Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 12:43



I listened to the video not paying to much attention probably, so I take all responsability for the post. My english Is not so smart when listening to it and I'm not used to many of the terms they used. I took it for a good one and I made a mistake, as Predrag pointed our by listening to it. 


I do thank ALL for great coming together and pointing it out. This is a great sharing job and I really apreciate it!


Thank you again to All GFP readers for your smart attention and for keeping up our LOVE LEVEL!








Thank You again, and thanks to my Beloved One for helping me with this.

In the future I promise I'll let his check out all his area lol.



helping me with this.







Comment by Will


First, the video talks about the military's plans to violently stop
any public uprising. This is something neither new, nor surprising,
nor cause for alarm. It's been part of how militaries and governments
have operated for thousands of years. Of course they have plans for
that, they've got plans on top of plans hidden within plans and backup
plans for those. Nowhere in the video did I hear him say an attack has
actually started. The interview was done 2 years ago now, and I can
confirm America is not under attack by it's own military. The title is
misleading and fear-based, and the article vaguely based upon the
interview says things like, "And before Americans can organize
themselves they will be destroyed by their own military". Not only is
it reporting on a "future" that hasn't happened yet, it's also
encouraging an incredibly ugly vision of that future.
There's been this idea being promoted among lightworkers that
"darkness" is about to try taking over and enslaving everyone. The
problem with this is that it already happened thousands of years ago,
Humanity fell into darkness, and is only recently really waking up. To
act like darkness is trying to take over now is silly, ignorance
doesn't want change, it has a system right now that works very well
for ignorance. After repeated attempts to enslave Humanity, the one
thing that has become very clear is that any long-term enslavement on
Humanity is impossible. The most effective method of enslavement so
far is giving people the illusion that they are free, which is the
system operating in most countries on this Planet.
The way that Humanity is going to free itself from darkness is through
Love and Compassion. Messages that promote neither, ones that are
filled with warnings and rumors, do not belong on the Galactic Free
Press. At least that's the way I feel about it, I'm not going to try
to control what is posted, rather I'm going to share my vision of the
Galactic Free Press with everyone else here and see how everyone else
Guest's picture

No coincidence that ILLUSION has made use of two sides of things more than once....


Such as:

1. Cause a Storm / Hurricane   2. Then get $$$ To "help" with Storm / Hurricane.


1. Develop a "Fear" of Terror/ Cause it    2. Then get $$$ to "Protect" us from Terror.


1. IN general, TRY TO CREATE FEAR   2. Then get $$$ to help us feel secure.


1. Poison us with drugs / vaccines   2.  Then get $$$ for health programs to "heal us"


The Awakened / Awakening ones KNOW this now!


It is VERY (or not) coincidental that the "arrest" stories and this are being reported simultaneously


KNOW YOUR POWER (because apparently THEY know our power!!!) 












Guest's picture

This is pure fear porn from a religious fanatic...


It is just as likely that our troops will go after the elite & finally put an end to the suffering of humanity.

Sonny's picture

Fear Porn.......really, does anyone still bite into these vibrations-lowering-mind-manipulation stuff? puhleeeze......

MaAlaea's picture

The LIGHT CONTINUES TO PERMEATE.... NO MORE FEAR... otherwise we go back to who we were 

ONE of the Pleiadian Star Elders

Guest's picture

This is their answer to Drake's information.....they know about it, and they are ready to fight back.....

wmarkley's picture

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! This is a feeble attempt to instil FEAR into the people, I personally will not go there, i will not fear PERIOD! The evil cabal is going down, they will try to entice fear to the people to feed from, DONT give into this crap, We have come far, and will defeat the evil, there will not be any civil war, or martial law, the military will not attack its people. just stay in the light, project love to all, and DONT give in to fear.

Hillary's picture

I agree, it's just fear-mongering, and I will not be persuaded. Besides, the US Military is  already on the side of the good guys at the Pentagon, and I cannot imagine any circumstances under which the US military would turn against its fellow Americans, even if threatened with torture or execution. The loyalty these young men and women feel towards their country and their communities and their families would be very difficult to subvert.


Likewise, disclosure and the upcoming mass arrests of the criminal Cabal have been in the works for decades at least, and there is no way an outbreak of panic among the NWO cronies could be more effective than the highly organized, longstanding plan to overthrow them. 

Still I'd really like to hear Drake comment on this matter right away, as well as David Wilcock if possible. I think I'll head over to his website to see if there's any mention of this newly released video.

What was the date mentioned herein that the military commanders would meet to discuss readiness? Wasn't it December 5th? That's absurdly far in the future considering Drake says Go Time is for the overthrow of the Cabal is between now and 30-45 days from now. Besides, our ET friends have assured us that any plans on the part of the dark ones to perpetrate violence against humanity in the days and weeks to come will be entirely thwarted and I'm going to put my faith in that, because, well...the alternative is too frightening, unthinkable...


