ask Archangel Michael

Solstice Energy Update 21st June 2018 and Beyond

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/17/2018 - 21:43

A short energy update follows to help make sense of all the changes happening. Firstly we stress again the importance of eating light foods, as live as possible. Meaning containing as much life force as possible. If you are fortunate enough to have your own garden, harvesting foods and them eating them the same day is the way to go. If not, then purchase fresh foods daily and eat them well before they ‘expire’. The physical body is going through enormous cellular restructuring at this juncture and could use all the support it can get. Your body elemental will thank you!

The energy is mostly being felt again in the cranial and base of skull as the brain structure and spinal column receives the New Codes of Life, as one may call them. It is an appropriate enough description. The new codes enter the brain and spinal fluid flowing through the nadis and meridians into cellular tissue and structure, finally making contact with the atoms and electrons where they are engaged in their upgrading work.

Water is an important component for your physical body, as always. Before ingesting anything it would behoove you to send your life force energy into it. You can do this simply by intention and focusing your energy, infusing the water and food with the purity of your Light.

Equinox Message of Encouragement from our Sisters and Brothers of the Light

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/18/2018 - 21:17

Dear Readers,

I asked for a message today that will set our minds at rest over the huge changes that are currently unfolding all over the Planet. This is the message I received:

You are currently experiencing the most powerful influx of the Diamond Light codes ever. Never before Dearest One has the Earth and her people been the recipient of so much Love! It is there for you, for the taking, for your choosing. Realize that you are the co-creator in your reality and it is up to you what you choose to do with this powerful creative energy. It is through your intention and free will to create the reality of your choosing that you bring forth your New 5D Earth reality. But know that with all great change comes a great releasing also of all that which was and is still being mis-appropriated (mis-created) by those who are not yet awake, or fully awakened, to the great shift occurring on the Earth. Therefore be prepared for great changes both within and without as this great releasing takes place.

Within your own energy matrix you are already seeing how much more connected you are to Spirit, and how much clearer your inner Voice is becoming, and how much more intuitive you are becoming as you align more with the Truth held within the chambers of your Sacred Heart, as you BEcome the God/Goddess, Priest/Priestess of your choosing. You have a keener sense of the intense support and unconditional Love that flows from within you, through and around you, from the Almighty I AM Presence, the Father/Mother of your Being.

Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With This Situation

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 11/16/2017 - 07:16

Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With This Situation

The situation that’s concerning you can improve with Archangel Michael’s help. This card serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to get the angels involved, and their assistance will improve everything immediately . . . including giving you inner peace, new ideas, and insights. Michael will help you in ingenious and unexpected ways, so be open to miracles that take on surprising forms.

Possible specific meanings:

  • Know that you’re powerful—you’re not a victim
  • Release any blame for yourself or others
  • Focus upon solutions, not problems
  • Allow other people to help you
  • Keep an open mind to alternative solutions


Dear Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times.

A Special Message From Archangel Michael to You:

The Solar Eclipse Energies ~ A Message From Michael

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/14/2017 - 08:18

I  had a [very real] dream 3 or 4 nights ago where I was being transported along a road and up ahead there was a bend in the road that turned sharply to the left. I clearly heard Michael tell me, “Fasten your seat belt!”  Later on I asked him what the dream meant and I received that the energy of the Solar Eclipse is about delving more into the ‘past’ to clear out all that is not love, and not serving Love in this Now. It’s like a great churning that is happening….. So here is the message I received:

Churning churning churning! All that is not love is rising to the surface. It’s like churning cream to make butter. Eventually the cream separates and you get whey and butter. It’s a time of separating the chaff from the wheat. That is what’s happening now.
Once all that is not love is left behind, we are left embodying more of our sovereign nature, our greatness. And so embrace the churning. It’s uncomfortable I know, but worth it in the end. This time is teaching us to stay focused in our sacred hearts where we are in unison and communion with our higher selves and where we can feel the love and support that is there for us. Listening to the voice of ego will only cause more suffering.

I ask, how do I stay here in this world when I already feel as if I do not belong here, I feel like an alien (haha!). The people here do not think like me, nor do they behave like me. They do not understand me, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to live among them. Best I think if I lived alone….but I know, no man is an island!

Introducing The Worldwide Weekly Fellowship Ring with Archangel Michael and Faith

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/02/2017 - 08:12

Introducing The Worldwide Weekly Fellowship Ring with Archangel Michael and Faith

Join our exciting new Worldwide Weekly Fellowship Ring with Archangel Michael and his Beloved Faith, where we will enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie of like-minded Souls coming together to enjoy laughter and enlightenment.
In this space we will enjoy Community (communication and unity in consciousness) with the Archangels to ask questions and receive answers to whatever subjects come to mind. For example:
  • What is Ascension? What does it mean? Where are we going?
  • What is Consciousness?
  • Communicating with the Higher Realms of Spirit. Is it safe?
  • How to develop the relationship between you and your Higher Self
  • How to go about healing physical relationships
  • The illusions of the 3rd dimension such as Time/Space, Need, Fear, Separation and so forth.
  • What is the difference between illusion and a hologram?
  • Manifesting Abundance and ……….Money!
  • Using the Violet Flame of Transmutation and other Sacred Flames to enhance your life experience
  • The Nature of Oneness
  • The Power of Unconditional Love
  • The Power of Blessing
  • The Power of Gratitude
  • Death ~ What is death? Is there an afterlife? Is it safe there? Should I be scared?
  • What about demons and evil spirits?
  • Is Lucifer real?
  • Who are the Angels and how can they help me in my life? Is it considered blasphemy to pray to them?
  • What does it mean to stand in your power?
  • What does unconditional Love feel like?

