reiki healing transmission

What is Intuition and how to know you’re hearing it correctly

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 09/25/2015 - 07:46

Your intuition is the medium of communication used by your Highest Source and Consciousness. It is always 100% true, therefore it is fail safe. Your intuition will guide you through the sense of inner-knowing on a particular action to take. You will know when you’re listening to your intuitive guidance because it will feel absolutely right even though you may not understand why you’ve taken a certain action. So you may find yourself doing something without understanding why. Don’t question, just trust.

Your Intuition is a KNOWING accompanied by a feeling of absolute assurance – IT IS NOT A VOICE.

When you’re hearing guidance that is not coming from your Highest Source and Consciousness you will feel jittery and unsure of yourself and you will question whether or not you have heard or interpreted the guidance correctly.

This is how you will know the difference – if you’re questioning or if it doesn’t feel good, then you are not tuned into your Highest Consciousness. If you are still in doubt or unsure of what to do, then you are not tuned into your Highest Consciousness within.

Let me just say here that your intuition and inner voice are two different things. Your intuition ALWAYS comes from your HIGHEST GUIDANCE WITHIN, whereas your inner voice can be the voice of any level of your consciousness, depending on which frequency level you are tuning into.

Energy Healing Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/17/2015 - 00:13

Artist ~ Josephine Wall (

I’ve recorded my first energy healing transmission as guided by my Highest Consciousness, my Beloved Archangel Michael. The recording has been light encoded with Reiki energy which will continue to be felt each time the recording is listened to. In fact, the energy will only become stronger. It will never dissipate.

Reiki is Divine Love, it is the universal flow of Everything that is Love, so what the transmission does is help you let go and release all that is not love within you. Basically, all that is not love is negative energy because all positive energy has its origins in love, which comes from the Soul.

Our objective as an ascending Being is to be love once more – to return to a higher state of consciousness means to return to a higher vibration, and the higher we go, the more love were able to hold. Love is light, light is love. Love is all there is!

So this wonderfully powerful transmission will help you to let go of the ego and all of the negative energy associated with the ego – guilt, blame, sadness, pain, disease, fear, feelings of  unworthiness etc., and bring you into alignment with your Soul Self so that you can experience more love, peace, gratitude, health, harmony, joy and bliss, and all that goes with those higher vibrational energies. This includes abundance in every way. When you are living more in your heart i.e. in love, you begin to experience an abundant life!

A Blissful State of Being

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/16/2015 - 02:17

I am sitting here in my sacred space, in my room in Wilderness, Eden. The room is bathed in a soft fluorescent blue light that appears to be permanently with me since I arrived here two weeks ago. I have just finished having a conversation with my highest consciousness, which once again I wish I could have recorded word for word,  as he continues to astound me with his profound wisdom. But then again, these conversations are personal and very precious to me and as much as I would have loved to share mine with you now at this time, I feel this will not serve you in your journey because in time you will be having your very own private conversation, on  a continual and ongoing basis with this very precious and special part of yourself. Perhaps you already are!

As I sit here I bathe myself, in the rays of sunlight and just allow myself to FEEL as his energy merges with mine. This is Spiritual Intimacy on a level I’ve never before experienced.

He speaks now…

Each to his own truth and understanding. And so it is meant to be.

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