Higher Perspective

9 Behaviors That Push People Away – Learn To Stop Them

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 11:37

for_friendshipIn today’s world, we’re connected to people in ways like never before. In the early days of language, we just tried to understand each others’ body language. But now, we can improve upon how we act and communicate with others. Here are 9 behaviors that you should avoid doing – they push people away!

Dominating People

Everyone wants to be a leader, but there’s a difference between being a leader and being a dictator. Remember, being a leader is about guiding people, not commanding and controlling them. Don’t try to force your will on your friends or on your partners. It’s something people don’t put up with.

Being Judgmental

This is a tough one sometimes. People judge others all the time. It’s something we do. But it’s important not to let your [un]natural preference for judging others to get in the way...


Jason Silva On Using Psychedelics For Creativity And Problem Solving

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 15:09

Jason Silva, a futurist, provides a ton of great examples of psychedelics being used as tools for problem solving and creativity during a Q&A at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House in 2012. From the video:

That quote from Tom Robbins where I said that “We need to pull ourselves out of context in order to gawk in amazement at the wonders of the world.”, he was talking about psychedelics, but I think it applies to everything we in our lives.

He says, “It’s not that psychedelics manufacture wonderment or that they can automatically make us more imaginative beings, but what psychedelics does is pull us so radically out of comfort zones, they decondition our thinking, they thrust us out of everything we thought we knew about the world in order to see things as if for the first time and form new synaptic connections.

On cannabis:

Marijuana induced a state of hyper priming. It expanded their “associative net” so that they were able to make more far reaching connections...

See Video...

Defeat The Dumbing Down Of Society With These 40 Free Educational Websites

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 15:06

Does it ever bum you out how hard it is to get an education, how expensive it is, how crappy our education system has become, and how folks seem to lack critical thinking skills? Never fear. This is a list of 40 educational websites for you to choose from that are completely free! Enjoy.

1. ALISON –  over 60 million lessons and records 1.2 million unique visitors per month
2. COURSERA – Educational website that works with universities to get their courses on the Internet, free for you to use. Learn from over 542 courses.
3. The University of Reddit – The free university of Reddit.
4. UDACITY – Advance your education and career through project-based online classes...


10 Ways To Cope With Stressful Times

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 15:06

Stress and anxiety sucks. In today’s post-industrial revolution world, they’re rampant issues. People are overworked, underpaid, and expected to conform to insane realities. So what do you do if you’re feeling stressed?

1. Make time for your hobbies.

Take a little time out of each day and do something you love.

2. Eliminate distractions in the workplace.

What keeps you from getting your work done? Get rid of it if you can. Find ways around it.

3. Turn off the TV. Make time for your own thoughts.

More and more, we’re consumed by media and news and music and noise. Take some time to yourself, get rid of the constant information barrage.

4. Ask for help.

Sometimes we need it.

5. Meditate.

Inhale. Hold. Exhale your stress.

6. Live in the moment.

No use in sweating the past or freaking out about the future...


Could Warp Speed Interstellar Travel Soon Be A Possibility?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 11:26

We live in a time where more and more, science fiction is crossing paths with science fact. Scientists have begun to ponder the creation of a ‘warp drive,’ which would be able to take us to Alpha Centauri in only 2 weeks, as opposed to 4.3 years moving at the speed of light.

The idea is that a warp drive could stretch spacetime, causing the fabric of space ahead of the spacecraft to contract, while it expands behind the craft. This would allow the ship to bend the laws of physics and move much much much faster than the speed of light.

If you could travel like that, where in the universe would you visit? Would you go to see supermassive stars? Or burgeoning planets?

See Video...

6 Fruits And Spices That Will Turn Your Water Into A Superfood Elixir

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 11:12

One of my favorite ways to hydrate is by making water infusions – that is combing fresh, whole fruits and vegetables into water and allowing them to sit for a bit before drinking.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice

This one is the easiest and probably my favorite to do. Just squeeze half a lemon into 24 ounces of water, plop the lemon into the drink itself, and enjoy! Lemon juice aids in food digestion and is an excellent source of vitamin C, critical for good health, as well as antioxidants.


Another favorite of mine. Ginger has been used for many centuries for treating a variety of ailments like cramping, bloating, nausea, and it also improves blood circulation and works as an anti-inflammatory. If you find yourself getting sick, ginger also works as a great anti-viral agent.


Cut a cucumber into small pieces and throw into a jug of water...


Watch: Incredible Microscopic Footage Of Cannabis Oil Eliminating Cancer Cells

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 11:10

Providing further evidence that THC kills cancer cells! Since 1974, there have been studies that show cannabis to be an anti-tumor agent. The results of the 1974 Washington Post study found that THC “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36%.

A similar study, conducted in 1998 by a research team at Madrid’s Comlutense University found that THC can selectively induce programmed cell death in brain tumors while not harming the healthy brain cells around them.

The evidence truly is mounting that cannabis can, at the very least, be a part of an effective treatment against cancer. Cancer is truly the demon of our era, but this demon will soon be banished back to the hell from which it came.

See Video...

5 Ways That Bananas Can Replace Prescription Drugs

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 09:19

More and more it seems like people turn to prescription or over the counter drugs for every little hiccup without considering what’s happening in their bodies and why they feel the way they do. Of course, there are some ailments that will require medication, but you may consider the banana for some of these other health issues.

Constipation and gas

Bananas contain a nutrient called pectin, which speeds up and assists digestion, as well as promotes the removal of toxins from the body. Overall, bananas stimulate the intestines. These impacts reduce flatulence and work as a natural laxative.


One thing stress does to us is speed up our metabolism, which can leave us feeling worse. When stressed out, potassium levels drop in the body, which means you can suffer hypertension...


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