~ The Alignment Period~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 09:13

Lee Harris – Energy Forcast March 2012 – Lead, Nurture, Love …….. – 7 March 2012


Lee Harris – Energy Forcast March 2012 – Lead, Nurture, Love …….. – 7 March 2012





My aim for these energy forecasts is to publish them online by the 5th of each month. As I sat at my laptop over the last 3 days to see if it would come through me, “No. Rest” was the instruction I repeatedly heard. I was happy to follow that instruction, and yet another part of me noticed my awareness of those who might be waiting for this forecast, and felt a slight pull in your direction.


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You Are Here To Bring Light To The World – Your Next Big Leap In 2012 – Understanding Your Role & How To Help



 – You Are Here To Bring Light To The World – Your Next Big Leap In 2012 – Understanding Your Role & How To Help – 6




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X5.4 Class Flare (Largest Yet!) May Hit Earth March 8-9!


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BREAKING NEWS - Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012



BREAKING NEWS -  Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report


...as not seen on the mainstream news




by ANdReA



Could not wait… I told you things were silent just to give a little Rest before Upgrading again to Higher Level… And… Here IT IS!


Did we not tell you? Did we not tell you it was only the beginning? Well, it still IS the Beginning, the Beginning of The Shift. It IS Underway NOW.

Fasten your Heart Seatbelt and EnJoy the Ride… It’s a JOY RIDE into the TRUTH OF LOVE! ALL Toghether as ONE! For ONE WE ARE. 




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A very large cluster of UFOs around the Sun - Review of UFO activity for March 5, 2012. (HQ)


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My other world experience


Two nights ago I had quite an amazing experience. I was in a ship, flying low over some very barren land, in foreign place not of earth. I had someone with me but I couldnt see them. They were talking telepathically to me and it sounded just like a voice in my head. The information I was getting was to do with the inhabitants of the planet, there were beings that were similar to earthlings but I didnt get up close at all. The clearest message I remember was about the inhabitants fears with regard to pro-creation etc. This also had something to do with the way the planet looked too. It looked just like earth, beautiful blue skies but the land was red, rocky and desert-like. The next message I got was that it was time for me to go home. We rose way up in the sky extrememly fast and did a sharp right into the atmosphere. The next thing I knew I was in a room like a bedroom lying down and two high-pitched sounds rang signalling my dispatch. A high then a low beep. I knew what I experienced was for real, when I was coming back there was a machinery sound accompanied with a continuous humming that stayed with me as I was coming to. It lasted for about 15 seconds. I knew I was being beamed back down. When I finally realised what was going on the emotions of slight fear but mostly excitement coursed through me. This isnt the first time I have remembered the beaming and machinery noises but it is my first memory of visiting another planet. I know I still have some things to remember on the events but feel I will need to dig deeper on those as I believe I was only allowed a certain amount of information to remember. I feel the need to share. Thanks for reading <3


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Bill Ballard ~ Volcanic Plumes Over Southern USA



Bill Ballard ~ (Mar 5 2012) Volcanic Plumes Over Southern USA

Emergence Turns Resistance into Revolutions



Emergence Turns Resistance into Revolutions

2012 MARCH 6
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter BZ Riger

Family of Mohammed Bouazizi

Reposted from Oct. 30, 2011

by Steve Beckow

What turns mere resistance into revolutions is emergence. What galvanizes people, brings tears to their eyes, sees the birth of resolve and the renewal of commitment is emergence.  Moments of emergence define revolutions, are romanticized, and remain the stuff of memory when all else fades.


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Energy IS Conscoiusness - by Jani King




Today we are giving you a little background about how you create your reality day-by-day. For those of you who may not be so familiar with these concepts, it is likened unto a crash course.

Consciousness. Energy is consciousness. Every cell in your body has its own consciousness and every consciousness is linked. You are separate from nobody and no thing.

That which is termed the concept of telepathy, we would say rather 'telempathy' - empathetic telepathic communication -- ALL of you have this ability. All of you do indeed operate at this telempathic level.


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~Incoming Sun Energy X Flare's~ Starships~ Let's Fly Now~


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X5.4 Solar Flare Update~Quake Watch!


