awakening heart

Eclipse Energetics: A Profound Time of Healing

Submitted by Anne Rice on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 13:50

Many of us are aware that a highly conscious harmonic light is merging with the lower dimensional planes. To me, it appears as sacred geometrical light forms that can be felt vibrating through my system. It feels as though a restructuring is taking place personally and collectively. Those who have been deeply purifying their perceptions and wounds are receptive to this light and are influenced by it, even if not fully aware of the origin of the feelings or visions it stirs up. It is this intelligent, merciful light that fully illuminates the field of life through our souls once we have cleaned our emotional defenses and perceptions that would have habitually held this light at bay.

This is not to say those on a purification path are the only ones to have light coming through them. The light enters into the field through the conscious openings within everyone, holding all of humanity within it’s visceral energy and information. It feels like Divine Love without limits.

As this new light permeates daily reality, the dark recesses of suppressed information come into the awareness of the masses, which often results in shock, revolts and fear. As disturbing as the realization of the depth of malevolent forces is, new information works to free the tension of unconscious trauma, which is ready to be held in our burgeoning awareness with compassion, and be resolved. We can now individually and collectively bring the hidden fractures within our humanity to this deeply healing light.

What is it inside of you that is longing to be held and healed? 

Connecting with The Voice Within - Your Spiritual Journey

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 15:06

Your Spiritual Journey - Episode 3 - "Connecting With The Voice Within"…

What does it mean to connect with The Still Small Voice within? Every artist throughout history knows this one. That Voice is one's personal connection to the Divine, the source of all Inspiration, where inspiration literally means "to be filled with spirit". It doesn't get any clearer than that.

Most of us feel that such an ability is only for a select few, where in fact hearing that voice used to be commonplace. Being connected to the Divine was natural in earlier times, back in the 5th dimension of consciousness.

Your Spiritual Journey Episode 2 - "Occupy Your Heart"

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 05/31/2015 - 07:09

Your Spiritual Journey Episode 2 - "Occupy Your Heart"
Maurice Turmel PhD…

Physical journeys begin and end but not so with Spirituality. Spiritual journeys are ongoing and take us from one dimension to another in an ever ascending cycle.

We're not here to waste our time, to be victimized or sidelined by the circumstances that befall us.  We're here to get it together and find our way Home. Home is where the heart is and that's where we live once that connection is made.
This episode of Your Spiritual Journey is about connecting with that heart-space - your feeling center. It is where we feel that we live, not where we think. Thinking about our feelings comes after we've accepted them and identified what they mean to us. Without that step there's no getting around to where we actually live.

Then we're on the wheel of karma perpetually falling into one trap or another, traps that we created, to keep us feeling victimized and afraid. Its through self-responsibility that we break this cycle and find our way back to center.
Getting off that wheel requires us to connect with our heart. Every psychotherapist worth his/her salt knows this to be true. Guiding people back to where they "live" - that is where they "feel" - is what happens in the consulting room every day. 

Only by owning and feeling those feelings then allowing ourselves to express them safely can we ever be free of that self-perpetuating karmic cycle.

So, Occupy Your Heart and you will find your way Home.

Your Spiritual Journey - Episode 2 - "Occupy Your Heart"

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 05/28/2015 - 16:51

Your Spiritual Journey Episode 2 - "Occupy Your Heart"
Maurice Turmel PhD…

Physical journeys begin and end but not so with Spirituality. Spiritual journeys are ongoing and take us from one dimension to another in an ever axcending cycle.

We're not here to waste our time, to be victimized or sidelined by the circumstances that befall us.  We're here to get it together and find our way Home. Home is where the heart is and that's where we live once that connection is made.
This episode of Your Spiritual Journey is about connecting with that heart-space - your feeling center. It is where we feel that we live, not where we think. Thinking about our feelings comes after we've accepted them and identified what they mean to us. Without that step there's no getting around to where we actually live.

Then we're on the wheel of karma perpetually falling into one trap or another, traps that we created, to keep us feeling victimized and afraid. Its through self-responsibility that we break this cycle and find our way back to center.

Getting off that wheel requires us to connect with our heart. Every psychotherapist worth his/her salt knows this to be true. Guiding people back to where they "live" - that is where they "feel" - is what happens in the consulting room every day. 

Only by owning and feeling those feelings then allowing ourselves to express them safely can we ever be free of that self-perpetuating karmic cycle.

So, Occupy Your Heart and you will find your way Home.

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