Telekinetic Exchanges

Transformative Cause of Assembly

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 01/29/2018 - 07:49

Transformative Cause of Assembly


We wish (Portend) to actual changes (Make Changes) that have occured in the Past, by allocations of Quantum Targeting (By better terms which should come about in the Future, these words should change accordingly “The Terms” Namaste).


Core Exchanges of the groups which are connected (In which we are connected To or Towards “With Intent” and for Purpose). There are advances which are keeping us in a cylindrical propositional feedback grid, which allocates data (Intelligence aka, consciousness/Frequencies/Vibratory states - Adjustments) by portended changes which have happened in the past. Now we can come to a conclusion (Conclude How) this has happened in the past. This Being, The here and now, to “There” (Was concerned by the effects of things that happened in the past while shifting in states of awareness through multiple structures of channeled material - “Read on Out” from within).


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