The first gathering will take place next Saturday, the 8th July:

Sunday Musings ~ Transcending Fear in the Game of Illusion

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 23:51

Image ~ “My Rocky Mountain” by Deborah Faith

What if your whole life purpose was to transcend fear.  Nothing more, nothing less. What if your fears were all yours and no one else’s? What if your DNA doesn’t contain the fear imprints of your ancestors and what if the ONLY single most purposeful thing every single one of us is doing here is learning to rise above fear?

Nothing brings your vibration down faster than fear. Nothing takes you out of Presence faster than fear.

Everything that is not love has its roots in fear. Everything. Fear is born out of separation consciousness – the thinking of ourselves separate from our Source which is ALL That is Love. Perfect, Pure, Absolute, Unconditional Love.

This separation consciousness causes us to believe we are vulnerable.

Fear is illusion and therefore not real. You can transcend fear by looking at it and erasing it similar to erasing a blackboard in a classroom. The classroom in this instance is the holographic experience of Life itself, as we are projecting it into being or into form, from within our own consciousness based upon our thoughts and beliefs and actions. What if every thought had a life of its own and what if when we give it our energy, it becomes more life-like? What if we could actually bring something into form through our very thought? Are we that powerful?

The answer is yes, we are. The question is do you believe it? Can you comprehend having such power? What if I told you your power is Infinite? Can you even begin to comprehend the meaning of the word “Infinite”?

Integrating the SOLSTICE energy and the energy of the upcoming FULL MOON

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 06/25/2015 - 04:19

Image “Love Mother Earth” from New Heaven New Earth (

We are still in the process this week of integrating the most powerful Solstice energy so far experienced on Planet Earth. Because of the integration still taking place within your energy body, you will most likely be feeling very tired and needing to rest often. Honor these feelings, as your honor your Body, you honor your Self.

You will also be feeling a lot of negative emotions coming to the surface for release. This is happening within you and also within the Collective, so be prepared to feel these negative feelings and know that all you’re needing to do here is to hold the intention of releasing them.

The best way to do this is to go within and sit in meditation with your Higher Self to regain your sense of balance, and sense of peace and harmony within.

Your Higher Self is always helping you integrate the incoming energy and helping you to release anything that rises to the surface for release, so by being in PARTNERSHIP with this part of yourself, you are in a sense making LIGHT work. You are easing the load so to speak, and learning to CO-CREATE by working together towards a common goal and outcome.

Note that you will also most likely be sensitive to the negative energy being released by the Collective, so hold the intention of using the Violet Flame to clear these unwanted and uncomfortable energies. You can do this quite easily whilst sitting in meditation with your Higher Self.

Learn how to reframe FEAR using your Higher Mind

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 05/13/2015 - 08:05

Many are being challenged now to face their biggest fears, and in so doing, they are bringing onto their path some rather large obstacles that can appear to be insurmountable. This is a good thing, believe me. With each Full Moon you are encouraged further to let go, let go, let go!

Letting go of all that heavy baggage that has been holding you down for most of your life is your main priority at this time! It is time now to SOAR to great heights!

Beloved, where you are going requires nothing, no-thing, and certainly no bags. There is no check-in counter! All baggage must be left behind if you are to move forward now into the next phase of your transition.

The Full Moon once again has given you a great big boost of energy to help you let go of all that is not love within your energy body. Make FULL use of this time now before the New Moon on the 18th to let go as much as possible. All this releasing is making way for the NEW when you will once more enter a time of enormous GROWTH. All babies go through growth spurts, and you are no different!

Much like toddlers, you are learning to balance yourself in this New Reality. Fears are just obstacles that the ego creates in an attempt to give you a sense of security, however false that may be. The ego will try to hold you back from spreading your wings because it is afraid you will hurt yourself. It will put walls up and tell you that you cannot do something whilst your heart will whisper “Yes, you can!”

Ask Archangel Michael

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 07:42

In honor and celebration of the opening of the 12:12 portal one year ago, I am offering this special which will run during the holiday season.

AA Michael is a Spiritual guide to all souls incarnated here and he is always willing to help and guide those who ask. He will work together with your Higher Self and Angelic guides and they will provide you with the answers you are looking for right now to help you on your Spiritual journey here.

Please make a donation on our website of $12.12 and send your question via the contact form or with your proof of payment to

In much gratitude and love!


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