
How to Live in the Flow of Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:45

by Frank M. Wanderer| On the ordinary days of our life, you work, educate your children, have some fun, build and sustain connections with others, that is, you live an ordinary life. The question is, whether you are mindful during all these things, or you just perform these activities mechanically, automatically.

What is the evidence for me that you are not mindful? First, that you are not present. To be present means that you are fully alert, attentive, and conscious in the present moment. Whatever you do, you do that fully consciously, you focus your entire attention on that particular activity. Or, do you feel free to declare that you are present in every moment of your life?

You are careless most of the time, as a large segment of your attention is bound by dealing with events of your thoughts, events of past and plans for future and your own self. Psychological time therefore displaces the moment of the present, or subordinates it to past or future.

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5 Powerful Steps to Emotional Healing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 14:56

by Frank M. Wanderer| In the course of our life, we have collected a number of emotional and psychological trauma in conflicts with other people. These emotional and psychological traumas are parts of our past, and they are often unconscious. Their effects are, however, real: usually these emotional and psychological traumas are in the background of the fluctuation of our emotions, negative moods and the–often apparently unexplainable–emotional outbursts. These moods may easily take control over our behavior, inveigling us into actions that we later regret or are ashamed of. Is it possible to heal these emotional and psychological traumas, and if yes, how? We are able to cure the psychological traumas through a process of five steps.

Step 1: Understanding

In the process of healing, the first step is the most important, since understanding is essential for a real change. During our life, we often tell others–or ourselves–that, ”I know how I should behave, but I cannot do it. I know what is right, and I still do something else again and again. I am simply unable to change.” The point is that it is in itself not sufficient to know how to behave properly. Knowledge and real comprehension are two different things. For a real change, thorough comprehension is required.

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When Everything Goes Wrong Remember This

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/31/2015 - 09:34

There are no wrongs and there are no rights. There are only experiences and these experiences leave meaningful lessons. If you are closing a chapter in your life or struggling to find momentum, know that when everything goes wrong….

10. Pain Helps You Grow

As the old saying goes, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. But before this strength can emerge, you must accept your pain.

Each time a tragic event occurs that you think you can’t handle, it is common to try to remove yourself from it altogether. But each time you do this, you leave a piece of yourself behind. When you disassociate yourself with your pain, you cause a split to occur within you. Commonly known as soul splitting.

By embracing your pain and bringing it within to heal, you empower your own growth.

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3 Simple and Effective Ways to Heal Your Inner Child

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/31/2015 - 09:29

During the first 6 years of our lives our programming is being set. Psychologically, this programming will determine how each of us deals with life, our level of confidence and how we define what love looks and feels like.

The relationship with our parents and caretakers is the single most important connection we establish, as this first understanding becomes the definition of love.

Whether the home is filled with tremendous love or lack there of, even the happiest households still birth children who harbour feelings of pain and rejection.

As you become the adult you, the inner child stays with you compartmentalized into your psyche holding the pain, rejection and programming you were born into.

Until these emotional wounds are healed, they will continue to manifest outwardly and can create all sorts of problems. You may find that you continually live the same scenarios in life, such as finding partners who mirror your original household upbringing, yet are not healthy for you.

Until we can bring these wounds front and center and incorporate them into our conscious awareness, they will continue to live in a “box in our mind”, the inner child psyche, that is still looking to be heard and healed.

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8 Powerful Steps to Non Attachment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 10:42

by Déesse Indigo,

During our lives, we tend to form many attachments to various types of things. Many of us are so attached to the physical world that we become enslaved and possessed by the very things we adore.

Detachment is when someone has complete freedom from all that is seen or heard and doesn’t let any possessions take control of them. Practicing non-attachment gives us power over our emotions and feelings in relation to the attachments in our life. Many people wonder, why does detachment matter? Why does it matter whether or not we’re attached to something? The answer is simple, if we’re not careful our attachment can lead to tragedy and heartbreak when change takes its unstoppable course.