CME IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on March 7th at approximately 0400 UT. The impact was not a strong one, but it could stir up polar geomagnetic storms anyway. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


MAJOR SOLAR FLARE: Big sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another major flare. This one is the strongest yet, an X5-class eruption on March 7th at 00:28 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme UV flash:



This eruption hurled a bright CME into space. First-look data from STEREO-B are not sufficient to determine if the cloud is heading for Earth. Our best guess is "probably, yes, but not directly toward Earth." A glancing blow to our planet's magnetosphere is possible on March 8th or 9th. Stay tuned for updates. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


Pics all courtesy of Spaceweather.com



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~ Did we say Love came With Surprise's? We Were Not kidden~


~Thank You Humanity for beginning to Pay Attention, that We Are Here... WE are Real, and The Dreams You Asked Love, are Coming True~ Not one illusionary thing can stop Love. Love has Arrived! Destiny is Alive and Unfolding!


That is why we are Here~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff




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~ Loving Humanity During these Change's!~ Truly~!


~WE Truly Love You~ We are Here and Humanity's is Truly Free~ Thank you for standing Up in Love with US~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff


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~ Hello Humanity, Love is Coming IN.... at an unstoppable rate of Energy~


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~Love has come~ These Moments are Upon Humanity!~


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Okay, lately I've been handling questions from friends and subscribers. I won't promise that I will continue down this path, but today's topic is also a request. After watching the Project Camelot interview with Bob Dean and Clifford Stone last night, I decided to talk about this since Bob described his NDE. I will begin with my own story. (Project Camelot interview:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=uC4t1FEk5LE)


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3/7/2012 -- X-class Solar Flare -- earth directed -- plus solar anomaly


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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 7 2012~ Solar flare energy trumps everything



Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 7 2012

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

rare 21-leaf clover

Today’s story is all about the Sun. The Sun unleashed an X-5 solar flare yesterday and the coronal mass ejection and will reach Earth tomorrow. The close alignment of Earth and Mars and tomorrow’s Full Moon (when the Sun and Moon are in opposition) will bring higher potential for geomagnetic effects. This energy is already reaching us, however, amping up our emotions and the body of the Earth and will also send us back toward the aggressive Mars energy that we’ve been trying to work out of. This will play out with people overstating their cases, saying things that are bizarre or wildly inappropriate, uncommon or even strange behavior and reactions, crying fits and extreme reactions, impulsivity that leads to accidents, having to repeat or re-do things, and such.


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~Space Weather Update~ WE are In a GEOMAGNETIC STORM:


GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Polar geomagnetic storms are underway following the arrival of a coronal mass ejection (CME) on March 7th at approximately 0400 UT. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Shortly after the CME impact, a burst of Northern Lights appeared over the US-Canadian border. Shawn Malone photographed the display from the shores of Lake Superior:


"I was lucky to catch this brilliant outburst of aurora activity that was very active for close to an hour," says Malone, who has also made a time-lapse video of the display. "The aurora had no problem shining through the moonlit skies."



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Wall Street drop indication the world’s financial pyramid still has a cracked glass floor




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Council Of Twelve ~ Your Next Big Leap in 2012



Council Of Twelve ~ Your Next Big Leap in 2012





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SaLuSa 07~March~2012




SaLuSa 07~March~2012


More of you are beginning to believe that the changes are becoming significant, and the details are there for those who are prepared to search for them. After several disappointments a stage has now been reached where events have moved on, to a point where the dark Ones cannot stop or reverse what is happening. Their days are numbered and they face the embarrassment of losing their position and wealth. Often both have been gained through bribery and corruption, and for them the unspeakable is happening. Not only are they being forced to give up their position but to lose their ill gotten gains. Justice will be meted out according to their crimes, and a valuable lesson will have been learnt. They are treated no less or differently to any other soul, and will make good the damage they done.



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Be Right Back - Transitionary Governemnt council Meeting



We take a brack to inform everyOne that we'll be offline for a few hours.
The Press will be stopped for 2 hours from 930am pacific time to 11:30 am pacific time (18.30 to 20.30 CET) as we will be in the Transitionary Governemnt council Meeting.
We will resume our Service at 1130.
We remember everyone that would like to join US in the next council Meeting to contact us at
BRB EveryOne
MotherFatherGod & The Entire Earth and Ground Crew Staff.



