Higher Perspective

UFOs Are Disabling Nuclear Missiles Says Ex-Military Official

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/06/2014 - 09:10

Robert Hastings, a military official, authored a book called UFOs and Nukes in which he interviews 120 ex US Air Force personnel, from Airmen to Colonels. Each of them has signed a sworn affidavit.

In his book, he details situations where unidentified flying objects appeared over nuclear missile facilities and, shortly after, the missiles themselves were disabled. And it’s not just in the United States. Situations similar to this have been happening globally. UFOs have purportedly disabled nuclear missiles in other parts of the world as well.

Is it coincidental, a distraction, or are UFOs actually disabling nuclear weapons? Could intelligent lifeforms in our stellar neighborhood be concerned by our insanely war-like tendencies?

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What Happens Inside Your Body When You Drink Soda?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/03/2014 - 09:29



We recently wrote about how soda ages you as quickly as smokingand I think at this point, it’s pretty clear that the stuff is terrible for you. But what actually happens inside your body when you drink a soda?

In the first ten minutes, 10 teaspoons of sugar has entered your bloodstream, which is a total of 100% more than your daily recommended intake. Typically, your body’s response would be to vomit, but phosphoric acid in soda reduces your sense of taste and prevents vomiting. So that soda is here to stay.

After 20 minutes, your blood sugar keeps increasing and insulin is produced. Your liver begins to turn the sugar into fat.


Don’t Have The Right Tool For Your Project? This Library Has You Covered

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/02/2014 - 17:00

This is something else. I’ve never heard of a library that carried tools before – only libraries that carry my favorite books. The tool library in the city of Portland, Oregon is truly a brilliant idea. When you think about it, things like power tools don’t really get all that much use before they’re discarded. This means that a lot of resources are being put into making things that aren’t getting very much use. So why not have a library where you can rent out tools instead of owning them? It’s less expensive, easier on the planet, and can help de-clutter your shed.

There are always going to be tools that I want to have around, like socket wrenches, shovels and screw drivers. But a lot of the things I have I wish I could just rent instead of own. Maybe one of these days I’ll organize a tool library for my community. What’s your take?

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The Hidden Dangers Of Hand Sanitizers – Use At Your Own Risk!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/02/2014 - 10:24


Now that cold and flu season is upon us, pretty much every where I look, there’s a bottle of hand sanitizer. It’s at the bank, in the grocery store – even on the counter at the liquor store! Hand sanitizers are a recent trend, with far more people carrying personal containers around with them and using them in public.

It seems to make sense, right? It seems like a perfect way to stay clean and disinfect, but there are some hidden downsides that folks don’t really talk too much about. Finding out the truth about this product is crucial for your health.

Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical that is added to a lot of soaps and personal care/cleaning...


New “Mega Planet” Discovered Orbiting Nearby Star

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/02/2014 - 08:29


The Kepler space telescope has been snapping images of exoplanets, or planets orbiting other stars, and has helped us realize that there could be billions of planets like ours in the galaxy. One of Kepler’s newer finds is something of a ‘mega planet,’ a planet 17 times heavier than the Earth. It even dwarfs other planets classified as super planets.

This mega planet, Kepler-10c, is solid and rocky. It isn’t a gas giant, like Jupiter or Saturn. “Finding Kepler-10c tells us that rocky planets could form much earlier than we thought. And if you can make rocks, you can make life,” lead researcher Dimitar Sasselov says in a press release.


This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Mushrooms

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/01/2014 - 22:18


I remember the ad campaign a few decades ago with the tagline, “This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.” Effective, really. But researchers at King’s College in the United Kingdom have created a visualization of the activity in a normal brain (left) and the activity in the brain of a person who is ‘tripping’ on psilocybin mushrooms.

The researchers used an fMRI, or Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan to scan the brains of two groups of participants. That is, participants who received 2 mg of psilocybin, and those given a placebo.

Inside your brain, you have neural pathways that brain activity typically follows. Sort of like information highways in the brain. What was discovered by the researchers at King’s College is that psilocybin actually forms new and different connections inside the brain, and when the drug wore off, things went back to normal.


What’s The Deal With Our Culture? Alan Watts Explains

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/01/2014 - 16:07

In this five minute video, Alan Watts, a British born philosopher, talks about what’s wrong with our culture and how to turn it around. Watts is often credited with introducing Eastern philosophy to the western audiences of Europe and North America.

Before his passing on November 16th, 1973, he had accrued a rather large following in the San Francisco Bay area. He authored more than 25 books on eastern and western religion, youth culture, and Buddhism.

Watts was born into a middle class family in Chislehurst, Kent, in 1915. His mother was a housewife and his father a missionary. He was a talkative, imaginative, and headstrong young man, which is something he maintained for the whole of his life.

We hope you enjoy this video.

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Want To Raise An Environmentally Conscious Kid? This Is How

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/01/2014 - 15:20


Humans are one of the strangest animals on this planet. From what I can tell, we’re the only ones comfortable with leaving less for subsequent generations if it means we get to engage in our gross hedonism for our lifetimes. Each organism’s main purpose is to continue the line – to not go extinct. The way we’ve ambivalent toward the future of children being born today is surprising.

But raising environmentally minded children is a good thing to do for insuring the safety and sustainability of society. But how do you raise ecologically conscious kids?

Well, for starters, kids learn almost everything from their parents, so step one is to simply lead by example. Recycle, plant gardens, talk about the importance of healthy food, of biking and walking; and for the love of God turn off the TV once in a while.

Equally important is for kids to spend time in nature...


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