Attachment is the root cause of our suffering. Non-attachment is the ultimate form of self-mastery.

The first and most important concept when trying to incorporate non-attachment into your life, is consciously acknowledging that everything that’s manifested in our physical world is temporary, not forever.

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5 Critical Reasons To Always Follow Your Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 15:26

Intuition is a phenomenon of the mind that describes the ability to acquire knowledge, without inference or the use of reason.

More frequently referred to as the “Sixth sense” or “Anthar Drushti”. Intuition is the inner mechanism of instinctively knowing something, without means of a logical thought process.

Everyone has experienced intuition in the form of what we call an inner voice, but the degree of intensity will vary dependent upon the level of ones consciousness.

According to William Duggan we have 3 levels of intuition. The first being ordinary intuition, which is a base level of instincts (as
found in animals). The second is expert intuition, which comes in the form of a trained response, and the third is received as a “flash of insight”.

As the consciousness of human beings increase, from basic animal instinct to intelligence and intuition, we can then live in a more conscious state of awareness. We are all evolutionary beings and at this point in our evolution, we are not fully developed in terms of intuitive communication and conscious awareness. So, you could say that living in a heightened intuitive state, is the ultimate aim of humanity.

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How to Heal the Hidden Root of Unworthiness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/21/2015 - 08:53

Are You Worthy?

Why is it that most of us spend our entire lives trying to experience our worth, keep it and prove it to others?

Could it be that our concept and experience of worthiness has gotten lost in the preconception and “misbelievings” that we are not good enough unless we offer value through our deeds, actions and/or our aesthetic appeal?

At the core of all issues, lies the same demon. He looks different and may act different but underneath his many cloaks, unworthiness lies and the more we try to get rid of him or try to prove him wrong, the more persistent he becomes – making his home in our soul. He grows stronger and more demanding the more we believe in him and the less we believe in ourselves. He drives us; and drives us crazy because before we know it our entire lives are dedicated to overcoming our unworthiness by trying to prove our worth.

This demon called unworthiness runs our lives making us cringe and hide; never allowing the world to see us because then they might see that we really are unworthy underneath it all.

How can we ever know and experience our organic, unconditional and intrinsic worthiness, when we are constantly trying to prove that we are not unworthy?

As long as you are trying to prove anything, you will never know or even experience it. It is only in the true surrender that you can begin to know the thing that you are trying to prove.

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Who’s the Boss? The 7 Steps to Self Mastery

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 09:12

Self mastery represents the ultimate goal that one could achieve, or could seek to achieve.

It is a potent tool that allows us to create the reality or destiny we desire. If you are not in control of your own destiny, you are left to the afflictions of fate, of which you feel you have no control over.

Self Mastery encompasses all of the aspects necessary for creating a self-willed reality. “We can only control what we can control and so the most cherished thing that we can control is the self”

7. Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness is the ability to observe and understand our own feelings, thoughts and actions. It is also known as self-consciousness.

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The True Meaning of Ascension

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/18/2015 - 19:54

Ascension in its basic spiritual sense can be thought of as the highest state of humanity in terms of conscious awareness and spiritual evolution.

It is the expansion of the minds perception and the clear understanding of being one with the creator. A oneness with the universe.

Anyone seeking ascension has the basic understanding that ‘ascending’ is taking something that is considered a lower vibration and raising it up to become a higher vibration. This is why many Spiritual traditions aim to achieve the dissolution of the human ego being (the lower self) in order to realize the true nature of their being or Higher Self.

Ascension in the true sense of the word does not literally translate to one’s physical body being raised up or lifted off the ground flying through the air to arrive in heaven.

A more accurate depiction would be the idea of bringing heaven to earth by raising your lower vibrational being (your ego) and transcending your non physical being to a higher vibrational state.

In the metaphysical sense, ascension is about shifting your conscious awareness and entering alternate realities and planes of existence through intention and thought.

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