~Adjusting to The Intense Light Now On the Planet~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 11:02

As Of Yesterday a Tremendous amount of Light has Entered into the Planet's Magnetic Grid. We have Succeeded! Now, everyone will be Processing these Energies for the next 3 days. Staying centered right Now is Key! We will Have More about this in our Next Update!~ Love The Earth Allies

Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 5 May 2012


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 5 May 2012


I come to you today to honor the position that you and many others are in right now. We see you all taking a lot of time to bring to the public the truth of what is taking place in the world. As you gather the information that is going to set you all free, you do so with a huge amount of love. This is what is bringing it to a closure. As it comes to that, it will speak for itself of the power you all have and the love that you know is important for the coming together of the times that reflect the freedom that you will be living in.


As I look over my shoulder and see what has been in your world I see that there is so much that has already been taken care of through your energies of love and joy. You all know how important it is to live in love, peace and joy. You know that is the only way to achieve that, which is about to burst forth upon your lives. I commend you all for what you have been able to accomplish, and for giving of your time and energies to clear away the debris that has mounted.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Egypt’s Military Declares New Overnight Curfew, Orders Arrest of 300 ...




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FREEDOM PROJECT:FCC Asked To Pull Rupert Murdoch's Fox Broadcast Licenses After Phone Hacking Report ... 27 IN ALL ....




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Twinkling of an ?




We've been taught that the phrase "twinkling of an eye", meant "in a quick moment of time" 

Here's what the phrase really means...


Dan Winter, sacred geometry "guru" has taught at length what is the Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle". That the eyes actually twinkle when a person eats well, sleeps well, thinks well and is freely BLISSFUL


Another example is of those starseeds, indigos, crystals, who have come from the light, of the light... they carry light with them onto the earth in their eyes as twinkles.


God has a twinkle in his eye. There is one requirement here to be able to see that real sparkling eye.... it is seen from one who has a twinkling eye in reflection. You can have the awesome experience of literally seeing that eye. 


Be happy, joyous, blissful, open, truthful, generous, instantly forgiving, loving EVERYTHING, keeping the little mind quiet, for mind covers the twinkling light which is SO alive .... and all are looking for in each other. 


Then, when ascension comes to each of us, it will be in our own "twinkling of our eyes"!


Happy twinkling!


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Crop Circle pointing to May 5, 2012*



Crop Circle pointing to May 5, 2012*


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Truth Reporting with Discernment & Love !



cloud ship over Nanaimo harbour

Please use discernment with regards to my commentary on these photographs. I am interested only in reporting pure truth, but please know this is a very personal journey which makes reporting a lived and emotional experience. I just finished taking this photograph over Nanaimo harbour. There was plummeting trails connecting/interacting with circular/oval shaped clouds. This is a common theme if you look at many photos being shared around the world. I won't try to explain it in third-dimensional scientific language, but there are many who can. Put it this way - I absolutely completely 100% belief that we are being visited right now by beings from other worlds. And that they completely love us and Gaia, and are here to us herald in this great movement of love and light. In addition, there are many many heroes amongst us who are about to stand up and do very brave things to display the greatest levels of light that they each have in them. Thank you to the strongest of the strong and the bravest of the brave!


the watchers by artisan Mark


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You find yourselves feeling more hopeful and more upbeat in spite of the chaos



We in the spiritual realms are watching with joy as we observe the progress you are making in releasing old self-serving attitudes and embracing the divine field of Love that surrounds you, constantly offering you the peace, the faith, and the confidence you need to move out of the darkness of the illusion and into the brilliant Light of Reality.  You know that that is where you belong, that that is where you truly have your existence, and that you are readying yourselves to awaken into that blissful state where all your needs are abundantly provided for.


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༺♥༻ Experiencing World Liberation Day༺♥༻


Wonderful Star-Light You's...