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~The Push Pull of Solar and Lunar Energy~


The Push Pull of Solar and Lunar Energy



Holy blowing winds batman!  I should have taken note from the sharing that came thru me yesterday about tornado like winds, because that was the theme of the readings yesterday!

My first reading yesterday… my lord, talk about blowing my brains all around.  In her reading she (as well as everyone else for the day) was standing about on the middle of the Mesa Cliff facing the intense winds of March.  Now imagine you are in a super powered wind storm and you are walking directly into the wind.  Welcome to the first half of March.


I think we will all know what it feels like to be sand blasted!!

The 2nd reading started out equally as intense… actually, moreso!  She was infused with this gyroscope energy.  Inside a massive bubble of energy that was spinning vertically as well as horizontally all at the same time.  She was molecules spattered about in this gyroscope energy bubble thing WITH the winds of March blowing at her.  Phew!!



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By FutureDataBank.com (For Immediate Release)
3-6-12 © 2012 FutureDataBank.com


PHOENIX (FutureDataBank.com)- CNN, CNN breaking news, and Anderson Cooper have been caught red handed creating staged CNN war room scenarios regarding Syria and other stories that are simply manufactured Hollywood news designed to dupe the ignorant masses of America and the world into believing war propaganda. Damning footage has emerged of ‘Syria Danny’ – the dubious “activist” who appears on mainstream news each and every week begging for a US or Israeli military invasion – in which he apparently coordinates gunfire and explosions to be staged during his interview with CNN.

Syria Danny preparing his report for CNN is told by camerman: "Tell them they are falling down, and we're taking bodies from underneath them". Hip boots please! This is a staged "report" and only proves that CNN is manufactured news. (Watch the clip below)...




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Keepers of the Sphere




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A miracle happening on social media right now


Late last night a friend invited me to the "Kony 2012 Stop At Nothing" facebook and world-wide campaign hosted by Invisible Children. The children want Ugandan guerrilla leader Joseph Kony arrested. Already, this is a precedent-setting moment for international justice, and it's moving quickly. You will need to set aside 30 minutes to watch the film directed by Jason Russell (link provided below), but something resonates deeply. Everything about this film and this campaign is about love and light! This is about finding the source of a deep pain, literally finding the person in this case, and infusing that pain with love. The news is flying through facebook right now - over 9,000 invited in the City of Edmonton alone and as of this moment 696 have already confirmed. The kids are all talking about it on social media. Youth around the world are signing up and saying, "yes, I'm in!." And do you know what? They are doing it in LOVE and through love, absent of anger or fear. They simply want the inhumane abuses and atrocities to stop, and they know that as ONE they can make this happen. It makes no sense that one man can control and abuse masses for decades when we have so much power right here in our hearts! Mother Earth wants all children safe, to play ... we all want this! This moment is everything that we have been waiting for. These children, all of us, are waking up around the world and remembering who we are. We are all waking up as ONE. Love & Light to the bravest of the brave and the strongest of the strong. Create on! Dawn




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Living without boundaries - by ANdReA



~ Living without boundaries ~



For how long has Humanity lived into rules?

Laws… boundaries…?

Centuries? Millennia? Yeah, even more in fact!


So are you surprised that it suddenly seems so difficult to Live on Your Own Trust?

Should not surprise anyone. I AM not surprised this is happening.

I AM not surprised when I see BEings looking around for clues about where to move to, or what to do NOW, or how to act…


Following laws has been part of the Human race for so long, that when these limits are suddenly taken away… the feeling that rises is a feeling of Being Lost… no references… no leaders… just You and YourSelf to rely on.


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For many years, as I have practiced continual meditation, chanting, advanced forgiveness prayers for others, therapy, and recovery groups, I have “Served” in groups for communication, meditation, yoga, intentional communities, and healing ONENESS. Hundreds of individual friendships have inspired my new awarenesses and growth until after writing 16 books about my inner journey, I have been invited to membership in an ethereal monastery that includes other light workers as well as timeless energetic members as our core.


