Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 04:09

What if those who have been saying that Obama is a good guy are right? What if his Executive Order to proclaim martial law was, in fact, a ploy to have the military participate in the arrest of the real criminals in this nation and have them taken to the concentration camps they have prepared for true, patriotic citizens? What if that is the manner in which the Republic gets launched? I'm not saying any of this is true; I'm only asking: What If...?

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 07:22



      I feel in the deepest of my heart that Obama is right where he needs to be.

Just maybe he needs to be very careful right now. If he had told the real truth

in his first 4 years as president, what happen to the Kennedys and others would of been his fate also. I feel his light. We do not know what is going on behind closed doors.

But when I here his speeches I see his heart, a loveing, caring soul that is going to carry this world into Heaven on Earth. And when the time comes for him to

finally be able to tell the truth then everyone with doubt will then know his real heart. I have alway's seen it. Its in my heart. And the dark people see it too. That is why they spread all the doubt they can with negitive energy on TV and the net about him trying thier hardest to put doubt in people minds. That is what the dark does to control minds. Not mine! No way! If I am wrong about

Obama, then that is a lesson learn. But if my heart is right, what a wonderful

world this is going to be. I also love what is in your heart too.


                                    Love and Light



Elaine, I too wanted to be able to believe.  Unfortunately, Obama's very personability makes him even more dangerous, in my opinion, than the war criminals of the Bush II administration, because he seduces us into his fabricated dream, but then continues indefinite detention, drone attacks against allied countries, murder of civilians (even citizens!), criminalization of free speech and of casual drug users (including medical users complying with state law), suppression of the media, and patently false stories like the alleged Osama bin Laden 'raid' and the fate of those alleged raiders.


His staff includes people who were at least partly responsible for the economic meltdown and shills for Monsanto and the natural resource exploiters.  He has allowed DOMA to remain in effect and stalled for two years on DADT.  He caved on the Healthcare act so that insurers and big pharma continue to rake profits off of our suffering, and offered concessions against the national debt limit when none were needed (constitutionally guaranteed).


Not that I think we have any better choice -- even Ron Paul's constitutionalism seems not to have been thought through.  Citizens are waking up, but uninformed citizenry causes havoc, and we are being led around like cattle.  Elaine, I would love to be wrong about this, and for you to be right -- please convince me.


    - Runyan

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 15:06

  You are a very kind and patient person. That is a very commendable trait. I, on the otherhand, have had enough of his abuse against other nations, killing innocent men, women, and child, and American citizens.  He spends money we don't have and every day I'm left wondering what freedoms our elected officials will take away from us next.  He needs to be arrested for war crimes.  He is evil to the core and has no compassion for humaity.  If he stays in power, we will be at war with Iran. Iran has done nothing but tolerate our harassment. Our government is a nightmare and "We the People" must take responsibility for the actions of our government.  He's gotta go - And wondering why he is still in our White House. Best Regards 

The belief that certain people are "evil to the core" is part of why the US went to war. That type of thinking is the cause of corruption, not the solution to ending it.


I pray that you are able to see all your fellow Human Beings for the Light that they are, even the ones that are clothed in darkness. This is true Compassion, seeing others as "evil" robs us of that very compassion you accuse Obama of lacking.

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