Talyaa Liera

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for October 2018 via Talyaa Liera — The Reckoning

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Mon, 10/01/2018 - 17:44

The Reckoning: Solara’s State of the Planet, October 2018

Many of you are aware of the great upheaval currently taking place across your planet. This upheaval manifests in many ways, not the least of which is what will result a total and complete shift in the power dynamic between you. What has long been held in the confines of the Wounded Masculine is moving towards a state of balance between Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. This shift in power dynamic is what will create the state of unity and harmony that so many of you envision.

The steps along the way will be arduous. You will at times become disillusioned with the process. You will question your ability to make a difference. You will question the point of everything. 

But take heart, people of Earth! A reckoning is at hand and it begins this month, to continue for many years.

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for September 2018 channeled by Talyaa Liera — You Make Me Feel Brand New

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Sat, 09/01/2018 - 17:53

You Make Me Feel Brand New — Solara’s State of the Planet Forecast for September 2018

You’ve probably already felt the deep undercurrent of excitement buzzing just beneath the surface of the planet, haven’t you? It affects every human interaction. It affects every thought, every hope, every desire. Yes, we are on the cusp of great change, change so great that it is as if the world were turning itself inside out.

Secrets of the Whales

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Sun, 08/05/2018 - 15:02




"Whales and other cetaceans such as dolphins and orcas want humans to know that they will be increasingly attempting to gain attention by intentional beachings, getting tangled in fishing lines, and swimming outside their normal traffic ways. This is because as the largest of sentient species, they take it upon themselves to help acquaint other species such as humanity with universal wisdom.

Whales are in contact with off world species. Whales are a much older species than humans and have a different perspective on life and evolution than humans do. They are far less short sighted and far more interested in growth and evolution than humans are. 

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for August 2018 via Talyaa Liera — Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 13:41

Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose

At some point in your life, you have probably pondered questions such as “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?”. You may even have answered these questions for yourself and made life choices based upon those answers. You may still be seeking answers. Some people spend a lifetime seeking answers to these questions.

This month, collective humanity will undergo a reset. Last month you entered into new collective soul agreements, and this month it’s as if you are starting over from a new standpoint brought upon by those new collective soul agreements.

Solara's State of the Planet for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera -- New Global Soul Agreements

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Sun, 07/01/2018 - 15:16

New Global Soul Agreements

Hold onto your hats, dear ones! You are about to enter a new dimension of reality, a new way of experiencing life on Earth, and a new way of experiencing yourself in your own body.

In short, this month begins a New World. A whirlwind of activity starts this month that brings global humanity much closer to its Destiny of harmony and understanding. And this month, you get to feel a glimpse of what this ultimate Destiny is like. You get to help co-create the burgeoning fields of love and hope by radiating your own desires and heart-whispers out into the universe. They are more powerful than you can imagine.

All of this is because humanity is entering into new global soul agreements and accords. On a soul level, every person helps co-create the reality we share that we call Earth. We do this in harmony with every other be-ing on the planet: animals, birds, insects, fishes, cetaceans, bacteria, plants, fungi, rocks, rivers, oceans — every single be-ing.

Solara's State of the Planet June 2018 energy forecast via Talyaa Liera — The Work Begins

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Fri, 06/01/2018 - 16:23

The Work Begins — Solara's State of the Planet June 2018

The Work Begins: Solara’s State of the Planet, June 2018

You are probably ready for a change by now — change in yourself, change in your relationships and work, change in the world. You look at the world around you and you want something to be different — ANYTHING, really — because you feel there is something truly wonderful welling up from underneath that isn’t yet reflected in the reality you experience.

Solara's State of the Planet May 2018 -- The Tide Turns

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Tue, 05/15/2018 - 16:18


The Tide Turns: Solara’s State of the Planet, May 2018

Imagine you’ve been on a roller coaster — for years. You’ve weathered ups and downs and often you felt thrown this way and that by the forces in your life, but you’ve come through your endlessly long ride like a pro. Now you’re ready to get off the ride and get on with your life.

Off the Roller Coaster

What you’ll feel from energies in the month of May 2018 is much like what it feels like when you disembark from a very long roller coaster ride. You’re relieved to get off the ride and get on with your life. You’re elated from the excitement of having navigated lengthy periods of enormous ups and downs. And you feel extremely wobbly, as if the ground underneath your feet still buckles and isn’t yet solid.

The roller coaster you were on was a magical world — it was nothing like your ordinary reality. Now that you’re back on the ground, you remember what it feels like to be real. You’re no longer twisting and turning in the air, hands up and mouth screaming with a delicious mixture of delight and fear. No, you’re on solid ground now. You can get on with your life. The ride is finally over.

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