Our collective energy tonight held a fascinating composition of beautiful individual notes to raise to the occasion of liberation… rise to becoming the “full” expression of our authentic selves.  It appears the release of “ego” was definitely part of the song being chanted across the cosmos, penetrating itself upon this planet.  A beautiful experience it was, as souls were challenged to remove their sense of judgment, structure, questionable thought, doubt and “how to” and return to withIN… trust withIN...

… and while all this cleansing was taking place, the serenity and grace of love remained in-tact, continuing to shine in our shared space. 

The night for “me”, was greeted with the many forms of self in shine; moving between the giddy child, the empowered goddess, the sensitive fairy, the argarthian presence, the maternal nurturer etc… and as all these beauties within me shined in-joy as the ever-encompassing lighthouse, they all just wanted to bathe in the stillness silence upholds to in-joy the bliss of all in sharing. Simply be dizziness bliss and keep language as a forgone thought to process outward.  It is the most incredible, sublime “feeling” to rest in the coziness of just being all we are here, now … our freedom-song. 


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Stay the course and remember to LOVE... No matter WHAT appears to be happening. Stay the course and remember to forgive... No matter WHAT appears to be happening. Stay the course and remember to hold your loved ones close... No matter what appears to be happening. Stay the course and be in your HEART... No matter what appears to be happening. LOVE IS THE GREATEST WEAPON. FORGIVE..., BLESS..., LOVE....,

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~A PRAYER FOR AMERICA~ Thank You for Sharing~


    O God Aton of Light, Creator of the human races, King of Wisdom and the One Source of all, we rejoice that your Spirit lives within us.



We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil [ignorance]. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us. Many times we have done nothing, while Satan's[ minions] workers in their attempt to rule the world have taken away the unalienable freedoms you gave to us.


We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the [ignorance]evil forces. We ask that your Spirit awaken our Earth Shan people to Truth, and that they shall pray for this nation. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation. May each individual be empowered to make a strong stand against the "lies" and darkness.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Bribe Masters on Shopping Spree (E284)


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss how a good morning for Vietnam turned out to be a bad day for America as more families moving into self-storage units while Chinese are spending big money on European shopping sprees. In the second half of the show Max talks to Reggie Middleton of BoomBustBlog about the tech sector and austerity versus stimulus.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser


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Solar Starship De-Cloaks Around Sun 2012 HD


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Periodic Reminder that President Obama Serves the Light


Periodic Reminder that President Obama Serves the Light

2012 May 5
Posted by Steve Beckow

I will be away on a Vipassana meditation retreat May 8-13, 2012


Folks, the following story appears on NESARA News, which I’d like to comment on and set the record straight.


Martial Law Executive Order by Obama



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May Energy Report


May Energy Report



by GLR Kate A. Spreckley

May 2012 looks to be a very powerful month with the 5:5:5 Stargate, Full Moon, New Moon and Solar Eclipse offering us several opportunities for intense transformation and change.  These opportunities are paving the way for the very significant alignments and gateways coming in June 2012.  The amount of Divine Light moving into the planet is increasing rapidly and the coming Stargate’s, Lunar phases, astrological alignments and Eclipses are all key energetic gateways that will support a realignment of your energy and the continued expansion of your consciousness.  These gateways are strategically aligned to activate your consciousness and assist not only yourself, but also the planet and all beings who live upon Her.

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Tranquility


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Tranquility

 5 May 2012
Take some time today to relax

Take some time to be in nature, be still, and enjoy some much needed self care and solitude. Meditate upon your desires and intentions. Ask your angels to help you gain a positive perspective and see the options and steps that are available to you right now. Trust your guidance and take the action steps you feel are right for you.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,


the flow of truth and prosperity energy eminates all around US, through internet, through courts of the World, through out Hearts...



