Higher Perspective

Gigantic Hole Hundreds Of Times Bigger Than The Earth Spotted In The Sun

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/05/2015 - 21:08


NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted a gigantic, dark hole that’s hundreds of times larger than the Earth. It’s a phenomenon called a “Coronal Hole,” and spans about 250,000 miles at its widest point, according to associate director for science for the heliophysics division at the space agency’s Goddard facility, Dr. C Alex Young. The total surface area of this hole is 410 times larger than out planet.

Coronal holes were first observed by NASA astronauts in the 1970s. They’re not actually holes, but rather cooler regions where the sun’s magnetic field is able to reach out into space...


If You Weren’t Already Pissed At Walmart, This Will Probably Do It For You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/02/2015 - 08:39

Walmart is quite the force of our economic system. They’re a massive company employing many thousands of people all over the United States. You gotta hand it to them, they did something right! But the Waltons have opted to be misers about their wealth, keeping it all instead of giving it back to the employees. The employees at one store are so poor that they held a canned food drive – for each other! In what world does that make sense?

If Walmart simply paid their employees a living wage, not a get rich wage but a living one, the US taxpayer would save more than $6 billion in welfare dolled out to the employees. I don’t know about you, but it sounds like the right decision to make.

See video...

Sign The Petition: Do Not Approve GMO Potatoes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/30/2014 - 15:51


The United States Department of Agriculture has approved a new GM potato created by Simplot, which stands among the largest potato suppliers in the US. Many of these potatoes will be purchased by fast food restaurants, which stands no chance at being fairly labeled. Many fast food joints, like Burger King, Wendy’s and KFC are undecided about whether or not they would sell these potatoes to their customers, which is why we need to put pressure on these companies to make the right choice.

Sign the petition: Tell Burger King, Wendy’s and KFC: Don’t serve GMO frankenfries to your customers.

This isn’t the first time Simplot has taken a stab at GMO potatoes. About a decade ago, Simplot attempted to sell GMO potatoes to grocery stores and McDonald’s, but the customers hated the potatoes...


WHAT? Oregon Man Serving Jail Time For Catching Rain Water

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 10:48


Even if it falls from the sky, you’re not allowed to have it. Gary Harrington, a man from Medford Oregon, is learning that lesson well, serving out a 30 day prison sentence for collecting rainwater on his property. He was also slapped with a $1500 fine for diverting snow runoff and rainwater into reservoirs on his land. This action violates what some say is an antiquated law.

Harrington built the reservoirs, which hold around 13 million gallons of water, for personal use. It’s not all personal though; when wildfires hit the area, he opens up his reservoir for fire mitigation purposes. In his mind, it’s perfectly acceptable for him to collect water on his property.


Outrage: Teen Student Punished For Feeding His Hungry Friend

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 10:47

An eighth grade boy from Weaverville, California was given a detention for sharing his lunch with another classmate and friend. 13 year-old Kyle Bradford decided to share his chicken burrito with his friend who wasn’t very fond of the cheese sandwich the cafeteria server him. Kyle didn’t see any problem in sharing his food with the other student, I mean, who would? My friends and I always shared food when I was a kid. Here’s what Kyle had to say about it:

“It seemed like he couldn’t get a normal lunch, so I just wanted to give mine to him because I wasn’t really that hungry… It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it.”

The Northern California school district has rules against sharing food in order to prevent issues with allergies among students. The Superintendent of The Trinity Alps Unified School District, Tom Barnett, spoke with KRCR-TV and told them that hygiene issues are also a concern when it comes to preventing students from sharing their food.


The Barcode Stickers On Your Fruits Probably Don’t Mean What You Think They Do

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 08:31


If a Genetically Modified food supplier thinks that customers won’t want to buy their GM products, they can decline to tag it with PLU codes. If retailers don’t expect the price of genetically modified produce to be any different from conventionally grown produce, they can omit the “8” that indicates that it is a genetically modified product.

At the end of the day, there is no government sponsored food labeling scheme in the United States that will assist you in determining whether or not produce is grown organically, conventionally, or is GM. If you, as a curious consumer, want to search the PLU code to find out what it identifies, you can do so here.


In Colorado, Dispensaries Sells Millions Worth Of Marijuana – Crime Drops 15%

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/27/2014 - 19:26


In 2012, Colorado and Washington state legalized the recreational use of marijuana, much to the dismay of anti-pot advocates. They frequently alleged that it would make it easier for children to acquire, that more people would use it, that there would be more people driving while high, and that it would be an all around bad deal for these states.

In Colorado, it’s safe to say that the doomsayers were 100% wrong. Sales of recreational marijuana continue to rise with more than $34 million worth sold in August alone. That means that the state raised $3.4 million for building and maintaining schools in the state. At the rate the state is going, some $30 million will be brought in from pot taxes alone. That’s some serious dough!

Even better, crime has suddenly and sharply dropped in the state, providing evidence that clearly counters the idea that crime would rise with the plant’s legalization. Overall crime has dropped by 15%, and murder is down by nearly half. The government is planning to allocate some of the state tax money from pot to improving infrastructure and employing more people, even now as the unemployment rate continues to drop.

Do Our Thoughts And Actions Influence The Physical World?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/26/2014 - 20:09
The rice experiment is another fascinating attempt to show the power of negative vs. positive thinking. Dr. Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. One container had “thank you” written on it. The other, “you fool.” School children were instructed to say the labels on the jar out loud daily when they passed them. 30 days later, the rice in the positive-thought container had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.

How Mushrooms Have Created The Language Of Nature

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/26/2014 - 16:11

There’s this weird similarity of the neurotransmitter serotonin (happiness) and the “neurotransmitter” psilocybin (shrooms). I mean, chemically, they’re very very similar. We don’t understand the messaging system within mycelium as well as we do that of the brain—most of what we know about the brain is very preliminary.

Through networking mycelium in combination with mutualistic bacteria we might be able to create living computer membranes that would help us make the bridge between humans and nature.
I think nature is speaking rather vociferously to us, but we can’t hear what the message is.

So being able to create these interfaces, directly to the traffic of nature that’s given us birth, I think is going to be critical to human survival. – Paul Stamets, Omni Reboot

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