Archangel Michael presents a Tele-Web Class on Manifesting Wealth in the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth
Please join Archangel Michael and myself as he shares his Wisdom, Power, and love with us on Saturday, the 8th October, to assist us in moving forward into a more productive and abundant life in the higher frequencies of the New Earth.

Archangel Michael Speaks:
Greetings Beloveds! It gives me great pleasure to be with you All. I am always available to guide those who are willing students and participants in the Great Planetary Shift in Consciousness now occurring on your Planet.
You are, as co-habitants of Planet Earth, in the process of moving towards a whole new way of BEing and this means that whatever may have worked for you before, no longer works anymore. This is due to the energetic shifts that are occurring on your Planet.
Presently Earth is receiving the highest incoming Light frequencies ever experienced. This precious energy is building what can be likened to a quantum field of energy from which all manifestation occurs. This Quantum Field is the Creative Energy of your New Earth!