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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report ~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 04/11/2012 - 09:52


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report ~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings ~ Ready to remember who you are? Ready to go on/back to your Galactic Family? YEEHAWW... Get ready for tears of joy... take out your tissues... and yes, say: finally!



from One of All



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~10~12 Our Efforts are Being Successfully Felt Across the Planet~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 16:12

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~10~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Our Efforts are Being Successfully Felt Across the Planet~



 Photo by Brenda M.

~StarSeed Looking to the Skies~ He Know's what's coming~


Greetings Love Beings, again we have arrived at alot of energetic movement. Right Now, everyone is moving into alignment for the Next set of Intense energies. Our Craft and the Surrounding Planets, will continue to beam in ever increasing energies. We see Our efforts are being successful, as more and more are now turning away from the illusionary lies on the Planet and are now focusing on what is really happening. This is Wonderful News and is a Sign that we are well on our way to the many changes such as Global Abundance, New Technologies, True Equality and so much more. All of what we are to bring forth for all of You is Your's By Divine Birthright.



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-10-2012 ~ WE’re ONE Living Planet ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 14:12


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-10-2012 ~ WE’re ONE Living Planet ~



As ONE, we’re moving on... As One, we’re here for All... As One, we only See the Love All is. It’s time to ship the oars... Humanity is Ready. Go with the Flow that’s coming and don’t mind about direction... it is given and perfect. Your True Self is guiding! Truly, sit and breathe in All Love that is, and breathe out all your past... it’s gone. It does not matter if you think it’s not here... it is. Start living it and the veil will fall down in front of your eyes like a shadow in front of the Sun.

Our Beloved Planet, Terra, is smiling... no matter what, She knows... and smiles. No matter what... She’s on Her path and Loves your choice to come along... in LOVE.


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 04-08-12

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 12:42


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Greetings Love Beings and Happy Resurrection!



This one was here yesterday night, I only have a cell phone so the image is quite far away. It actually staid in place for about 15 minutes, appearing and disappearing every minute or so. In the end, before cloaking again, he moved a litttle bit, that’s why the image is not so still anymore, I tried to follow him. This is one of our Scoutships. Love you, ANdReA



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~7~12 ~ Welcome to the Standstill ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/07/2012 - 18:55

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~7~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Welcome to the Standstill ~


~Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine ~

~Welcome Love and Light Cloud Ship!


Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday we announced that the acceleration button had been pushed. Of course when that occurred the energies that are in resistance had to create something,  So today we get a Pause. Welcome to the Standstill. What this also means, is that we have many right now needing to make a choice whether to Follow the Path of Love or continue on in the illusion. This is like a Pause day to see which way they will go. So, basically we are all waiting. WE say we are all waiting because we are all in this together. Aware or unaware we are all in this together as One Family under God. Our Intention is to have as many make it through this transition as Possible.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – Don't go back to sleep ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 04/07/2012 - 16:34


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – Don't go back to sleep ~





Greetings Love Beings,


All seems to sleep... interesting low EQs ratio today... volcanos sleep... weather is mostly quiet... sun is resting... and as I refuse to post man made disasters ment to increase fear rate (as if it was not already enought)... here’s you daily Galactic Earth Report. Thus, one recomandation... don’t fall asleep as well, you’ve already been asleep for so long, there’s really no need in going back, even in a day where energies seem to be low... keep on creating, keep smiling... and please, please, please... don’t be afraid! Of nothing, first of all, don’t be afraid of GOD. GOD=LOVE’s not here to judge you, or punish you, or show you all your mistakes... LOVE’s here to embrace you, hug you, share with All of You.

Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 04-07-12

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 04/07/2012 - 13:11


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?



photo taken by ANdRea in Lugano


Greetings Love Beings!

I’d like to make some more clarification about the issue of a false flag going to occur, of course my words might not appear to be any different from any others, however, just to make things clear... rest is up to you: those called illuminati, or cabal... oh boy... they are ages far away from our crafts! Our crafts are consocius beings and not metal made ships, though quite advanced if confronted with the technology you’re used to... they simply cannot compete.

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~6~12 We have Now Pushed the Acceleration Button~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 17:38


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~6~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~We have Now Pushed the Acceleration Button~


 Photo By Bruna Taken today over Milan Italy time 11:07pm ~One Scout Ship Floating in Plain View



Greetings Love Beings, As Promised we successfully broke through all the resistant energies last night and now we resume bringing in more intense energy.  We have now pushed the acceleration button. What this means is All is a Go and Here we Go. There is no stopping us NOW. We are Full Speed Ahead. Synchronostically, during these same moments of our Breakthrough the Sun sent 3 blasts. We are still waiting the results to see if indeed these are Earth directed. We will have to See.


Earth Allie Dawn Christine~ Sky Report:

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