left of infinity

In actual thoughts

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/30/2015 - 03:33

In actual thoughts, the attributes which devolves the known perspectives of our lives purposes, is usually advanced by the intellectual concepts gathered from the fabrics (Construct within construct within construct) formally having individual functions which carries on functions of the constructs in sub set deviated fabrics. What contends to supernatural abilities while manifesting coherency on thought "platforms" intellectually gathering the momentum for advances in predispositions, which would be a carry on from the systems at play which are advances made in cosmoses by adaptations of the following up question. Will you accept new notations from ground crew members? Individually this would show we have in extent some propositions on the intellectual drive of/on individuals contemplating universal grids (In cosmoses).

What quarantine's our individual minds, fabrics which shift at a gradual augmentation of frequencies from adjustments which would be inter-played as temporal fluctuations, would be adapting to formal attributes of the core... Which is said by actualization's of "said functions" to multiply in extent our universal venues for a gradual remap* recap* in what we are in (Playing in) individually as a group of souls (Humans, beings) extrovert and introvert within dimensions, conceptualized for us to understand how everything is "managed"... Contemporary the advances made within exemptions of the abnormal attributes would bring about coherency in individuals having symmetrical TRIPs (Transitional Realms in Postulations). What cooperates within us as we unify fields, which are constructs in utilization of ground matter, which is energy in constant motion...?

Mono-Anatomical Flow

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 03/29/2015 - 09:13

Mono-Anatomical Flow

Dispersions in core realities, what gives us time in numerating the grids in higher predispositions on contemplations carried on towards the manufacturing of eventual reaps in postulations which would be regarded as higher intellectual flows for advances on dispersions or predispositions contemporary to fabrics evolving on their own.

In financial abundance what seems to manifest coherent thoughts is bypassed by intellects from the general structure of understandings carried on to preliminary advents, processes inert from individualistic states while bypassing the conformal points in awareness internalized from manifestations within conjunction points in immersive venues for the contact modules.

In excess what corresponds to higher potentialities are given for advances throughout cosmoses which were given for interlinked prospects on occasional flux which adapted formal attributes of star matter while implementing advances for the sub intellectuals of individuals having abnormal features in their natural states of being.

What contends to higher supernatural abilities or prepositions on fractals of enlightenment carried on within advances conformal to attributes bringing up within the sub intellectual fields of individuals, for quadrants of universal thought platforms which would allow the internal combustion (activity) from general synapsis to be evaluated in concert to probability factors which evolved in co-dependent formations, modules in excess for interactions at the corresponding matters from core genesis.


Submitted by Mario on Sun, 03/29/2015 - 02:11


Departure programs, systems adept to physical abductions, compartments in redistributable concepts, emergence of time codes in analytical remaps to cohesive alignments within/after the fall to symmetrical TRIPs (Transitional Realms in Postulations) from systems Alpha Centauri.

World redistributions to physical abductions (conceptions) inert to conceptualizations within contending viewers, aboriginal synapses is enabled for abbreviated concepts within world affairs.

Corona, exodus in physical mappings, contending to the supremum, inert activity from possible future timelines, when and how at manipulation of Tetra, Alpha, Delta, refined matter from physical context…

Star systems copping with multiple dimensional energetic downloads through cords for multiplying codes in the apparatus (Codex) Lineage to advents, key in notable extents to the supremum.

Contending viewers are systematically giving on occasions, the elevation of departure programs.

What seems to correspond from Vero-Indigenous accounts is advents to new telemetric designs given in symmetrical TRIPs, from core intellectuals... On occasions “devious” paramount to exodus in contestants alleviating constructs (energetic cords)… Attachments from neutrality, neutral pull from enlightenment.

Exemptions on world matters, pertaining to aboriginal synapsis from star matter, beings intellectually governing actual demands of correspondences around galactic cores.

Inverted crystallizations, on contemporary fractals of incandescent light workers.

Aboriginal in governing attributes conforming to higher intellectual grids. Extroverted on attempts to actualize in earnest the pretext.

Higher Grid Enactments

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 22:54

Higher Grid Enactments

Probable future timelines are in disposable fractions, seconds beyond what we can attain/learn by choice is conducted at a temporal flux which helps the formations of our genomes to act accordingly. Postulations made at greater length to supress has core dispersions on actual grid type ratio decryptions, which alleviates the temporal flux programs, which are in depth truths, and realities we can work in/to/from by actualizations made in earnest from our surroundings and inner processes.

Actualization of core dispersions are abundant in supernatural orders, borders which can bring about new measures in our own life decisions to actualize grid commands and keep correspondence intact with other grid type users. Defining the intellectual properties of others is a conduit for internal structuralizing, what we depend on the most while conducting some internal affairs, through others is simply intellectual gatherings made for correspondences through experiences gathered at a crossing, (decision point), do I say this or that, do I say nothing… You don’t actually say that in your head but in resonance that’s the matter which are conducted as choices which shifts many things dependently while others are telling a story or speaking of events, or even better ideas.

Now more than ever were in need of assistance, for donations, if anyone whom wants to donate, they can make a simple donation to marars360@hotmail.com. By simplifying the flow which allows us to gather the momentum for these channelings, more so what we need to simply live without the need to worry about taking care of some business unattended.

New Earth

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 12/03/2014 - 10:43

New Earth

Time transportations are given for attributes to connect means of a higher order in humans partaking in galactic missions on this Earth.

Exempts are casual in a selective reuptake. What this means is the devotions have created means of a quarantine for individualized basis of interplanetary shocks.

The mentions of these parts are in correspondence to information gathered at zeroing out these energetics.

Numbers have means of selective inquiries for glyroglyphs in past advents. They have constructed a means of communication with higher intelligences in the fabrics of the human genome and its energetic bodies. The selection of these are quarantined for individuals playing out creations in a mapping of inquiries within the rectangular shape.

They are conceived incidences of energy sources responding to fabrications of laws given in time for a function to intellectualize the remnants of this knowledge for rises to new templates in the human genome.

Frequencies have gathered at zero point energetics and surreal attempts to shut these down has cause a fabrication of transporting individuals to new selective inquiries within the remnants of their thoughts.

They balance out neutral energy for a gathering of momentum in what we would term setbacks.

Compartments of these have crystallized a feedback for restoration phases to arrive at better times in synapsing waves interlocking grids between templates as above so below.

Given time being we will rise in correspondences to the intellects foremost awareness that compromises within the rectangular shape...

Energy constructed in these are going to achieve a resemblance in compartments individualized trough levels of knowledge crystallizing trough skulls.

The attempts are foremost surreal to acquaintances from the future individuals mapping out these constructs.

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