manifesting money

Open the door to Love and Abundance Consciousness!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/17/2017 - 08:22


Opening the Door to Love and Abundance!

We had a wonderful and successful Fellowship Ring this past Saturday on the subject of Abundance. The call lasted almost 2 hours and I’m sure we could have spoken for much longer on this subject.

The message on Abundance is a simple one, and one that we are all familiar with at this stage of the game. It’s simply a matter of putting what we know into practice.

Our main point of focus must now be IN our HEART and BE’ing in that space, because we are now embodying more of our True Nature than ever before. So if you think about it, then it makes perfect sense why the old ways of manifesting are no longer working. We now have to be CONGRUENT and in total alignment with our True Nature, which is Love!

Love is all there is!  And our Higher Self, whom we are becoming and embodying more and more of each day, IS DIVINE PERFECT LOVE. And, it is INFINITE and all powerful in its Divine Nature. And it is perfectly ABUNDANT!

So what does this mean for you and I? It means that we have to BE PRESENT and in the space of ALLOWING Love to be made manifest within us at all times.

And how do we do this? Well, the easiest way to explain it is that when we allow Love to be made manifest, we are allowing our Hearts to rule. We basically give free reign to our Higher Self / True Self / God Self / Greater Self etc., whatever label you wish to give your Higher Consciousness.

And then once we have given our Greater Self free reign, we are to LET GO and ALLOW our lives to unfold by staying IN THE VIBES of Love or above.

Today's Fellowship Ring is ALL about MANIFESTING!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 07/15/2017 - 00:31


Today's Fellowship Ring is ALL about MANIFESTING!

Some people, myself included, have been feeling the pinch as far as manifesting money goes. I keep arguing with my Higher Self and telling him that he doesn’t understand how difficult it’s been lately to manifest money in order to have the basics, but he does understand. He knows only too well because he is basically walking in my shoes with me these days.

So today Archangel Michael will share with us everything to do with abundance consciousness and how to go about manifesting, not just money, but EVERYTHING!

Join us today, Saturday the 15th, at 10am EST for approximately 1 hour on Skype. The cost is $25 to join the group, and greatly appreciated at this time! But if you can’t afford the payment then please join us anyway. Don't let the lack of money stand in your way!

If you would like to make your payment, please visit the link below:

Have a BE-YOU-tiful day! We Love You!



IN-Lightenment ~ Returning to The State of Divine Love and Oneness Within

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 04/25/2014 - 00:55

archangel michael trinity of blessings attunement

Today I received this testimonial from someone who asked to be attuned to Archangel Michael’s Trinity of Blessings just 8 days ago:

“I feel so very blessed and already shifts have started to happen in my life. For the first time in a very long time I feel at peace and yet joyful. I love myself again and this allows me to fully love others.”

It always makes my heart sing with Joy when I get testimonials like this, because by doing what I am doing, I am following my Heart and doing what I love to do and I AM blessed. There is no other way Beloveds. The other road is a difficult one, full of struggle and strife. Some argue and say, “Love isn’t going to feed my husband or pay the bills”, and I’m here to tell you this, “Yes, it is.”

In case you are not aware, the attunement introduces people to working with the energy of Divine Love. With this energy comes Peace and Joy. When you have Divine Love in your life, you will always have Peace and Joy – they are part and parcel of the same energetic frequency.

When you live in this vibration, you automatically live in the Flow of Creation as you return to the State of Divine Love and Oneness within your Self.

We are no longer having to ‘attract’ what we want and need in our lives because we are co-creating it! How are we doing that? By returning to a state of BE-ing Divine Love.

Pleiadian Teachings ~ On Manifestation: State of mind is the name of the game here.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 13:16

Thought comes first. Experience is always secondary. It is never the other way around – that you have the experience and then you base the thought around it. Always your experience is a direct reflection of what you are thinking.

Your thoughts form your world all of the time. You must, as a species, make it your intention to stay very clear, to stay centered, and always to bring yourself into the moment. Stop living in the future or living in the past, and always live in your NOW. Say to yourself, “What do I want? I want to accelerate my personal evolution. I want Spirit to assist me in a greater capacity. I want my body to regenerate itself.  I want to emanate health. I am willing to give up difficulty so that I can be a living example of what humanity can be.” It is this line of thinking – this commanding for your being and calling out what you want with clarity, that brings you everything in acceleration.

When you go to a restaurant and order something you want, the chef prepares it and the waiters bring it to you. You order it; however, you don’t make it. Somehow the cooks or the spiritual energy make it, you select it to be put before you. It will not be put before you unless you go into the restaurant and order it in the first place. So you are responsible for it and you pay for it.

Life is the same way, life is like a restaurant. Learn how to order what you want from life like you do in a restaurant and trust that, because you ordered it, it will be put before you. When you go into a restaurant, you don’t worry over every item and wonder whether or not you deserve to have it. Well sometimes you do. Sometimes you say. “Well, I don’t deserve to have that. It costs $15 dollars. I can only have something that costs $7 or less.”

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