Higher Perspective

Breaking News: Scientists Think 2 New Earth-Sized Plants Exist Beyond Neptune

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/16/2015 - 23:13

Scientists shocked the world today by announcing that they believe there could be at least two large, Earth-sized planets that exist beyond the orbit of Pluto. These objects are called ETNOs, or Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects.

There have been many dwarf planets found in the outer reaches of our solar systems, but nothing like what they believe these planets might be.

“This excess of objects with unexpected orbital parameters makes us believe that some invisible forces are altering the distribution of the orbital elements of the ETNOs, and we consider that the most probable explanation is that other unknown planets exist beyond Neptune and Pluto,”...


Scientists: Humans Have Pushed Earth Past 4 Of 9 “Planetary Boundaries”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/16/2015 - 08:23

A new paper published on Thursday in the journal Science concludes that the Earth is going to cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings in the coming decade. The 18 researchers involved attempted to gauge the breaking points of Earth’s environment, that is how far we can push the planet before it begins to become inhospitable for us and other species.

According to the paper, we have already crossed four of nine “planetary boundaries,” which include the rate of extinction, deforestation, the alteration of the atmosphere by pouring carbon dioxide itno it, and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous from agriculture into the ocean.

“What the science has shown is that human activities – economic growth, technology, consumption – are destabilizing the global environment,” said Will Steffan...


Do You Live In The Orange Zone? Your Constitutional Rights Don’t Apply

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 11:19

The United States Constitution – it’s the final word of the law from sea to shining sea. But according to the American Civil Liberties Union, if you live within 100 miles of the US border, be it sea or land, your constitutional rights don’t fully apply to you. Specifically, the fourth Amendment of the Constitution.

The fourth amendment, for those who haven’t studied civics in a while, is:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

But according to the United States government, basic constitutional principles do not apply at our borders, or so-called “ports of entry...

The Truth About Long Hair, Spiritual Power, And Why Natives Kept Long Hair

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/14/2015 - 13:22

lnghrIn Native cultures, men and woman are recognized by the length and glory of their hair. The cutting of hair by oppressors has long represented the submission and defeat of a People, through humiliation. The way a People comb (the Alignment of thought), braid (the Oneness of thought), tie (the Securing of thought) and color (the Conviction in thought), their Hair is of great significance.  Each hair style represents a different frame of mind.

Hair is largely believed by them to be an extension of your thoughts.  Hair styles are especially important for they portray and announce participation in various events. Your hair style indicates your state of merriment or mourning at a given time, whether you’re marriageable or married, your age, and tribal status.  It is a representation of your feelings and your life situation.

Different styles signify the Tribe one belongs to and are worn to indicate times of peace or war...


Scientists May Have Discovered A New Species Of Cannabis In Australia

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/13/2015 - 15:00

Blue Mountain, NSW, Australia

Scientists at the University of Sydney have announced that they may have found another, what would be a fourth, species of cannabis in the Blue Mountains of Australia. The discovery took place back in 2010 when a group of hikers found a plant that resembled cannabis. From there, a series of tests were conducted on the plant that proved it to be cannabis.

“When we first received the plant, we were very skeptical about its relation to cannabis,” says researcher Christopher Pool. “It has somewhat similar growth structure but the leaves look nothing like cannabis leaves.”

But the results of the test showed that it was indeed cannabis, and that this species is resistant to freezing temperatures. The plant also grows more like a shrub than the archetypal candelabra shape of most cannabis strains.


More Good News For Anti-Monsanto Activists

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/13/2015 - 14:58

Monsanto, the gigantic biotech corporation largely responsible for forcing GMO crops on consumers and farmers has taken a major hit as its earnings fell 34% in the last quarter of 2014. This is partially attributed to more farmers in South America rejecting their franken-crops and more people realizing the potential dangers of GMO crops.

Monsanto’s overall revenue fell more than 8% to $2.87 billion during the fourth quarter due to lower sales of corn and herbicides. Additionally, Monsanto shares have dropped 3% since the beginning of 2014, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 index climbed more than 8%.

This news adds to an already dim picture for Monsanto. The company has been at the center of major controversy over the use of its genetically modified seeds. Monsanto has also gained a ton of bad press for filing 145 lawsuits...


This Art Student Got Cancer Of The Pineal Gland. His Art Took An Amazing Turn!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 12:15


Shawn Thornton developed pineal gland cancer while he was attending art school. (Don’t be sad, he got better.) While he had cancer, he created a series of paintings that will just take your breath away.

As his cancer progressed, his art became more and more complex and beautiful.

Some people believe that the pineal gland is the seat of consciousness and is tied to mysticism, spirituality and DMT. Some say Thornton’s paintings look a bit like DMT trips. Check out some of his work below!

See more...

Is It Possible That DMT “Trips” Connect Us To Other Universes?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 11:55

DMT, which is easily one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, could provide a method of access to other planes of existence, according to Rick Strassman’s book DMT: The Spirit Molecule. It could be that these other planes are always there and available, but we just can’t perceive them. Our brains are programmed for normal, not multidimensional perception. That could be why DMT is the key to understanding our universe, and maybe other universes too.

But what if DMT could lead us to other universes? Theoretical physicists think that parallel universes could possibly exist, based on the phenomenon of interference. You can demonstrate this phenomenon by allowing light to pass throw a narrow hole in cardboard...


Psilocybin Mushrooms Can Erase Traumatic Memories & Fears

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/11/2015 - 11:18

Fresh Colombian magic mushrooms legally on sale in Camden market London June 2005

A new study using mice suggests that psilocybin, the active ingredient in hallucinogenic, or ‘magic’ mushrooms may help erase frightening memories and encourage new brain cells. Mice were given an electric shock, then a very low dose of psiolcybin, and they lost their fearful response to a sound associated with the electric shock more quickly than mice who didn’t receive psilcoybin.

“They stopped freezing; they lost their fear,” said one of the study’s authors, Dr. Juan Sanchez-Ramos. It’s believed that psilocybin could one day be used to treat post traumatic stress disorder.

Past studies have shown that psilocybin can induce mystical experiences, improve mood, attitude, and behavior...


Study: High Fructose Corn Syrup More Toxic Than Sugar, Shortens Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/11/2015 - 09:21

High fructose corn syrup is one of those ingredients found in a lot of different common items, especially items mass-produced by corporations. Coca-Cola, Stove Top Stuffing, Kellogg’s cereals, Capri-Sun, as well as various candies, condiments, sweets and breads all contain the additive.

Related: The Full List Of Products Containing High Fructose Corn Syrup.

But a new study out this week shows that consuming even ‘normal’ quantities of high fructose corn syrup is considerably more toxic than consuming sucrose or table sugar, and can lead to diminished reproductive health and inevitably a shorter life span.


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