༺♥ Up-date week of May 23, 2012 ♥༻

Submitted by maiapollan on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 16:15

Gracious day Star-Lights…  

Towards the end of our council meeting of “togetherness”, my 11 year-old daughter took part as an observer and in a moment of collective silence she blurted out… “Silence brings laughter” and began to laugh.

A friend of mine attended a silent retreat this year and on his return said…  “I found out first-hand what it was like to dissolve the ego down to its finest detail.... to the point where it sat right next to my heart, tapped it on the shoulder and told it funny jokes all day.  And the jokes not only made me laugh; they were heartfelt, moving, and emotional.  The eruptive laughter and subsequent smiles… The Joy I am experiencing is like nothing I've ever witnessed before.  The me, who used to sit quietly contemplating freedom but getting only glimpses of it is now but a shadow; the me who used to wish and hope instead of living in the truth has lost a lot of steam.  The me now, can take refuge in a magical and funny place called the Heart! “

With these mentions my up-date is going to take a different vibration then feeding you information. These next cycled days should be “felt” and encouraged for you to take the “leap” to trust your own self and “feel” what Truth equal to Love “IS” to you.

Often you may notice, I observe, rarely saying a word with a smile.  This smile is an inner-breath smile complimented with the acceptance of all in their experience we are co-creating together on various levels of perceptions and manifestions. Within my own Spirit, the directive is harmony, harmony of all in their selected version of consciousness they choose to impart or tap into; giving all the freedom to be who they are in their authentic expression of being in our shared moment.  Yes, there is questions and information we share, yet these are just aspects to add to the “awareness” of breathing the true self and "responding" to what our Spirit really wants to create and experience in the moment of now and into our next future now. 

This is part of painting on the canvas of marrying our Spirit and collaborating the lives

we wish to behold; while embracing the jokes of all these creations we co-create together to experience Infinite Love’s conduit.  We often confuse outcome with procedures finding our human self on the diving board ready to jump, yet we often not allow the Spirit to swim.  This is what many are feeling currently, as Spirit, the neglected I AM presence is whispering “We know how to swim and when we swim together, never will we drown”.  We are in a cosmic soup, a whirlpool, a spiralling world within our consciousness, yet assure you when we “trust” our Spirit/the higher-conscious-self within, we do not drown in the waters, we in fact regain oxygen. This oxygen is defined as an uncondtional love response. 

I have a zero affinity for politics, as it is just another aspect of the game within “this” holographic universe re-writing itself and it in fact distracts the Spirit from breathing, swimming and clogs up the arteries of love’s true heart-beat.   We speak of a system, a transition government to replace the old; what many are “not” seeing beyond the linear thought-forms of 3rd/ 4th density living is… it is “you” who is the transition government.  It is “you” who harbors an affinity to the dark cabal to put focus to it; it is “you” who puts focus to re-formatting a system. It is “you” who puts focus on an alternative to the definition of money and it is “you” re-programming the program in allowance. Can assure you these types of systems do not co-exist within the higher dimensions of being-ness, as we work together to evolve within sharing, within harmony, within co-creation and within the Joy of laughter.

The tag line of intuitive “feeling” today is … this reality has more magicians then mystics with the words "I Believe" uniquely adapted to Free-Will. We are constantly adapting to new belief systems and holding onto them.  Belief and Believe are interesting words because they harbor Be-Lie within it, incorporating the magician of illusion.   We are not here in this moment of expanding progress and inherited wisdom to be the lie. We are here to be the authentic self, which is constantly changing, transitioning, evolving and creating in awareness as co-creators.  If you choose to continue to be the magician of illusion, then I/We support you in that choice and send you love as a creator on that journey. 

Recognize when you lend yourself to a belief system or ideal you are in fact dis-empowering your Spirit to be free to create, to co-create, to express itself in its true nature to just be IN-Joy with the experiences and relationships it wants to have.  The identity of who we are is named Love.  Love wants to create Truth.  Truth is harmony within creation to evolve as being(s) of absolute potential and wellness.

Release the need to clutter up the pathway of our true nature and... “feel” the jokes, the riddles of living.  Your Spirit is laughing with you in creating these thought-forms and life-forms you share together Unconditionally, with no judgment or remourse they exist... so join in. This is how we bring in the light; this is how we shine the light; this is what makes us more than a group of atoms along for the ride as a pawn in the game.  This is how we assist Earth = Heart and our own Ascending Spirit to unplug within this moment of Now. 

Within the Royality we are in collective Smiles, Maia xo

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