Yet even though I plan to stay calm and positive and to maintain my trust in the best possible of outcomes, the overthrow and arrests of these NWO crooks can't come soon enough...

b.light's picture

we must not assist in making fear "viral".  fear is the virus from which we are now being offered a cure, but we must all be dedicated to light and love to accept such a cure. we have been warned through many channels that the dark cabal would try to confuse us about what is really transpiring as they are brought down and held accountable for their actions. i have to wonder why GFP is even helping to spread this message, as it goes against the enormous goal we have right now of abolishing the fear from our heart. let us focus on the messages of light, love, peace and prosperity and tune out the dark chatter of doubt and fear.


live in light.


GLR ANdReA's picture

I listened to the video not paying to much attention probably, so I take all responsability for the post. My english Is not so smart when listening to it and I'm not used to many of the terms they used. I took it for a good one and I made a mistake, as Predrag pointed our by listening to it. 


I do thank ALL for great coming together and pointing it out. This is a grat sharing job and I really apreciate it!


Thank you again to All GFP readers for your attention! You're GREAT ONES!





BE Blessed in LOVE for only LOVE Exists


Guest's picture

yup exactly i would not make this viral at all.  no more dark energy or fear






Guest's picture

No coincidence that ILLUSION has made use of two sides of things more than once....


Such as:

1. Cause a Storm / Hurricane   2. Then get $$$ To "help" with Storm / Hurricane.


1. Develop a "Fear" of Terror/ Cause it    2. Then get $$$ to "Protect" us from Terror.


1. IN general, TRY TO CREATE FEAR   2. Then get $$$ to help us feel secure.


1. Poison us with drugs / vaccines   2.  Then get $$$ for health programs to "heal us"


The Awakened / Awakening ones KNOW this now!


It is VERY (or not) coincidental that the "arrest" stories and this are being reported simultaneously


KNOW YOUR POWER (because apparently THEY know our power!!!) 












Guest's picture

This is pure fear porn from a religious fanatic...


It is just as likely that our troops will go after the elite & finally put an end to the suffering of humanity.

Sonny's picture

Fear Porn.......really, does anyone still bite into these vibrations-lowering-mind-manipulation stuff? puhleeeze......

MaAlaea's picture

The LIGHT CONTINUES TO PERMEATE.... NO MORE FEAR... otherwise we go back to who we were 

ONE of the Pleiadian Star Elders

Guest's picture

This is their answer to Drake's information.....they know about it, and they are ready to fight back.....

wmarkley's picture

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! This is a feeble attempt to instil FEAR into the people, I personally will not go there, i will not fear PERIOD! The evil cabal is going down, they will try to entice fear to the people to feed from, DONT give into this crap, We have come far, and will defeat the evil, there will not be any civil war, or martial law, the military will not attack its people. just stay in the light, project love to all, and DONT give in to fear.

Hillary's picture

I agree, it's just fear-mongering, and I will not be persuaded. Besides, the US Military is  already on the side of the good guys at the Pentagon, and I cannot imagine any circumstances under which the US military would turn against its fellow Americans, even if threatened with torture or execution. The loyalty these young men and women feel towards their country and their communities and their families would be very difficult to subvert.


Likewise, disclosure and the upcoming mass arrests of the criminal Cabal have been in the works for decades at least, and there is no way an outbreak of panic among the NWO cronies could be more effective than the highly organized, longstanding plan to overthrow them. 

Still I'd really like to hear Drake comment on this matter right away, as well as David Wilcock if possible. I think I'll head over to his website to see if there's any mention of this newly released video.

What was the date mentioned herein that the military commanders would meet to discuss readiness? Wasn't it December 5th? That's absurdly far in the future considering Drake says Go Time is for the overthrow of the Cabal is between now and 30-45 days from now. Besides, our ET friends have assured us that any plans on the part of the dark ones to perpetrate violence against humanity in the days and weeks to come will be entirely thwarted and I'm going to put my faith in that, because, well...the alternative is too frightening, unthinkable...


Yet even though I plan to stay calm and positive and to maintain my trust in the best possible of outcomes, the overthrow and arrests of these NWO crooks can't come soon enough...

b.light's picture

we must not assist in making fear "viral".  fear is the virus from which we are now being offered a cure, but we must all be dedicated to light and love to accept such a cure. we have been warned through many channels that the dark cabal would try to confuse us about what is really transpiring as they are brought down and held accountable for their actions. i have to wonder why GFP is even helping to spread this message, as it goes against the enormous goal we have right now of abolishing the fear from our heart. let us focus on the messages of light, love, peace and prosperity and tune out the dark chatter of doubt and fear.


live in light.


GLR ANdReA's picture

I listened to the video not paying to much attention probably, so I take all responsability for the post. My english Is not so smart when listening to it and I'm not used to many of the terms they used. I took it for a good one and I made a mistake, as Predrag pointed our by listening to it. 


I do thank ALL for great coming together and pointing it out. This is a grat sharing job and I really apreciate it!


Thank you again to All GFP readers for your attention! You're GREAT ONES!





BE Blessed in LOVE for only LOVE Exists


Guest's picture

yup exactly i would not make this viral at all.  no more dark energy or fear



dawn christine (not verified)

Mon, 04/09/2012 - 12:47

Wow - this is intense work - so much coming in at once and us learning every moment in the process. We are so blessed to have such a solid ground crew. We are all giving everything we have to steer this great moment into the light! Humbled and deeply grateful to be working amongst such integrity, intelligence and pure love. Thank you ! 

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