Learning Mind

The One Type of Love You Shouldn’t Live Without: Life Coaching for Self-Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/25/2015 - 15:15

What is self-love? This is certainly a question many life coaches will have considered. No, it’s not about your ego. Nor about being selfish. Self-love is the acceptance and understanding of yourself and of your emotions. Once you find this kind of love for yourself it will have a major impact on the way that you lead your life. Self-love isn’t about putting yourself at the centre of everything, splashing out on extravagant gifts for yourself or setting unrealistic standards for those around you in regard to their treatment of you. These are just mistakes that people often make in their quest for their one true love; their self-love.

Having the ability to love the self means being able to deal with negative emotions and situations that are unpleasant but inevitable. Instead of thinking, it’s not fair; those with the ability to love themselves don’t overcomplicate matters. Instead, life coaches encourage that loving yourself means accepting the things that you cannot change, instead focusing energy on what you can.

Cut down on narcissism and vanity and instead work on building meaningful relationships with others and doing meaningful work or activities that are good for the soul.

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The Mystery of the Nazca Lines: Who and Why Created These Giant Geoglyphs?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/15/2015 - 15:03

The Nazca Lines is one of the greatest mysteries that keeps intriguing researchers worldwide. What lies behind these massive-scale geoglyphs that are etched in the middle of the Peruvian desert?

These enormous figures, widely known as the Nazca Lines, were discovered in the early 1900′s into the desert in Peru, about 200 miles south of Lima between the Inca and Nazca valleys.

Enormous shapes and strange symbols cover a total area that measures 37 miles in length and 1 mile in width. In order to distinguish the forms, one must watch them from a long distance directly above. These perfectly-straight parallel and intersecting lines depict animals, plants and fantastic creatures on a giant scale. The approximately 70 biomorphs (animal and plant figures) are believed to have been constructed around 200 BC, while the 900 geoglyphs (geometric forms that include straight lines, triangles, spirals, circles and trapezoids) were constructed 500 years later. These strange forms were discovered in 1927 by Peruvian archaeologist Toribio Mejia Xesspe, who was hiking through the foothills of the surrounding area. In the 1930s, an aircraft spotted them during a water survey.

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These Costa Rica’s Giant Stone Spheres Are One of the World’s Greatest Mysteries

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/11/2015 - 08:12

The Diquis Spheres are considered one of the greatest mysteries in the world. What is the story behind the hundreds of massive stone spheres that were accidentally found in Costa Rica?

The Diquis Spheres were discovered in the 1940s during agricultural activities by the United Fruit Company. They were located on the bed of the Tirraba River, also known as Diquis River, near the towns of Palmar Sur and Palmar Norte in Costa Rica.

After their discovery, they were transported by rail all over the country. According to Samuel Lothrop, who recorded the total amount of spheres in 1963, they reached the number of 186. Nevertheless, several hundreds of them had already been dispersed to various locations throughout the country, which means that they must have been even many more.

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Empathetic People Have Physical Differences in Their Brains, Study Finds

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/03/2015 - 13:18

New research has opened up questions that it may be possible to lose your empathetic ability over time or that it could even possibly be increased through training. These questions were raised because scientists have recently discovered they can physically see people’s empathetic ability on brain scans. This research has added a great deal of information to the neuroscience field relating to emotion and has opened up questions with regards to two areas of empathy in particular: affective empathy and cognitive empathy. Compared to people who have a logical reaction to people’s emotions, empathetic people, or those with a strong emotional reaction to others, are found to have denser grey matter in specific areas of the brain.

Researchers at Monash University [1] hypothesised that through looking at images of the brain, they would be able to predict where individuals scored on the affective/cognitive empathy scale based on their neurological structures. A co-author of the study, Robert Eres, explained [2] that “people who are high on affective empathy are often those who get quite fearful when watching a scary movie, or start crying during a sad scene. Those who have a high cognitive empathy are those who are more rational, for example, a clinical psychologist counselling a client.”

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Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/26/2015 - 15:51

Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner [to the observer]. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.

If you believe synchronicity is simply a coincidence, then you haven’t read any of the top experts in the field. The famous psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung coined the term synchronicity in the 1920s to reference the alignment of universal forces with a person’s experiences.

These forces have been sought out for centuries in many spiritual traditions as a means of aligning with the “flow.” This usually takes years of disciplined meditation, study, ritual or by other means to navigate this journey toward a harmonic “individuation.” To some, the search is inward for the self, yet for others it’s an outward search for spirituality.