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Laura Bruno – Shedding The Limiting Core Beliefs


Laura Bruno – Shedding The Limiting Core Beliefs – 5 May 2012

This Tom Lescher video has some funny color flashes, but it’s right on in terms of capturing the energies of today, as well as the wisdom and mystery of our bodies. Tom talks about this weekend’s Sun, Black Moon Lilith, Jupiter event as an “opportunity for us to become more conscious of our unconscious.” He reminds us that “You created the box that you’re in.” Here’s his YouTube summary:

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-5-5 – MOther Earth=Heart is already into Love


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-5-5 – MOther Earth=Heart is already into Love~



Greetings Loved Beings,

Mother Earth=Heart is already focusing on Liberation Day, breathing smoothly and caressing the Stars.

Apart from a few news all seems to sleep.

Earthquakes are also as calm as ever, not a single >5.0 Mag today, though we had a 4.3 in California that noone seems to have felt.

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Magnetics and Mother Earth


I am here. I am your friend and guide Rashka and I came into your presence this day to inform and to comfort, as always.


Let us discuss the workings of the magnetic grids upon and within the planet, that are called by the name of ley lines, among others. As your mother planet is a living organism of great strength and longevity, she has helped to design and maintain a planetary body that holds life, contains life, and fosters life in a material plane.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: World Liberation Day - Last Update IN 5 HOURS 27 MIN...



World Liberation Day - Last Update

Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom. 






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Lucas – Reconciling Both Sides – Oneness – 6 May 2012



Lucas – Reconciling Both Sides – Oneness – 6 May 2012

Posted on May 6, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 


by Galactic Love Reporter Lucas

A surge of love and understanding, a visit from the stars and more things happening in my live this past few days made me write this article. It is not about the usual nor about the things presented in any way for months now to us in media or expressed in other ways. It is about seeing the new way of thinking in progress. The thinking with the heart in unconditional love.


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 6 May 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 6 May 2012

Posted on May 6, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Beloved Ones,

This is a very powerful time in the line up of planetary configurations and the energetic influence from the Spiritual realms. Many special dispensations of blessing and Love are being offered to Humanity, all that is required is being open to receive. Another passage of the Cosmic wheel has been made and we now embark on our new journey into unknown lands of new potential. As these time codes open up the portals, the influx of Cosmic Love and the waves of Light being sent to the Earth will activate the awakening of greater masses of Humanity.


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3MIN News May6: F1 Critical Frequencies - Continuing Analysis


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Super Moon (06 May 2012) Des Moines Sky


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FREEDOM PROJECT: FOX News Admits Ron Paul Won 5 States 4/30/12


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~Liberation Day Meditation, This has Been Put Into Full Activation~


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine Calling All Truth Out



 Today, We wish to state a moment of peaceful prayer to all corrupt systems and send them loving energies for they have played there roles and are no longer needed as we each begin to live our spiritual lives of Peace, Equality, Onness, True Family, Joy, Laughter, Magical Synchronostic Events and Un~conditional love, Heaven On Earth...


The current  system's are corrupt and do not support Life....{I} We require at this time that with Love they dissolve immediatly... 



We Now ask that these systems dissolve peacefully with grace and integrity...and make way for a peaceful and smooth transition into a New Earth=Heart, in Support of God's Love for all of US and according to this next level of our evolution. This will end all suffering and pain, and be replaced with what is Real. Love and Only Love, Love is the Only Law On this Planet..We ask and give permission that the illusion completely dissolves Now, So The Transitionary Government can Be Announced To Humanity to Bring In the Necessary Events and Change's for Humanity's Freedom.




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5/6/2012 -- MORE Severe storms breaking out across MO, IA , IL, WI, MI, TX, OK, AL, GA


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5/6/2012 -- Severe weather = NE IA MN WI KY -- watch TN MI IL IN OH PA NY WV Toronto


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Crystaqueous – The Blessed Story Being Told On The Earth Stage – Part 10



Crystaqueous – The Blessed Story Being Told On The Earth Stage – Part 10 – 6 May 2012

Posted on May 6, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Although all are indeed on their journey to role termination whether they realize it or not, I feel it’s healthy to keep a focus on the fact that an incredibly wonderful Story is being told which highly depends on every single role that’s being acted out upon this earth stage.  And therefore there is incredible significance to every detail and every event transpiring here. 


