~7th dimensional light beings, in response to the question ~How can we remember who we are & reclaim our power?~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/01/2011 - 07:09

7th dimensional light beings, in response to the question voted on by Conscious Life News viewers:

~How can we remember who we are & reclaim our power?~



We are Simion, the Evolutionary Collective. You are asking this question: “How Can We Remember Who We Are and Reclaim Our Power.” In asking this question, you are recognizing that you are not your entire selves and you are not being in your power. This is an important realization that you are making in asking this question, and, therefore, we congratulate you in this consideration.

With every great philosophical and spiritual question, there is, in your world, a dichotomy expressed. Therefore, when you look at this question and consider it, you must understand that in order to remember you are, in your world you must forget who you are. And, in order to reclaim your power, you must relinquish the power that you have given to the exterior environment and your ego identity.

This is what we speak of. In your world, you have relinquished your true being and remembrance of who you truly are and you have given your power to the external environment that has created that identity that you think you are.

Thus, you must let go of the illusion that you experience in this world. You have been given an opportunity to experience this illusion in order to express and find the true expression of your soul being, which is who you truly are, as a being in connection and wholeness with the universal consciousness, which is what you might call God or the Source of all.

And this is who you must remember, the being that you must remember you truly are, in order to reclaim the power that is inherent in that beingness – that oneness of interconnectivity of your soul with that God Universal Intelligence.

As each of you is an expression thereof, in your unique expression of that God force, you each have particular and special qualities of the power of that universal consciousness.

So, even within that whole oneness, you are each a beautiful and unique expression. And you can see this, the wholeness of the universe, is expressed in your 3-dimentional reality. You can see the beauty and the wholeness of the expression of God. However, you have forgotten that you are a part of this expression and that everything around you is that spiritual expression of Godliness.

So, in your trying to remember, you must give up the fact that you think you are separate from all that is the Godliness of your universal expression, which is all that is around you: every being that exists planet earth, every cell and every molecule, every rock, every piece of wood, every tree, every bit of metal, every house, every car, everything that you experience on your planet is an expression of God or Source consciousness. It can be nothing other than that.

So, in order to remember who you are, you need to remember that everything is who you are. Again, that may seem like a dichotomy, because you think that you need to remember yourself as separate. But, what you need to remember is that you are not separate. You are all caught up in this idea of your individual identity when your power is NOT in your individual identity. Your power is in your individual expression as a part of the whole.

You see that as incomprehensible when you are bound by that identity that you feel is you, which is your ego identity that is governed by the external environment that has told you what you need to be. You can let go of this entirely. And, when you do so, you will find the true power of yourself – of your self consciousness as this expression of the whole.

It may appear complex and you have a hard time conceiving of this idea; again, because your misconception that you are separate. But, it is time in the cultivation of your evolution to recognize that your power is within the unity of your consciousness with everything around you.

So, you can begin to remember who you are by remembering what everything is – remembering that you are of everything that is in your physical universe and beyond. And, remember to look to the space between the objects or the separateness that you perceive with your consciousness as it is perceiving in the 3-dimensional reality of everything around you.

The space between. Look to this space to see that there is consciousness in all and that everything is not as separate as it appears. It is the space between that actually creates the seeming separateness of everything around you.

But, if you look into the space between, you notice that you can begin to see the energy in the space between that actually connects all of the beings. And, we recommend that you do this out in the space of nature where you can look between the trees and see that there is energy between the trees. You will begin to develop your consciousness to the matrix grid of the reality, which is all of energy.

It is all energy that creates even the trees and the grasses and the birds that fly between. And, it is all the energy that you can see and sense between in which you begin to recognize the interconnectivity. And, it is the space between that allows the space for the physical beingness of these objects, you see, including yourselves.
Thus, you are all connected by the space between. And, therefore there is no space between. Again, another dichotomy.

So, whenever you ask a philosophical question, always look at what is the opposite and that is what you must do. It is what you must be at some level or another.

So, when you are looking at the separateness of things, and you are trying to understand how you could be interconnected, look at where they are connected. That is the illusion of there being nothing between you and the tree but space. You see, there is no such thing as this space that you think you see.
This is where you can begin to develop a consciousness towards understanding that you are a whole oneness with everything in your environment. And, as such, you will begin to remember that you are not separate and that you are this power. You have the power of a creator. You are a creator, as the God, Consciousness, Source is. It is this consciousness itself that is governing your reality.

You are not separate from any other consciousness within in your sphere of understanding. Your consciousness affects the trees. And, your consciousness affects the stones. And, your consciousness affects your neighbor.
How would you like your consciousness to be spread within your environment? This is where your true individuality actually is empowered. Because, when you recognize that you have this power of consciousness, then, and only then can you understand your influence and reclaim the power that influence may have. Because, when you think that you are powerless, and when you think that you are just this identity that has been created by your society, then you have no power.