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This Mysterious 2,000-Year-Old Mechanism Is the World’s First Computer

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/26/2015 - 12:28

Antikythera Mechanism the world’s first computer.

An amazing device, created by Greek scientists 2,000 years ago, is the world’s first computer. What is the story behind this extraordinary mechanism and its hidden mysteries?

The Antikythera Mechanism has been a base of research for more than a century. This complex device was recovered in 1901 near the island of Antikythera, Greece, in a shipwreck that was discovered accidentally by sponge divers. Inside the wreck, the divers found flasks, coins and statues dating back to 100-150 B.C., which offer valuable information on the commercial artwork trading during the Hellenistic period. Fragments of the shipwreck as well as various other accessories prove that the vessel was a freighter with a capacity of 300 tons, which was carrying bronze and marble statues, glassware, and golden jewelry. Researchers have focused on a complex device that was found in the shipwreck, known as the Antikythera Mechanism.

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New Distant Planet Discovered by 15-Year-Old

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/25/2015 - 09:39

It’s become a common event, finding new planets beyond our solar system. Tom Wagg, however, was the youngest person to make such a discovery, which is uncommon to say the least. According to a press release from Keene University in England, Wagg was only 15 years old when making this epic find.


The Location

Located within a distant solar system, within our galaxy, the Milky Way, this planet is 1,000 light years from Earth. If you can locate the constellation Hydra, then you are in the right neighborhood.

The New Distant Planet

Wagg’s planet closely resembles Jupiter in size, orbits its sun in two days, as opposed to our Jupiter which takes 12 years. Another difference from our giant planet is that this “Jupiter” is much closer to the sun, closer even than our planet from our big ball of fire! At this distance, the planet reaches a blazing 1,000 degrees Celsius. A planet such as this falls into a category called “hot Jupiter” planets. The name is self-explanatory.

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What If We Live in a Matrix and Reality Is a Computer Program?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/14/2015 - 15:12

Patterns and coincidences occur around us every day. We notice them in things like the flower of life and the golden ratio. Numbers and sequences are found all over in life, and mathematics is considered the only consistent global language, because, as engineers will all say, the numbers never lie. The presence of these patterns and coincidences has led many people to speculate about the construction of our world, consciousness, and subconscious. One such theory I covered in a separate article, The Flower of Life: A Pattern that Makes up Everything around Us, referring to a segment of merkaba geometry of which our entire reality is built from. Another example would be the popular movie trilogy, The Matrix, in which all people are born into a computerized simulated life, and the actual physical world is a dark and desolate place governed by robots which feed off of the people. The subconscious is so powerful that if someone dies in the Matrix, they die in reality as well. This fiction obviously applies more to a computerized world in which people believe they exist; in this article, I will discuss a potential that the world, the reality in which we live, actually is very similar to this conception of a computerized existence.

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Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It, Quantum Experiment Confirms

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/10/2015 - 14:58

Does the world we live in exist? Scientists say no – at least not until it’s measured anyway, and this would pertain to small scale. For Australian scientists, recreating experiments confirmed quantum physics’ predictions. The existence of reality is questionable.

If this sounds complex, not to worry. This experiment poses one simple question: Since some elementary particles act as a particle or a wave, then when is this classification decided? This question pushes us to understand how reality is established.

Most people assume that objects such as electrons or photons either wave-like or particle-like just because that’s the way it is. They think that measurements aren’t necessary to come to either conclusion. Quantum theory disagrees and suggests that conclusions can only be made by measurements taken at the end of the object’s journey.

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Arkaim: This Mysterious Prehistoric City in Russia May Be Older Than Stonehenge

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/09/2015 - 12:09

Apart from a unique historical monument of the Middle Bronze Age, Arkaim is known as one of the strongest “anomaly zones” in Russia. But when, why and by whom was this prehistoric site of unusual circles constructed?

Arkaim (Аркаим in Russian) is located north of the Russian borders with Kazakhstan, in the Southern Urals steppe. Several dates of construction have been proposed, however, the most dominant is the one suggesting the 17th century B.C.

It was in 1935 when a military aerial photography in Chelyabinsk, in the Southern Urals, revealed several unusual circles covering a region more than 640 km long. Back then, no one could explain how they were constructed, and as a result it was considered a mystery. Based on this first official sighting of Arkaim, during 1960s scientists identified a complex of 17 fortresses. At the same time a study on ancient peoples of the Eurasian steppe begun. In 1987, Arkaim was rediscovered under the guidance of archaeologist Gennadii Zdanovich, who was in charge of the excavation campaign.

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