the surface. Since this Moon started…we have seen many major storms and hurricanes (and the aftermath), earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and around 7 Solar Flares!   That is a lot of the Universe letting the Earth tell us…. that she is also receiving these energies and she is a little upset about how she has been treated!  We have also seen the shootings (Mars ruling this Aries Full Moon) in Las Vegas! Again…it has been a volatile period in many areas….especially since the Eclipse’s in August.  This Aries Moon has a reputation of inspiring the brave and strong….along with being hot headed and angry!  Because of the Sun being in Libra… will notice this Full Aries Moon energy….in all of your relationships and also in the relationships throughout the world.  Libra is about Love and balance…..lets concentrate on that energy and bring it in all around you…..give it forward… give it out to the world. Think Peace……


Submitted by AstroEyes on Sun, 09/27/2015 - 15:21

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Full Libra Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Harvest Moon… is a powerful one!  It is also called the Blood Moon and is visible to many of us in the United States. Why Blood Moon? The main reason is that during the Eclipse the moon actually turns a reddish color..   Ancient people had sacred mysteries around blood…blood happens at birth and sometimes at death.  It also is often looked at as a cleansing….which we are cleansing the “old” to make way for the “new” at this current time. 

This Full Aries Moon/Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon, Super Moon…. is also the fourth of 4 total Lunar Eclipses in a row, which is a rather rare occurrence ….which is called a Lunar Tetrad.  It is also the second Super Full Moon in a row..and the closest Super Moon of the year.  Also the fact that we have not had a Super Full Moon this close to the Earth at the time of a total Lunar Eclipse since 1982 and we won’t have another one till 2033…..and these tetrads and Super Moons…. are powerful and continue to accent the major energies of each Eclipse. 

With this Full Aries Super Moon we are experiencing a ….Cosmically Intense Turning Point….in our Evolution and the Evolution of the Planet!   We are receiving a lot of cosmic energy coming in (known to some as Wave-X)…..which is an acceleration of electromagnetic energy from the Sun…..bringing in a lot of frequency shifts.    At times all this energy can feel a bit Chaotic as it is very intense and is coming from many different areas and with many different themes……all hitting and surrounding us within a short time period….and it can be a bit challenging.   Remember however…..that out of Chaos comes Creativity.   The Cosmic focus for Evolution….begins to intensify!!!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 09:05

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

Eclipses create a powerful pin point of energy that creates a “blip/wobble”, or a disruption in time, energy, and the natural flow of light and dark.  Eclipse’s also affect the magneto-receptors in our DNA, along with radio waves, and X-ray’s. They also activate shifts in the electromagnetic fields of the Earth itself and all of its inhabitants.  An Eclipse opens a portal to the Universe, where a stream of knowledge, new codes and information can be down loaded from the Universe into our consciousness or subconscious.  It is like an upgrade. Eclipses are also accelerated catalysts, and they are either breakdown and/or breakthrough events.  They give us an opportunity to finish a major life lesson, and then head to the next higher level.

 Lunar eclipses are extra-powerful Full Moons. The time period of this Eclipse is approximately 4 hours from start to finish. The energy of an Eclipse also affects us for the following 6 months. It is a time to open to the universe, with your guidance, and Feel the energy and down loads as the portal is open. Ask for guidance in how to handle the energy and information that you receive.  It is a time to be quiet and Listen…..what do you hear?  What visions are you receiving?  What do you feel?  If you are asleep during the Eclipse….know that you’re Guidance will make sure you receive the down loads and messages that are important for your Soul growth.

This Full Moon is also a Total Lunar Eclipse that is visible for those of us in North America. This Full Aries Moon is also known as a Blood Moon…..meaning that as the Eclipse is happening, the Moon appears to be turning a reddish color.  A beautiful and Magical sight to see! 

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