healing and clearing

Energy Update and Feedback on Friday’s Full Moon Workshop

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/26/2018 - 10:43

Energy Update and Feedback on Friday’s Full Moon Workshop

Beloveds, what a wonderful experience our workshop turned out to be! We anchored Light! And we stretched our Light portal even wider than it was before! It matters not that we had some background noises – most of them we edited out anyway! The most important part is that we made a difference once more in the lives of others. If there is one thing we can do as humans it’s making choices that make a positive impact in the lives of others. These are the best choices!

Every little chance we get in life to make a more loving choice –go with that! Choose that! This is how we expand our Light and merge a lttle more with the Presence of the God I AM inside of us in that moment we CHOOSE Light and Love.

Friday’s workshop was phenomenal. Daniela’s work with the Elemental Realm has deepened and she is now working with Elemental Beings from the 9th Dimension. She is also channeling the Masters and she kindly did a channeled reading for each of us who attended the live call.

Daniela got the inspired idea to do a bonus recording for the workshop of the Ascension Chair Ceremony. So we have been gifted with this extra bonus Mp3 and she’s included her singing bowl in the recording. The energies that came through for me listening to it this morning were just phenomenal.

Sunday Musings ~ The Magic of the I AM in action!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/12/2018 - 10:11

Beloveds, isn’t LIFE magical? Life really is meant to be magical! We just get so bogged down by ‘what is’ around us that we fail to see the magic inside of us. We fail to see the whole picture because we get stuck in our minds and forget we have hearts…

Beloveds, the heart is where magic lies. Once we fully embrace a heart based way of life we can begin living as we were meant to live, as one big happy family because we are all connected, all of us. We are all made of the same stuff, intricately and wonderfully made with perfection, and JOY is our natural state of being.

If only we could see that, understand that and believe that, life would be so different. The world would be a different place!

Einstein said , ‘If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.’

You want to know why? Because fairy tales are magical, and they bring out the imagination in people and it is through imagination that we create experience.

Life is all about experiencing stuff. Simply experiencing it. If there is some experience you don’t like you can use your imagination to change it. You have that power. You have that choice.

Energy is alive and waiting to be shaped into whichever experience you wish to give it, and give yourself. That is the joy of creation!

Full Moon Clearing & Healing Workshop with the Goddess of Mercy & Compassion - Lady Kuan Yin & The Dragon Realm on 29th May 2018

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 05/15/2018 - 00:00

Full Moon clearing with Kuan Yin Goddess of Compassion and Mercy

Become The Master of Your Own Energy & Be Your Best Self!


“Greetings Beloveds. It is with great honor and respect for you that I come forth to assist those of you who are awakening in your healing and clearing work, which is much needed now.  As you are reaching higher states of awareness in your evolution, there is much clearing that is needing to take place. For eons of time humanity has been unaware of the sacrifice of the elemental realm in their service work on the physical Earth plane. What is needed now is for humanity to open their hearts to their compassionate nature so that they can embrace one another in love and respect, and also be awakened to the roles played by the elementals in their service to humanity. Until humanity understand the full impact their dissonant energy has on all sentient life, constant healing and clearing work is necessary. It befalls those of you who are awakening to do this healing and clearing work in order to lift the huge amounts of discord unknowlingly created on a daily basis. I come forth to assist you, with much love and gratitude, and I bestow upon you my Essence of Compassion & Mercy for the roles that you have chosen to play, to act as Beacons of Light for all humanity, and thus create a pathway of Light out of the shadows of darkness for our dear Earth.”

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