higher self meditation

Riding the Waves of Ascension with Faith

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 11/14/2016 - 02:29


Faith is believing in that which remains unknown and unseen and it takes faith to step onto a surf board if you're not an experienced surfer! It would be like catching a train not knowing where you will end up. So there may be a little fear lurking in the hidden recesses of your human psyche holding you back from fully embracing this Divine Gift of Ascension.

So you may be experiencing some resistance along the way, like putting off your meditation and daily grounding practice, or you may even decide to read a few romance novels to take your mind off things. Some like me, may indulge in a little comfort food and trust me, there is nothing wrong with that! You are human and it is a wonderful gift being human! So go on, enjoy a pizza and a good romance novel!
There is no rush!! Time is NOT of the essence here. In all reality, your ascension has already happened. It's just taking T I M E to manifest in the dimensions where time has relevance.

Know that Gaia understands this and so do all your Brothers and Sisters of the Light. Don't let yourself be led into the thinking that Gaia is in a hurry to ascend and if you don't make the grade on time she will ascend without you and you'll be left behind somewhere or moved to another 3rd-dimensional Planet in another galaxy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Let me ask you this: Would the Father/Mother abandon their one 'lost' sheep to find its own way home? I'm not going to answer that question for you. Go within your Divine Presence and let God answer it for you. In my experience, Divine Love is indescribable, absolute to say the very least.

We are entering a period for enormous growth potential!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 01:06

We made it! The new moon is here! Phew!!! I can’t speak for others but my Spiritual growth seems to be governed by the waning and waxing of the moon. During the waning stage I’m releasing, and during the waxing stage I’m expanding in Soul consciousness and therefore growing. It is perfectly normal to go through periods of intense growth and other periods when you feel you are going nowhere, so don’t allow anyone to tell you different.

There are those out there who give the impression they are cruising along without experiencing any bumps in the road. Let me tell you it is impossible to grow spiritually in this way. These people are deluding themselves.  If you are truly on a path of spiritual enlightenment, and this is what ascension is all about ~ transcendence of the human consciousness ~ you will experience periods of pure bliss followed by periods of self loathing. The self loathing happens when you have the courage to look at yourself and see ALL THAT IS NOT LOVE within you.

During the periods of self loathing you will find it more difficult to stay in touch with your Divine Consciousness which will cause you further distress. When this happens you will need to make a real effort to sit in silence and meditate to find your inner equilibrium again. For me this is achieved in nature.  Spending an hour or two down by the lagoon helps me enormously. I am blessed to be able to do this. There is a reason why we’ve been guided to move closer to nature because the higher vibrational frequencies of nature are invaluable to us during our spiritual growth.

It’s important to remember during your periods of releasing (all that is not love) not to get caught up in the emotional turmoil and further blame yourself for whatever comes up.

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