…a short period of turmoil followed by a forever of happiness. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 08:07


We are heartened to see the understanding of the overall message of all of our channels spreading far and wide among all those who follow them.  Angelics, masters, and star brothers have all been giving you the same basic information; and, as expected, it has been readily and hungrily absorbed.

This, along with your rapid raising of your vibrational signatures, is bringing the date of your release from the old paradigm closer.  Truly, you have not much longer to wait before the changes which are already proceeding begin to be obvious to everyone.  So much that needs to happen will have to happen so quickly that you may feel as if your heads are spinning.  We would hope that to be a joyful and not a stressful thing.  So much depends upon your ability to maintain calm among your friends and neighbors.  Exuberance and joy are fine.  It is the inevitable fears of many that could cause problems.  But exuberance and joy are contagious, you know.  Please feel free to exhibit them to your heart’s content.

The same applies to all of the things which will be going on this summer.  You will have much support in this.  There will be constant broadcasts explaining what is going on.  But fear is a drug that has been supplied for many thousands of years and will be a hard habit to break for some.  We bring its antidote with us, love and joy.  We recommend liberal dosage daily.

Your lives are about to see a short period of turmoil followed by a forever of happiness.  Those who are able to define their dreams well will be amazed at the results of their efforts.  And there is a saying you have which will apply neatly, “A rising tide raises all boats.”  That is the function of lightworkers and wayshowers after all.  You will be, as always, the lamp burning in the corner.  Continue to raise your brightness now, for soon your light will be needed more than ever.

We hold you in our love and protection now, as always, and continue to cheer you onward.  Take my sword of truth now and use it with love to bring the light to your world.  Until tomorrow, dear friends.


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/


♥ Hello ♥ Even though I am a little sad that I appear to lack sufficient ability to channel as so many of you here are able to do, I am still hoping to emanate Love and Light to all those around me. Mostly Online, as I have been a bit of a hermit in recent years, but also unto my small, but very grouchy family who has made it clear they want no part of my "conspiracy theories."

In any case, I see that may not meet the credentials to be a Lightworker, but perhaps I have it in me to be a Wayshower, so this is my present aim. I've been posting much on my Facebook regarding the upcoming Shift and the many changes and challenges associated with it, and I do feel that some are beginning to open...

Mostly though, after several days last week of feeling jittery, achy, confused and disoriented, I am happy to say I have begun to feel deliciously alive with Love and Joy, like bathing in a warm spring geyser on the edge of a primordial forest, I am luminous and washed awake by the rising Sun...

I do have a question though, one which has burst into my mind, a question which I haven't yet seen answered by anyone else, so if it is alright, I'll ask it here, and hope I someone could offer their thoughts?

The fact is that I am the mother of a 23 year-old young man named Oliver who has rather profound autism. Actually, I don't like referring to his condition as "autism", because within 10 days of his birth he developed antibiotic-resistant ear infections, and then, (my not knowing any better at the time) following his four-month vaccines he began to have severe seizures. Soon after it became apparent that his gastrointestinal, immunological and neurological systems had been somehow injured, and by the time he turned two, he was easily diagnosed with autism. This is a boy, mind you, who does not appear to have any special abilities (and I've always been the sort to look for such in him).

In any case, Oliver's life today is as upbeat and as settled as it can be. He lives in an excellent group home and he works several part-time jobs a week with an ever-present helper at his side, a schedule which he truly enjoys. In fact, he becomes quite irritable when he can't attend work for any reason.

Unless by some miracle that Oliver has never in his life been able to communicate to me in any way (even though he is very verbal), I'm assuming he does not have the wherewithal to comprehend this matter of Ascension. And given the nature of the multi-system vaccine reaction he experienced, he has always been prone to injuriously aggressive outbursts, ones which finally, after many years of being treated (unsuccessfully) by licensed holistic and homeopathic practitioners, have lessened due to Oliver's receipt of a small daily dose of the medication known as Risperdal.

Such as Oliver is, reliant upon absolute adherence to his routine, and, as he is easily frightened by even the smallest changes in his reality, I don't imagine he'll fare very well adjusting to life in the Fifth Dimension. So what then becomes of him? Does he go to the same "place" where those who do not wish to ascend will go?

I have always wondered about the soul within him which so bravely made the choice (or accepted the verdict?) to live his life like this. And although I myself have been treated by a shaman on a couple of occasions, I have never been given a glimpse as to who Oliver really IS, and whether or not he has done what he came here to do this time, karmicly and/or otherwise, etc.

In general, however, is there a consensus as to what happens with children and adults who have these differences or "disabilities"? I've heard that other sorts of physical ailments and conditions shall be healable, but what of those like my Oliver? As the Homeopath who once treated him explained to me, healing someone like my son through what we know of medicine, both homeopathic and allopathic, is not easy, because he has been the recipient of so many layers of insults. It's not like having a broken leg, or maybe even cancer in one region of the body. Oliver has been impacted across many systems at many different intervals, so finding one's way to the roots of his injuries (within his body and relative to Space and Time) would be considered impossible. So what do our dear and too long lost friends and family members wish here?

Are people like my son to be instantly transformed into the people they would have been had they not been affected as they have been? Or will they be sent to that place where they are able to review their lives and decide where they would wish to go next? 

This question has been building up in me for days, and now I can no longer delay asking about it. I will be grateful for any reflections, thoughts, theories, and/or answers any of you may wish to offer. Thank you for being here at this wondrous, glorious, joyous "moment" in our collective Ascension! ♥


Thank You All,



Mon, 04/16/2012 - 16:19

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

do not worry about Oliver, no such thing as autism exists. What is called autism is not a syndrom, thus your son is already there. That is why those BEings came here, to bring others a Bridge to the higher Dimentions. His not "seeming to be here" occurs as he's already "there". That is why his interaction with this dimension seems so scarse.


Thank you for posting your loving letter. And from what you're saying YOU ARE a Lightworker! For Lightworkers are simply supposed to do what you do. BE the Light They ARE. Which is probably one of the reason because Oliver choose You as her Earth Mother. 


Enjoy your LIght and the LOVE you ARE. It's all that has to Be done.




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