about me so far.

Submitted by chouinardkeri on Thu, 03/28/2013 - 15:46

i just started to wake up. i have allot of questions. i also feel like its really hard to connect with myself i havent dreamt in months maybe longer. . im so happy and thankfull for this website.

IandaHi (not verified)

Thu, 03/28/2013 - 17:25

Hi Love,


Welcome to this site.  We are all here as one love.  Welcome aboard :)  I don't know if I can help answer questions you might have about the awakening process.  I think it's different for everyone.  I believe everyone is unique, and many experience similar things, yet, every single heart of God is different, so what you experience in the awakening to your Highest Self might be the same and it might be different to me or any other person you meet anywhere.  All life is experiencing great changes. More are awakening now than ever before.  My own experience is one that happened many years ago, it seems, but it's an ongoing process.  We never stop changing, and God is always changing.  If one were to sum up my experience in a nutshell, I would say it's been a wild ride.  I can't think of a better phrase than a wild ride.  It's been up. It's been down. It's been around and around many cycles and cycles of cycles of change.  I have learned many things, but I don't really know what you need an answer to.  Is there something specific you want to ask. I'm sure more will attempt to help you here, if you get a little more specific about your experience now.  Love and Light you are.  You just are :)


Thanks for being here.  Love to you :)




Thu, 03/28/2013 - 19:33

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

thank you so much for replying. wasnt quite sure how the blog worked if anyone could see it and help or if i needed to ask in chatrooms for help.so here it goes i was looking up bineral beats and high frequences a couple months back for about a week or two. i was getting headaches from them i think. are they a good thing to try? also today i stopped smokeing marajana do you think that marajuana could have be the reason i stopped dreaming or atleast remembering them? is marajuana bad to use? also How long does it ushally take to be fully awake?  seince we only have two years, Is two Years Enough time to fully awaken? Lastly Should i tell my children the truth about everything do i take them on this wild ride with me? 

thanks for helping much love to you also


IandaHi (not verified)

Fri, 03/29/2013 - 02:35

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hi Love,


I don't personally do anything.  With this sort of activity happening, I wouldn't attempt such a thing.  No drink, no smoke for me.  Truthfully, though, I do do caffeine, and I do mean do it.  Cappaccino is uh quite frequent with me, but, honestly I just don't like drink anymore. I have smoked in my life. I'm fifty, so it was inevitable in those days, but, truthfully, i never quite liked it. My imaginative ability was too grand and whew I just didn't like the effect.  So, what to do when one is starting to awaken.  Those binaual beats are one tool, and yep.  They sure do work.  They begin to open the coiled energy in the spine. That energy is the energy yogis and mystics have taught about for eons, it seems.  It unleashes the God Heart, really.  The energy in us is the Christed Spark and it is trutfully felt within the body.  As you listen to certain frequencies, you will begin to harnass this energy and it moves up the spine and out the crown chakra.  The chakra line is actually much grander than the little seven chakras on our physical being.  We have many and they are the way to ignite the Christed Grid. Once the crown is lit, so to speak, the many light beams, source energy, Beings of Light, God, Christ, Angels, anyone, Fairys are real, so all of these can be accessed, once one has accustomated to the many many changes within our physical bodies.  It's a wild ride, for sure, but wonderfully wierd one.  Just get over being wonderfully wierd, and you'll do better than me :)  I used to beg God to let me have a white picket fence sort of life, you know, a normal life.  It was just too wierd for me.  God said this to me, "Get over it.  You'll never be normal."  and that is the truth with a capital T.  I don't fear being wonderfuly different anymore.  If I can't be me, who am I?  Thanks for this little chat.  Love, Love, Love we are.  Here's to the wonderful and the wierd in all of us :)


Fri, 03/29/2013 - 21:29

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

thanks im deffenatly starting those bineral beats and high frequences back up again. last time i did them i was very fearfull of what would happen because of my lack of knoledge. but this time im going in full of love and light and support from my galactic family  i feel it will be totally different thanks for your time and love.

much love to you all.

Sarah Shiddian

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 06:34

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hello Keri,

Nice to meet you. I love you Ianda. I love you Keri.

First, nothing causes headaches in reality. An ache is a symptom of something going on, either "good" or "bad", a signal.

When you allow your inner Being to BE, to come to more awareness in this physical vehicle, you are opening the door to more and more light, to what you need to receive for your progression.

Do not fear the experience, just let it be, allow it to fully express, to fully be. Set your intention and embrace it with your heart, not your head (not saying that embracing with the head causes headaches, lol ;). You are the creator of your own evolution and it all starts with you. There is only YOU with YOU. Once you grasp this truth you will have no more fear of the unknown because you will know that YOU brought it forth by YOUR intention, it is YOUR creation.

Opening up the pineal and pituitary glands do bring some discomforts, trust me, I know! (smile) It is not exactly the same for everyone. In my case it was a lot and over a long period of time. But my ride has been my ride, and for reasons my soul knows better than me. My ride was and has been what it was and has been. No regrets.

So do not question the pains into your physical body and unless you get suspicious that something is REALLY wrong and get very scared, do not rush to the hospital. I have been feeling GREAT pains since childhood and I NEVER had anything serious and nothing bad happened to me except for the torturous feeling all those years. My body is 54 (Ianda -wink).

