Higher Perspective

“Magic” Mushrooms Could Be The Next Major Breakthrough In Treating Depression

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 08:28

We hear about the benefits of marijuana all the time, but psychedelics are often ignored and demonized, particularly with the United States government saying drugs like mushrooms not having any kind of medicinal benefit. But that’s beginning to fly in the face of what science has been learning, especially when you consider a recent study on the matter.

This study, published in the Royal Society Interface, examined the brains of 15 healthy people given psilocybin intravenously. They found that the brain on psilocybin had more inter-regional connections. That basically means that areas of the brain that don’t normally communicate began exchanging neural impulses. It helps explain some of the sensory phenomena that people who “trip” on mushrooms experience, such as hearing colors.

11 Things To stop Doing If You Want To Live A Happier Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 08:23

If you ask just about anyone, leading a happy, healthy life is the top priority for them. But there are things we do that prevent us from achieving that happiness. While part of becoming a more whole person is adding new, positive things to your life, it’s also important to remove some of the negative things. Here are the ten we recommend.

1. Blaming other people.

This is a really easy habit to fall into, and it’s also among the easiest to let go. When it comes to the problems in our lives, it’s hard to hold yourself accountable, or even to just understand that things sometimes happen for no reason. It’s important not to blame other people. Or yourself. Take hard times and learn from them.

2. Comparing yourself to others.

The only person’s opinion that truly matters is your own. So work to impress yourself, be better every day, grow stronger...


25 Life Changing Lessons Everyone Should Learn From Rumi

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/13/2015 - 19:13

“Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.” ~ Rumi

Rumi, also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī, was a Sufi mystic, theologian, and Persian poet from the 13th century. His words were loaded with wisdom and power. He was truly incredible.

Below are 25 life changing lessons everyone can learn from Rumi. Hopefully they inspire you to live a more meaningful and beautiful life!

1. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.

“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.”


Scientists: Aliens May Have “Seeded” Life On Earth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/13/2015 - 16:15

Scientists in the UK are somewhat baffled by a tiny, circular object that they’ve been examining. It’s microscopic, no bigger than the width of a human hair.

The UK’s University of Buckingham reports that the small metal globe was discovered by Milton Wainwright, an astrobiologist, in dust gathered by a balloon in the Earth’s stratosphere, high over the surface of our planet.

“It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its centre,” says Wainwright, a Nobel Prize Winner.

“One theory is it was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life,” Wainwright hypothesizes.

“This seeming piece of science fiction — called ‘directed panspermia’ — would probably not be taken seriously by any scientist were it not for the fact that it was very seriously suggested by the Nobel Prize winner of DNA fame, Francis Crick,” said Wainwright.


Sex and Spiritual Energy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/12/2015 - 21:54

Pay close attention to those you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at the sexual level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the person you’ve been intimate with. These connections are extremely powerful. Regardless of how insignificant they might seem to you, they leave spiritual debris, especially within people who don’t practice any form of physical, emotional, or spiritual cleansing. The more you interact with someone intimately, the deeper the connection and the more their aura is intertwined with yours. Others can sense this energy which can repel positivity and attract negativity into your life.

I always say, never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be” - Lisa Chase Patterson

We are all physical creatures by nature, but we are also far more than that. We are spiritual, energetic beings as well. When you get intimate with someone, you merge with their energy. Anytime you are intimate with another person, you absorb some of their spiritual energy and they absorb some of yours.

If you engage with uplifting, loving people, their wonderful energy is absorbed and uplifts you as well. If you engage with negative, unstable, pessimistic people, their energy will having you uninterested in your daily life...


Smiley Face Galaxy Cluster Spotted By Hubble Telescope

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/11/2015 - 16:28


Looks like even space is sending us emojis these days. Sure beats a deadly asteroid.

The Hubble space telescope snapped this picture of SDSS J1038+4849, a galaxy cluster that’s quite distant to the Earth. The two eyes are made of very bright galaxies, and the smile lines are caused by strong gravitational lensing that creates an arc-like effect.


7 Must-See Skywatching Events You Won’t Want To Miss In 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 22:12

Each year that goes by, we get a spectacular new set of things to see in our skies. How exciting is that? Be sure to mark your calendars for these amazing celestial events.

April 4th, Total solar eclipse

You won’t see a moon in the sky on April 4th, but right around noon, the Earth will pass between the sun and the moon, triggering a total solar eclipse visible to the south Pacific, including Australia, Alaska and Japan. North America will see a partial eclipse. Womp womp.

July 30th, Jupiter and Venus.

On July 30th, Jupiter and Venus will be side by side in the night sky. This paring will be visible for only 7 days.

September 27th, Super Moon

North America, Africa and Europe will experience the spectacular super moon on September 27th beginning at 10pm.


13 Awesome Characteristics Of Highly Sensitive People

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/08/2015 - 15:39

Up until recently, I had always negatively questioned my own power and my sensitive energy. Through the process of heavily questioning myself, I discovered some of the awesomeness of being a very sensitive person. However, that doesn’t mean this discovery process is over, it will continue for the rest of my life!

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you feel like you process situations more intensely than the average person?

Here is a list of some of the awesomeness of sensitive people:

1. Intuitive

Most highly sensitive people are capable of knowing what’s happening below the surface and in between the lines without being able to articulate a solid reason.

2. An ability to read the vibe

When entering a situation, conversation, or a room full of people, most highly sensitive people can tell what type of mood or vibe was taking place just before they arrived.

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