Then you are powerless, then you are governed by external forces, and your consciousness has been diminished. And although you feel separate and special, you are not separate and special, in this case. Your true individuality, in other words, your true unique spirit is not expressed within that reality, within that sense of separateness. Your true spiritual power and individual character of being as an expression of this source energy is only developed and only truly understood and empowered in itself when you understand that you are part of the whole, and that your consciousness has all the power in the universe, all the power of the god-force. And that as you recognize this, you see what happens, many say “well what does that mean that there can be evil done with that recognition of that power?”, and the answer is absolutely not. And this is such a misconception in your world because once you recognize that you are part of the whole you cannot in your wildest imaginations imagine damaging yourself in this reality.
Flower of Light
The consciousness that develops when you understand your interconnectivity to it all, and your unique expression within that, you can do nothing but develop a consciousness that has every thing and every being in reverence. It is that sense that develops, of oneness with the Universe, which can only elicit within your being a higher level of consciousness that only wishes the most positive vibration to all… to all, you see.

And as you being to recognize the power of this consciousness within this whole of the being of the Universe, you begin to recognize that you are much more than just what you have experienced in this plane of reality. As you tap into the wholeness of your unique consciousness within the whole, you begin to tap into all of the experiences that that whole has had in other lifetimes within this reality. Perhaps many. Perhaps thousands, some of you. Perhaps only a few on this planetary reality. Perhaps many, many more on other realities. Maybe your soul consciousness has developed beyond the physical reality that you experience and you are here as a helper for the raising of the consciousness of planet Earth and humanity, because there are many of you that are what you may call “starseeds” that have come from other realms, other planetary systems, other dimensions.

So you see, as you develop this consciousness within your 3-dimensional reality to expand yourself beyond the limitations that you perceive, and you recognize that you are a part of this super-consciousness, you become this super-consciousness. And you are then able to tap into the larger multidimensional self that you are in fact a part of. Now in order to do this, you must be willing to let go of everything you thought you were, and everything that you think this world is, and everything you think that you are supposed to be within it. And this is what the authorities, or the misconceived on your planet, and that includes many of yourselves, want you to believe is that you do not have this power, or they are afraid of the understanding that is inherent in this knowing. And this is a key understanding for you to have.

There is no negativity and evil in this understanding, or this misunderstanding, from those of you among this planet that want to keep the human race at a state of unknowing. It is just an unawareness, just as your unawareness keeps you in disguise. Are you evil because you do not know who you truly are? Is anyone? The answer is “absolutely not”, because there is no such thing as this evil as you speak of. There is only a lack of awareness of who one truly is. And so in that sense, if you are going to call unawareness evil, then you are just as evil as any other. How you express yourself is your choice. How you use your awareness is your choice. How much awareness you have is your choice. That is all that is of significance in this question.

So you must decide every day, “how much of my true self and the true consciousness of the Universe will I be aware of?”… “how much of this do I choose to bring into my experience?”. And you say, “well that sounds easier than it is”. And it is only as easy as you decide to make it, and as hard as you decide to make it if that is the case. So you must decide for yourselves, “how difficult will it be for me to recognize that I am my own power as a consciousness in connection with the god-source?”. Which means just to separate, and here’s another dichotomy, yourself from what you thought you were and what you think the external environment is, and to reclaim your inner truth and to look within in order to find answers. All of the answers are there because as you look within, and as you recognize yourself within the space between and everything connected, you begin to hear the words of your true self, of your soul, of the Universe. You begin to hear the song of the trees and the birds in a new way because they are all a part of you. And you begin to communicate with all that is around you on a very different level, and this is when you become in unison, in cooperation, with the beautiful being of Gaia that you live upon, within, energetically. And this is where you develop the power of her force within you and you become an aspect of her creation that is in unison with all f her amazing creativity, you see, as she too is a unique expression of that god-source. And you within her are given the opportunity to be part of her expression, and you of her. So together you can continually, and do, create the world in which you live.
Simion, The Evolutionary Collective
And so in order to reclaim your power you merely need to recognize your inner truth and the interconnectivity of your being with all, and begin to communicate with everything around you on that level, and allow the answers of your soul to come through. And disregard the external influences that are not you. Can you do this? Of course you can do this. This is what you are meant to do. And as you do so, you recognize that power of your consciousness and you become the true being that you are, you recognize your multidimensional self, and you recognize the power of your consciousness to create your environment in unison with all the other beautiful soul expressions that are of the god-source.

And this may seem rather philosophical to you. But yet, you are asking this philosophical question so to speak, it is a very spiritual question, so you obviously recognize that this is where the answer are, that you have not been told of your true power by your education system, by your advertising system, your marketing schemes, or whatever have you that has governed your understanding. Your financial system is a complete fraud in the sense that it has nothing to do with the true expression of what humanity is. You all often have dictated your own self worth by this external thing called money or finances, and you think this is how your worth is measured. And this has nothing to do with your true being. You will not be wealthy in the truest sense of the soul until you let go of the illusion that you think is wealth on your planet. And we will just say that because we understand that so many of you are wrapped up into that illusion.

You will only gain the true abundance that is naturally yours everywhere in the Universe when you recognize the power of that consciousness to be that, within that. You will be within that automatically as you make yourself in tune by recognizing the true power of who you are. And it is as simple as that, yet it is a process that you are going through. And this is okay, and you may fall back into the illusion, but your soul purpose in being here is in fact to have this recognition of your power as a consciousness. So go about it, and as you make efforts each day to have this recognition and to start listening to your own soul, and not all the forces around you, you will be remembering who you are and you will be reclaiming the power of your true soul consciousness. And with that, we wish that all the brightness of your true spirit come forth into this reality, and that you are sharing this with others so that they may blossom as well.




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