The Healers Journal

How to Deal With Difficult Emotions (and See the Wisdom Within Them)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/25/2014 - 11:05

HJ: Difficult emotions can be doorways to deep self healing and awareness, but they can also be uncomfortable and so we tend to suppress or try to escape them… but, counterintuitively, accepting and embracing them is the key to having them pass rapidly and being able to see the wisdom that they contain for us.  Asking yourself the question, “Why am I having this reaction to this situation?” or going even deeper, “What must I believe is true in order to be having this reaction?” will allow you to discover the root cause of the negative emotion.  As you then begin to heal this part of yourself, the negative emotion stops arising altogether.  However, in order to understand where it comes from in the first place, you must not suppress or escape, you must accept what is happening knowing there is great wisdom within it for you.  Acceptance is ultimately the key to freedom, healing and full liberation of consciousness.

- Truth

The Power of Befriending Our Feelings

A Middle Path Between Avoiding Feelings and Fueling Them

By John Amodeo, Ph...


11 Techniques to Stay Emotionally Centered and Calm With Difficult Family Members

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/24/2014 - 12:25

HJ: The funny thing about family is that they trigger within us the most deeply held limiting beliefs, emotional patterns and wounds, so while it can be extremely frustrating, it can also be a way to identify your most deeply hidden patterns for rapid healing.  Most people just immediately react emotionally, but if you pause and ask yourself instead, “What must I believe is true about myself in order to be reacting to this?” or “What pattern is this person triggering within me?” or something along those lines you can quickly identify the source of the emotional issues you are facing.

Point in case, someone can only trigger you to the extent that you hold limiting beliefs and emotional blockages around a given issue/topic/situation.  So if you are being triggered, it means something is there.  Instead of reacting at the person doing the triggering, look within and discover the wound.  Then by using many of the techniques and articles outlined on this site, you can begin the process of self-healing and never be triggered again!

- Truth

Holiday Emotions – 11...


6 Powerful Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 11:15

HJ: Intuition is like a muscle — it gets stronger the more you use it.  And it also requires trust in oneself and the larger principles that govern intuition.  The fact is that we are constantly receiving intuitional messages but most of us are so used to not listening to them and instead relying on our logical minds that they go unnoticed (in a sense).  Those just getting started or learning to live solely from their intuition must begin an ‘experiment’ of sorts.  You must suspend doubt and disbelief for a time and begin to follow the voice of the heart no matter where it leads you — trusting all will work out beautifully — and then experience for yourself firsthand the flow of intuition and how beautifully it always works out.  Then your first hand experience will create the trust you need to turn your life over to it.  And that, my friends, is when things get magical.

- Truth

Six Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Natural Intuition

Spirit Wisdom


How to Begin Consciously Creating the Extraordinary Life You Deserve

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/22/2014 - 11:05

HJ: Your life is a direct reflection of the sum total of beliefs, emotions and thoughts you have had since birth.  Change your beliefs, emotions and thoughts and your life will transform in direct proportion.  There is no other rule.  What you hold to be true in your heart and mind becomes your reality.  This article is about shifting your heart, mind and reality powerfully and quickly.  Enjoy.

- Truth

The Key To Consciously Creating The Life You Want And Why Most People Keep On Experiencing The Same Old Circumstances

By Robert Spadinger | Everything is Within


The power to consciously create whatever you want and whatever you can believe in lies already within you and the process of conscious creation is actually very simple:


The 5 Keys to Creating Unshakable Peace of Mind in Your Everyday Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/21/2014 - 11:05

HJ: What if you could turn down (or completely off) the mental chatter that runs through your mind day in and day out?  You can.  And this fantastic article gives you many powerful techniques and principles to help get you there and get you there quickly.  But like anything in life, making it a reality for you is as close as a simple decision.  That, combined with the excellent wisdom and guidance in this article, are enough to get you very close to your goal.

- Truth

Want Peace of Mind? Answer This Question

By Manal Ghosain | One With Now


Calm contended peace … a life free of struggle … everything flows with ease. Who doesn’t want that?

We all aspire to have less struggle and more peace in our lives...


How to Free Your Mind From Cultural Programming (and Get Back Into the Natural Flow of Happiness and Joy)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 12:20

HJ: Since the moment you were born, society has been both intentionally and unintentionally programming you to think, act and behave in certain ways that are not necessarily for your highest good.  Part of the journey of becoming fully conscious is recognizing this and beginning the process of reverting back to your true, unconditioned self.  This article can be a big step in that direction for many people.  It lays out some fundamental principles of what we all must essentially do in order to get back to who we really are — vessels for unconditional love and authentic self-expression.  Enjoy.

- Truth

8 Ways to Free Your Mind and Take Back Control of Your Life

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel



How To Bend Your Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 12:15

HJ: Reality is subjectively experienced and created.  The truth is that we have far more power over every facet of our life experience than we realize.  It is so real and true to every last detail of our beliefs and emotions that it can frequently seem as if it is out of our control, because most of us are not aware of the myriad beliefs and perceptions we hold because they are so deeply ingrained into our psyche.  They literally form the basis of our experience of reality and therefore they go unseen and unquestioned because we believe they ARE reality.  Only through turning our gaze within and observing these patterns can we begin to deconstruct what we believe and bend our reality to our will through the restructuring of the most fundamental levels of our consciousness.  It sounds more complicated than it is, believe me.  The biggest stumbling block for most people is the steadfast clinging to their model of the world, even if it doesn’t serve them.  The only truly necessary ingredients to be successful are a desire to change and a willingness to let things that no longer serve you go.  A bit of motivation always helps...


How to See the Beauty and Good in All of Your Experiences

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 11:25

HJ: One of the most fundamental measures of a persons level of consciousness is the degree to which they realize everything is perfect just as it is.  As you become more conscious you can begin to see beyond the illusions of duality and realize that everyone is experiencing exactly what they need for their growth and expansion and themselves created in every single moment.  And that the entire world is the most complex symphony and dance between the collective creations of each and every individual person combined.  And therefore all is as it should be and, of course, the key to improving the human condition is then the healing of each and every person individually.  We all contribute our own little piece to the collective reality and it is the cumulative momentum and trends in consciousness that create the larger scenarios and patterns we see on the world stage.  To shift into a state in which you can see the beauty and good in all of your experiences provides you with instant liberation from further suffering and struggle in your life.  Challenges are inevitable, but struggle and suffering are optional.

This art...


7 Creativity Boosting Hacks You Can Learn From the World’s Most Creative People

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/17/2014 - 11:30

HJ: Creativity is the essence of being human, and therefore to increase your creativity is to live more fully.  Whether or not you believe it or realize it (although I would imagine as a Healers Journal reader you absolutely do realize and believe it), you create your life day in and day out.  To become more creative is to become more masterful at living, at expressing the essence of who you are.  And it is with great pleasure that we present this little gem of an article outlining seven wonderful practices to help you do just that.

- Truth

7 Rituals You Should Steal from Extremely Creative People

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


“Creativity is just connecting things.  Wh...


How to Turn Your Dreams and Goals From Wishful Thinking Into Your Everyday Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/16/2014 - 12:10

HJ: How do you actualize your dreams and life goals?  How do you transform them from ethers in your imagination to your tangible everyday reality? There are many philosophies in this regard but when all is said and done, Nanice Ellis has done a wonderful job of summarizing the primary core principles of pretty much all the best dream and goal achievement techniques that I have ever seen.

- Truth

Manifesting Your Grand Dream

By Nanice Ellis | Wake Up


In my recent article Living The Grand Dream, I wrote about how we each possess a key for personal transformation ...


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