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Heavenletter #4181 In Your Realization of Oneness


Heavenletter #4181 In Your Realization of Oneness, May 6, 2012 

God said: 


In Oneness, you let go of your old identity. Even wonderful identity, you let go of it. In Our Oneness, the Oneness of I, it is you and it is I, and that's it. Even the identity of family, you let go of. Good family, happy family, sad family, unhappy family, you let go of. Your profession, you let go of. Your wages, large or small, you let go of. Employment or unemployment, you let go of. Gender, you let go of. Age, you let go of. You might think you are being reduced to Oneness, yet all your ties on Earth assume a different position, and you are rising to Oneness. When it is you and I, it is you and I, and naught comes between the One of Us. Reuniting with Me in Oneness is not a social activity.


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From Jennifer Farley – 5/5/12





An interesting thing happens when you pin all your hopes on someone or something outside yourself; in one instant, you have given all of your power to that one/thing in the hopes that it will create something you desire. The Universe invites you to look within; give yourself the things you most desire because no one knows YOU quite like you do. Once you are in that perfect space, completely in tune with The Divine Spark that exists within, nothing is out of your reach. ~ Creator


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May 7-13 2012 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading


Take it easy, relax, and let go this week.


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ITCCS Update: Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal set to resign


Breaking News for Global Release:
Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal set to resign
A Communiqué from ITCCS International

BRUSSELS & DUBLIN - May 4, 2012 - The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten "non-negotiable measures" by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.

The list of measures was issued today at a meeting in Dublin, Ireland between Archbishop Dermot Martin and representatives of Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide (ACCAW), Magdalene Laundry survivors, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State -- Ireland (ITCCS).

The measures demanded of the Catholic Church include the defrocking of all child raping priests, the licensing of all other clergy as public servants, the return of the remains of all who died under Church care, the annulment of tax exemptions and other Church privileges, and the return of all of the Church's wealth generated by the exploitation of children.

The full statement outlining these measures is reproduced below, including an attached audio recording of the statement.

Issued on the eve of the impending resignation of the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, for his protection of child raping priests, the statement was delivered by John Deegan of ACCAW and ITCCS Ireland members Gerry O'Donovan and Dave O'Brien, who confronted Archbishop Martin with the demands. 

The Ten Point statement was issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, an umbrella organization of over fifty organizations in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England and Australia.

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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube

Dear friends, 

naturally, and especially on the important date of May 5th, which is a 5-5-5 day of great transformation, I connected deeply with Beloved Gaia, feeling Her radiant purity and exquisite beauty in my heart. My connection to Her is very old and leads back to the time when She was in the radiance of Her original Divine State, - many many eons ago. Especially today also the portal to the Galactic Center is open and It is pouring It's Radiant Light of Lights on Her (and all of us), and I can feel Their marriage in my heart and body, while I experience new Light-Codes being implemented into my being. In this moment the intuition that I always had, is confirmed to be true, as I feel directly my own origin in the Galactic Center. I believe that all humanity once came from there. 

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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~4~12 The Upcoming Event's will Secure The Light's Presence Here


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 131



The manuscript of survival ~ part 131

 6 May 2012  Aisha north

Earth Allie Dawn Christine Double Dare



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Lee~Anne Peters ~ A Twist Of Love & A Squeeze Of Expansion! ~ 6 May 2012


Lee~Anne Peters ~ A Twist Of Love & A Squeeze Of Expansion! ~ 6 May 2012


What has been happening? Did the world shift overnight? I personally have been feeling a climax of energy building for the past six weeks and overnight – during the 5:5:5 alignment (5th May 2012) and the full mOOn something happened!! I am not the only one it seems, I am already receiving many reports of a shift!! Here’s what I am feeling…


I am feeling that the collective energy has taken a lift up to a new volume! This new volume is a jump in energy vibration for the collective WHOLE! Some people will be sensing this consciously and some unconsciously – either way it doesn’t matter. What this jump is specifically is not important, what is important right now is INTEGRATION and anchoring this heightened energy into our body and life – to really bring Heaven to Earth or Spirit to Matter.


