Libra New Moon

OCTOBER 19TH 2017 – NEW MOON IN LIBRA at 2:12pm CD

Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 10/18/2017 - 23:07


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Libra Full Moon is a powerful one… it opposes Uranus.  Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love and Uranus is the great Awakener, the revolutionary, and all about Change!   This New Moon cycle is focused on relationships!  Relationships of all kinds…your personnel one’s with lovers, friends, work relationships etc.  Expect some changes to happen in some of these areas!  The changes could be in many arenas and can happen as quickly as a lightning bolt….. or as an awakening when you realize that you are no longer vibrating where this “person/person’s”  are vibrating and you find that you must move on….gently….but you must move!  I have spoken mainly about personnel relationships here so far….but relationships with CEO’s, Presidents and Congress, other countries and other countries leaders etc. etc. also fall into these changes.   This also includes boss’s or owners of companies that exploit people (mostly sexually), for their own advantages.  As Jupiter and Mercury are also sitting with this New Libra Moon and they are in Scorpio and Scorpio rules Sex!   It is interesting as Jupiter (one meaning is expansion) entered Scorpio…… the Harvey Weinstein (American film producer) scandal broke out!   We are in a time of radical change assisting our Evolution…and as above (the planets energies), so below (the Earth)…..we can see it being played out almost daily!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 09/30/2016 - 12:36


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Libra New Moon is the second New Moon in September. When there is 2 New Moons in a month it is referred to as a Black Moon. Most people are unaware of the second New Moon in a month because basically… we cannot see a New Moon. It is dark. The Black Moon has only recently been acknowledged… so it’s meaning is still being worked out. I think it gives us an extra opportunity to go deep into ourselves and to not only Meditate, but to Create and Manifest what it is that we want to see in “the New”…..”our New” what we want it to look like…what we want to become our “New” reality!!! It is as if the Universe is giving us another opportunity to do this….especially after the power packed September we have had so far!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 09/24/2014 - 17:53

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

New Moons bring new beginnings, and in Libra it is a great time for new beginnings in relationships, creativity and to bring balance into all areas of your lives.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!   This New Moon energy last more than a  day and half on each side of the peak, as it happens within hours of the Fall Equinox…. therefore overlapping the two events/energies and blending them together……. increasing the duration of the Energies. 

This Libra new Moon is about balance, love, creativity, relationships (all types of relationships), equal give and take, the law, and the arts. Libra is ruled by Venus….and therefore has the qualities of love, creativity, committed relationships of all types, diplomacy, balance, the peacemaker and “open enemies” (meaning, people that we have to be around and deal with even though we know that they might be an enemy.)  Being in balance is a key word here  It is also central in Mayan cosmology….. along with the ancient indigenous peoples…. making Venus a very important planet, during this New Moon.   With this Libra New Moon manifest….true Balance in all areas and Love……..Peace is the result!!! 

This New Moon in Libra is a quiet New Moon, with a feeling of stillness around it……. as it doesn’t make any major aspects, to any of the planets.   A perfect New Moon to manifest your desires, your “new”……to manifest love and to manifest Peace! 

Even though it is a quiet New Moon……it is happening on the Super Galactic Center….and that is actually saying a lot….symbolizing a shift in consciousness for both ourselves and the collective!

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