Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/03/2011 - 06:10


Welcome beloveds we are here to guide and support you at this time of heightened drama and energies. The solar eclipse has heightened that which must be released and we are here to guide and support you through this release. Many of you will be experiencing more shifts in your vibration as that which you have already released will allow even more to come to the fore. Be aware dear ones that you move in all directions at once, it is not just a forward movement you make. We acknowledge that for many of you this is not a concept that you will necessarily resonate with at this time. We guide you to allow this to sit within your vibration and allow the heart to filter this to you.

Multi dimensionality is a way of BEing that more and more of you will be experiencing, many of you will experience this without actually realising that which it is you experience. We have guided previously about the illusion and especially the illusion of time. This was taught to the human race to rob them of the power that is within. Whilst many of you are drawn into the illusion of “future” and the illusion of “past” you are in essence robbed of the moment. Time is not linear as the illusion would have you believe and we acknowledge how difficult a concept this is for many of you. The illusion is strong around the concept of time and many of you are trying to adjust to the truth of time whilst being surrounded by illusion.

We guide you to go easy with yourself, once more it may be difficult for you to accept the multi dimensionality of your BEing if you are using your mind to process your life experience. The mind will have various problems with this concept but we guide you to process with the heart, your heart know the truth of what IS and will guide you to accepting. When you move things from your heart you begin to heal in all dimensions at once dear ones. This can prove to be major healing for many as the hurts that reside within the heart are ancestral hurts. Many of you may be at a loss as to why you feel as hurt or as overwhelmed as you do, many of you will be puzzled why you are experiencing hurt of pain at all as you are unable to relate the pain to this section of your life experience.

We guide you strongly to allow the multi dimensionality aspect of you existence to start to work within your life journey here on planet earth. Many of you live in many different dimensions, as you begin to heal in this dimension on planet earth you affect all the goes on in the other dimensions. The healing which previous to the energies experienced on planet earth would have been confined to this reality and this dimension, however the new energies have allowed the healing to move across, through and beyond this dimension. You are healing in the greatest sense of the word.

From this knowledge it makes sense to guide you as to how other dimensions of YOU can be affecting the YOU that you are now, reading these words on planet earth. If you can affect other dimensions then yes dear ones they can affect you. So the healing is at a much greater depth than ever before. You heal many aspects of your BEing in many dimensions. Many of you have been working to clear what you term ancestral patterns, patterns of behaviour and hurt that have been stored from generation to generation, you are now more fully able to do this with the new energies. Please be aware dear ones although this sounds magical to be able to do this we do caution you to be aware of the depth of healing. If you have chosen to move ancestral hurts and heal in this life time then you have also at some point in your journey known about the multi dimensional aspect and accepted this. We guide that a lot of the acceptance is not yet in your conscious mind but subconsciously you are fully aware of that which is the truth.

We accept and acknowledge that our words for this guidance may be difficult if not impossible for many of you to take at face value. We guide you to process all with your heart and allow the information to sit within the heart. When the moment comes for you to accept the full truth it will BE. We are all ONE dear ones in the broadest sense of the word ONE. Many of you are now moving into new work, to bring through more lost information to the human race and we acknowledge how many of you are working with this. For many it is a struggle as you are still trying to absorb and fully accept that which you disseminate to others across the planet. We guide at all times for those who work at this level to rest often and not to force the information. ALL the information that YOU ever need is within YOU dear ones, therefore it cannot be lost or stolen or other words the illusion may sway you with. The key to unlocking the information is patience and love. BE patient with yourselves dear ones, allow the information that you digest and that reveals the truth to you to sit within you. Work from a solid foundation at all times lest the illusion sneak up on you and pull you back in.

There is not timeline to work to dear ones for you are approaching the working outwith time as you know it. We will guide more about this in due course but we need to feel that you understand the concept of multi dimensionality before we can guide and support on other matters. It is vital that you begin to have a solid foundation for the BEing that you are now revealing to yourselves as YOU. The illusion will push you to move faster, to gain more knowledge, to move things as if it were a race and we guide you to resist this way of working and to look behind the veil. If you do not have a solid foundation for your truth and your life experience then you are more susceptible to illusion. Illusion knows this dear ones.

We guide you to enjoy your life experience, delight in the creation that you are now beginning to master. Enjoy supporting one another and of BEing. Relax as you realise that the race never was, the unanswered question was never there, know that all is well.

We have kept our guidance short for this time to allow you to let the multi dimensionality concept into your hearts. We will guide more in due course. Allow your truth to set you free dear ones, the truth and your heart are the keys in your life journey. Be aware that you are healing on a very deep level and treat yourself as you would a child who was ill, with compassion and love. You are in effect children of the universe and the universe is now pouring love and compassion through you to allow the healing that will occur within you all. There is no race, no competition and no unanswered question dear ones, there only IS.

We are the high council of orion and we are your brothers and sisters from the stars. We hold you in love within our hearts as you begin the journey to wholeness. Reach out for us and we will be there dear ones, for we are ONE. We leave you with message of love and blessings. We love you, we have never not loved you, we are ONE.

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