1. Project MKUltra
From the 1950’s through the 1970’s, the CIA conducted mind control experiments on U.S. citizens. President Clinton even issued a formal apology on behalf of the government in 1995 for it. The government used drugs, hypnosis, abuse, and electronics in an attempt to control the minds of various subjects. This story was originally uncovered when a Freedom of Information Act request exposed 20,000 classified documents and triggered a series of Senate hearings.
2. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
On August 2nd of 1964, the USS Maddox reported that it had been attacked by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats. Maddox shot back 280 shells in what it claimed was a sea battle. a U.S> aircraft carrier was damaged. This incident was largely used to justify our entrance into the Vietnam war. But it never actually happened. In 2005, a study revealed that there were no North Vietnamese naval vessels actually present at the time.