Higher Perspective

4 Reasons You Need To Quit Comparing Yourself To Others

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/20/2015 - 07:56

Humans are social creatures; there’s certainly no way of getting around that. In society, we’re told who we need to be, what we need to do, and what success truly is. But just because we’re social creatures doesn’t necessarily mean we should let other people determine what it is we should be doing. On top of it, don’t ever use other people as a measurement for your own standing. Why?

1. You ruin your self esteem.

You may see people in your life or people you don’t even know “doing better” and it makes you feel inadequate. Feeling inadequate can completely derail your progress in life, thus leaving you feeling unfulfilled and even worse about yourself.

2. You’ll get a big head.

On the other hand, if you think you’re doing better than everyone else, it can leave you with your guard down. Hubris is a natural result. You start feeling perfect, immortal, but it’s when you feel that way that kinks in your armor appear. By thinking you’re the best, you fail to acknowledge some of your short comings.


7 Signs You’re A True Empath

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/11/2015 - 10:22

1. TV dramas really get to you.

Everybody Loves Raymond is pretty much the worst show if you’re an empath. I could probably talk about that for an hour. When people are mad on TV, you feel it. When they’re sad, you feel it. Watching dramatic shows can really get to you.

2. Crowds are a little overwhelming.

It can be fine for a while, but experiencing that many people all at once can be overwhelming. Sometimes you can really feel all the emotions around you.

3. You feel the pain of others.

This is a pretty common thing among people. Our brains are actually soft wired to experience the experiences of others, and that includes their pain.

4. You can immediately tell the character of someone.

This one is pretty rare. Sometimes we can really get a vibe for someone but empaths take it to a whole new level. It’s like they can see right through a person’s BS right to their core.


10 Illnesses That Are Treatable With Medical Marijuana

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/11/2015 - 08:26

The United States government argues that there is no credible use for marijuana as a medicine for any kind of ailment, even though there is a mountain of evidence showing otherwise. There are a multitude of illnesses that can be treated effectively with cannabis. Here are 10 to consider.

1. Depression.

For people who are depressed, the pharmaceutical go-to is often antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft. These drugs treat depression by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. The downside of antidepressants are decreased libido, birth defects, and increased suicide particularly in young people. Marijuana is better because it provides a safe euphoria without any drawbacks.

2. Nausea.

When experiencing nausea, the pharmaceutical go-to is usually Anzamet or Zofran. These are drugs that block receptors associated with nausea, and they also cause constipation, nightmares, and Parkinson’s-like symptoms. This is one where the side effects of the drug are worse than the ailment. Marijuana is better because it helps ease your stomach and allows you to eat and drink fluids.


Nurse Reveals The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have On Their Deathbed

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/10/2015 - 21:05

When asked, people in palliative care, people who are near the end of their lives, are open about their lives. When faced with mortality, you grow the most as a person. Everyone experiences a host of emotions when faced with the end, and everyone has a regret or two. Here are the five most common:

1. I wish I had been true to myself.

We’re faced with pressure all the time to conform to what society wants us to be, but how often has that stepped on who you want to be? Honor yourself and be true to yourself. Don’t live the life others expect from you.

2. I wish I hadn’t worked so much.

Civilization is a way of life that has rewarded us with ease of living, but we have to work hard for it. People at the end of their lives often express the regret of working so much. They worked their lives away. It’s important to have something to do, but we’re saddled with impressive debts and the demand for production. Take some time to simplify your life. Create more space in your life and be open to opportunities that might fit your style a bit better.


7 Lessons You Don’t Want To Learn Late In Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/04/2015 - 15:04

1. Drop the shoulds from your life.

As a young person, you’re told what you should do all the time. You should study hard. You should get good grades. You should take piano lessons. You should go to this college. You should take this job. Should should should. Because we’re told what we should do all the time, we start telling ourselves what we should do to impress the should-ers.

Forget that line of thinking.

Think about what makes you happy, what kind of things will enrich your life and make it feel full. Maybe those are the things you should do.

2. Face down your fears.

Some of your fears are rational, like your fear of poisonous spiders. That’s not a fear you need to conquer. That’s one you should strengthen through repeated viewings of Arachnophobia. But there are fears that can hold you back. Fear of falling in love. Fear of talking to people. Fear of taking on challenges that will grow you. Conquer any fear that holds you back from something you want.


Here Are The 10 Corporations That Control Everything You Buy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/30/2015 - 20:52

The graphic below, shows that most products found at your local stores are actually owned by just a handful of corporations. Hence the reason it has been named “The Illusion of Choice.” While it may seem like we have a large number of brands to pick from… all the money comes back to the corporate heads.


Image credit: Imgur

The post Here Are The 10 Corporations That Control Everything You Buy appeared first on Higher Perspective.


This Awesome House Is Made Of Completely Recycled Materials… Wait Until You See The Inside!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/30/2015 - 16:17

We cover a lot of fun and interesting house ideas here at Higher Perspective, but this one takes the cake for me.

Today’s houses are rarely made out of any reclaimed materials. Even though many buildings are demolished every year, most of the waste goes right to the dump. And about 40% of what ends up in the landfill every year is construction waste. Jeez! That’s a lot of waste. But a Uruguayan artist  who goes by Jaime had a great idea:

Build a house out of recycled materials.


23 Nikola Tesla Quotes That Will Electrify Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 18:35

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor, engineer, futurist and physicist best known for his contributions to designing modern alternating current electric supply. He was born on the 10th of July in 1856 and passed away on the 7th of January, 1943.

Tesla’s legacy lives on today in books, radio, film, tv, music, live theater, comics and even video games. He is an inspirational character who received no fame, fortune, and little credit during his life. But the impacts of his inventions have transformed our world. Here are some of our favorite quotes by Tesla.


“I don’t care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don’t have any of their own”

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

“The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”


The 13th Zodiac Sign – Ophiuchus

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/28/2015 - 16:04

We’re familiar with traditional zodiac signs like Cancer and Virgo and Aries, but in true Zodiac form, there is a 13th sign.


According to mythology, Ophiuchus is identified with the great healer Asclepius, the son of Apollo, who could revive the dead. Hades convinced Zeus to kill Asclepius with a lightning bolt when he realized his true powers, and he was placed in the night sky as a constellation after his demise. Constellation Ophiuchus has been mapped since ancient times. It’s better known as Serpentarius, the holder of the serpent. Astrologers haven’t yet included Ophiuchus in the wheel of signs because the sun only rests in that constellation for 19 days. As far as they were concerned, the sun proceeded from Scorpius to Sagittarius and that was that.

But not so apparently.


This City Is Defeating Homelessness With Tiny Homes, But They Need Our Help!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/26/2015 - 19:16

On any given night in the central Oregon city of Eugene, there are about 3,000 people who don’t have a home to return to. Opportunity Village Eugene, a nonprofit organization based in that city, has a big plan to end it.

Tiny houses.

Opportunity Village panorama 1

The mission of Opportunity Village Eugene is simple but impactful: they want to create small, self-managed communities of low-cost tiny houses for those who lack homes. Opportunity Village isn’t a permanent housing arrangement for the city’s homeless. Rather, it’s a stepping stone to transitioning back into society and having a home themselves. “After only a few months of living there my girlfriend and I now are living a life where we are able to sustain a home on our own after being homeless for 2 years.” says Sam Johns on the organization’s website.


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