venues at/from dispersions

Brain Waves

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 03/12/2015 - 22:49

(Written around March 2nd) *The two first paragraphs are for clearings individually you'll notice in time what they were for if your accustomed to my messages.

Brain Waves

Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta

From those concurrent nodes, utilizations of the frequencies in which our brains can work has predispositions towards functions of the higher realms while we create or similarly go into simultaneous processes which interacts within our meditation, a form of contact in utilizations of the different frequencies in which we can be in, have as concurrent nodes adjacent to infinity, concepts which helps alleviate the formations in which our brains activity can correspond from alpha/theta to delta, in meaningful process in which we can go into, and activate inner potentialities of some deeper processes in which the brain can get to from utilizations and corresponding creations utilizing memory, inner visuals, and transcription/creation in attempts to fabricate a trance, by which we can attain, some life altering experiences, for abilities and much more…

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