There are so many different ways for you to integrate, anchor or ground energy and it will ultimately be governed by your body and your sensitivity to subtle energies.



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Crystaqueous ~ The Blessed Story Being Told On The Earth Stage ~ Part 10 ~ 6 May 2012


Crystaqueous ~ The Blessed Story Being Told On The Earth Stage ~ Part 10 ~ 6 May 2012


Although all are indeed on their journey to role termination whether they realize it or not, I feel it’s healthy to keep a focus on the fact that an incredibly wonderful Story is being told which highly depends on every single role that’s being acted out upon this earth stage.  And therefore there is incredible significance to every detail and every event transpiring here.  Very often these take the form of entering into a romance, breaking up from the same, protesting for peace at some government capitol center, taking a trek with one’s sweetheart into a high and beautiful mountain on a delightfully sunny and warm day, writing a book, raising a child, getting sick and well again, teaching truth and healing the diseased, the hour commute to the work place, growing a garden, and making the matrix film, etc, etc, etc,.

And how amazing are the developments in the Story! More and more are apparently tuning in so to speak to Spirit considerations.  And even though much distortion is present, this is really beside the point and doesn’t even matter. The Script being the profound intricate network that It is, there is no option but that all things be perfect just as they are.



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Marylin Raffaelle ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 6 May 2012


Marylin Raffaelle ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 6 May 2012


Dear ones, we are here to greet  and welcome you all in this new era of energy.  You are now feeling  change within.  Many are feeling disoriented and wonder if there are physical issues.  No, what you are experiencing is simply the adjusting necessary  as the body integrates the higher frequencies.  Much is changing within the physical body as  cells release that which is old, and integrate the new and higher.  When you are feel sick, or weak, or your ears are ringing etc., just remember that you are making huge changes within your physical, emotional, and mental systems.  Rest more, allow yourselves to enjoy what you enjoy, drink and eat cleanly, and fill your consciousness with truth, while letting go of  all  that is old and finished.  We are not saying that you should not consult a doctor if you are guided to do so, but be aware that the energy is affecting how you physically feel.


You are well on your way to a new and brighter world experience even though it often does not appear that way.  Much is yet to be revealed and much is yet to be experienced by those of you choosing to ascend.



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'ArkLaTex' UFO Witnesses Step Forward - May 3, 2012


My Hometown


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~Space Weather Update~ Big New Sunspot Coming Around~


BIG NEW SUNSPOT: New sunspot 1476 is large and crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Because of the active region's location near the east limb, the eruptions are not geoeffective, although this could change in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


LIVE METEOR RADAR: NASA's all-sky fireball network captured another haul of bright eta Aquarid meteors last night--ten fireballs in all. This suggests that the shower is still active, and might even be peaking, on May 6th. Tune into Space Weather Radio for live echoes from these bits of Halley's Comet as they fly over the US Air Force Space Surveilance Radar in Texas.


SUPER MOON: Last night's full Moon was a "super moon," as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons of 2012. The phenomenon, also known as a perigee moon, is caused by the elliptical shape of the Moon's orbit around Earth. Big, nearby moons like this come along about once a year; they are harmless, beautiful, and, seen from certain angles, very romantic:



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Life’s Kundalini Fire is Upon Us – Clearing & Enhancing ALL!




I have decided the next time I see any form of lightning appearing in the field, I am tucking tail and running the other way!  It just seems to fry my brains!  I could feel my brain activity come to a halt as I closed out yesterdays sharing. I was hoping it was just for a moment, but of course not.  My first reading went nowhere fast.

My second one tho, was a birthday reading bought by her daughter and I soooo wanted to read for her.  So I trained my vision on the field and pulled energy up from every where I could find within my body.  What I had seen and felt just caught me by such surprise.


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Rare Tornado Near Tokyo - May 6, 2012


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