Many, oh so many, are starting to get the fatigue and the pains and are resisting them because they are not used to them and as they say or think, it should not be like that. Do no resist. I, for myself, was told back in 1995 that I could work and knew nothing about CFS and fibromyalgia - which I had (have) - so I resisted and resisted and lost confidence in myself because I could not DO all I could do (everything seems like a mountain to climb, almost every day). I felt like a failure for so long. I did not KNOW. I did not know about ascension either. It all started to make sense in 2007. The pieces of the puzzle came together and more inner work was done and what came out is me, enriched and renewed (not my physical endurance yet), joy came back after decades of sadness. Of course I could go on and on...

Keri, dear Love, when you wake up in the morning, embrace your day, put out the intent to live to your highest good and for the highest good of all, including your children, you will NOT lose them, nor your pets. Let the Love of God reach every part of you, open your heart to who you are. You are SO MUCH more than a mortal human like so many people still believe. "A piece of life dumped on a piece of dirt" as I heard someone say (in French in different words, my first language is French).

There you go for now, dear one.

You are not alone. NEVER. Talk to your guides, your angels, talk, let your heart speak, and SMILE!



Sarah Shiddian

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 07:23

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I will add this.

In my case, thank God for coffee!

And in the case of some others, thank God for marijuana!

Nothing is "bad". I have been drinking coffee since the age of 5 so yes I get a headache in the afternoon if I don't drink coffee in the morning and it has helped me start my long days of CMS and I am not at the point to let it go. When it is time, it is time. When it is time for someone to stop smoking, they will. Whatever it is they have been smoking. Some have had awakenings with marijuana, but many have had a part of their brains shut down because of it, of drugs in general, the part that connects to higher frequency thoughts and knowledge. With intent, everything falls into place, everything that needs healing is getting all the support to heal and move up the ladder.

So have no regrets, do not blame yourself, do not judge yourself, do not feel behind, feel where you need to be in the NOW. Guilt is the last thing that God wants us to feel. If you do feel guilt, with the new knowledge you have, move on and leave the dead with the dead. Past is past. Now is now and that is All There Is. In Love and Light of who you really are.

Have a GOOD day with YOU. ^_^

IandaHi (not verified)

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 07:49

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

okay.  I do know we are blood sisters true and true Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Whew I used to think I should be this or that, give up caffeine, do nothing bad in life, yet, I even ate a beef the other day.  Can you believe it?  Well, God told me too.  He said I needed it for some reason, so I licked the chop and ate the plate practically Shew Whew Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Life is grand.  I used to try to give up coffee, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan that's my addiction right there and now I don't call it that. I call it love sweet love, and I still meditate even on 3 cappacinnos a day not probably more like five.  Yes, Virginia, I do love the coffee in all life.  I'm drinking it now and getting ready to meditate.  Go figure. We are powerful creators beyond belief.  What's good for you is what works for you and cafe au lait works for me forevermore I started at 5, too, no lie Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  We are one life in all love Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam you.  Love, Love, Love in All Life we are.  We just are.  Have one on me :)

Sarah Shiddian

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 08:48

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)


Vegan since April 1, 2006 but ate parts of animals (I do not like the word "meat")with the men who helped me with my evolution. The ride with men in my life was all worth it although I have not found the love of my life yet. Ianda, I can dicuss about this in private if you wish. It is a LOOOOONG story. If I FEEL like it, I will have a bit of fish or chicken. But I always thank the sweet animal for his life to nourish my body.

The only thing bothering me about coffee, and chocolate, these two in particular, is that SO many people eat them and people have destroyed beautiful and huge pieces of land for the culture of them and still do because there is an increased demand. So bring the "machine-that-will-manifest-whatever-we-need/want" sooner than later! And YES' it IS coming! YESSS! For clothing, all our "needs".

Thank you. A toast of coffee to you, dear Ianda! Here's a sip for you. (smile) And thank you people of the world for your dedicated efforts in producing these products.

IandaHi (not verified)

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 07:43

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I'm getting back in those binaurals, too. I listened to the ones I mentioned to you all night and wow Wee they are grand.  I think I transported to new land just listening to them Whew Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  Thanks for the reminder, Life Whew Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Love to you Wow Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  Welcome aboard the ship of love sweet love :)

IandaHi (not verified)

Fri, 03/29/2013 - 02:39

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

just an a quick aside, I think when I stopped smoking, I recall having a headache or two, but I don't know if that is your deal.  when the body lets go of anything not truthfully natural, then it responds.  If i stop drinking coffee for a day, oh my, my head aches with a big fat hurt, but i wouldn't want to diagnose anyone over the internet.  I would watch it and allow your natural body to move as it chooses to.  You have an ability to know what's good for you without really knowing it on a conscoius level.  I would allow the natural foods and drinks, green tea with jasmine, is my favorite.  StarWest Botanicals sells it by the pound.  wow it's good.  Anyhoo, love, love, love we are.  Welcome aboard this wild and whacky think called ascension :)

Sarah Shiddian

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 08:32

Hello again dear Keri,

You are NOT alone, you see?

I suggest that you follow your inner instinct, your intuition, and read whatever resonates with you. If it feels "good" but you do not "understand", then it does resonate with you, and let the knowledge sink in gradually without thinking it too much. If it does NOT feel good, then go to another message.

I suggest this one posted earlier this week on this site:


Good day to you. ^^

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