Since I am already joined within, even as a growing human being, being a member is pleasantly kismet for me to already know my purpose here and in the here after. From beginning communication and meditation groups, to an intentional community, to advanced forgiveness groups, to Healing ONENESS groups, I have finally surrendered to even dare to join an ethereal membership inclusive of multidimensional membership all coalescing seamlessly. 



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It was a few nights ago. I was on the Higher Inner Planes discussing a few things in a room  with friends whose names I did not know although they looked familiar.

Then I sensed people who were outside were gazing into the sky above. I moved out swiftly and looked up. There was a clear Ship and I could see its underside and places where levitation beams would whoosh thro'. Another ship decloaked next to the first one. Then I sensed another one had decloaked behind but above my head but I did not turn to see it. I knew it was there.


I ran forward and entered one of the beams and was rapidly moving upwards. I remember feeling quite elated as I moved. Then even before entering the Ship, I woke up in bed.

I had a great feeling and almost ran outside to look up in the sky. I felt I had been taken forward in time to the Decloaking period.

Thanks FatherMotherGod. And a few other nights previously I saw you two. I looked straight into your eyes because I was just infront of you both. Many other people were all around you waving to you excitedly. And you responded by nodding and half smiling. And I felt good. Nobody told me your names but I knew in a way that you were the ONES. Did I have to be told !!!



With Love and Compassion....LITTLE PHOENIX


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Ascension Times


Although there are many apocalyptic visions for the times we are in generated by different religious texts and groups I can assure you that the world will not become worse off then how we find it today. On the contrary, the world will only become increasingly better and will actually lead to Heaven on Earth. However, December 21 2012 provides a unique opportunity for all people who live to see this date to decide their own fate. Which fate they or you decide depends upon the vision which you hold and this is created by the level of your consciousness. December 21 2012 can best be described as the sorting out of humanity based upon their level of consciousness and can betranslated into the amount of Light their bodies have incorporated.


What lies after December 21 2012 therefore is either another cycle of reincarnation in the 3rd dimension of duality or a continuing journey into the blissful 4th dimension of Light. However, how gradually or swiftly these changes will occur before and after December 21 2012 nobody can accurately say. This greatly depends upon the level of humanities consciousness.

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pink orb over Leduc Alberta March 6 2012


This big plume appeared over our house yesterday followed by trail of light .... different colours include orange, purple, pink, blue appearing in tablet pics so far. There seems to be light trails coming out of the sun. Every day almost we see cloaked ships, plumes, shapes. Thank you. Love & Light !


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!Shasta Energy and Free event



Currently, we are stationed here at Mt Shasta..


We Love You, Love Mother and Father God


Below is a 2012 Project



 BY!SeraphimLove Angel



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/6/12



Your planet is going to be cleansed of much residue left over from your 3rd dimensional experiences. Your planet is to be reborn, from the grasses to the skies, from the ocean bottoms to the mountain peaks. Nothing of the old will remain, as they possess the frequency of a lower dimensional aspect of your past. You will also be born anew, and nothing will remain of the lower dimensional aspects of yourselves as well. All and everything that will exist in your new world will be of a higher dimensional vibration. You will be experiencing a fresh start, and everything in your world will be new. You will receive new playgrounds as well as new workplaces. You will have a different set of parameters that govern your physical world, and you will have a different set of rules that govern your civilization. All will be improvements, and all that you will receive will be upgrades from your current experience.  


This is your new home. You are encouraged to respect it, and you are encouraged to take part in community efforts to maintain your new world in the pristine condition you will find her. It is your world and you may do with it what you like, although as we have said, the damage done to her throughout your 3rd dimensional experiences will not be permitted to occur again.


You will have new modes of travel available to all of you throughout your world, and you will be able to travel easily to anywhere you would like, freely and without restrictions placed on you by governments and borders.



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Visionkeeper ~ What Stories Will We Tell?



Visionkeeper ~ What Stories Will We Tell?

One World Rising | March 6 2012


I look at this tree and see stories. Stories of how it became twisted and somewhat gnarled. A story of how it came to be where it sits in this picture, where did it come from, who planted it, how long has it been growing, what stories does it have to tell? Many stories I am sure. It looks old and well-worn so to speak. It is regal looking and beautiful.


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John Ward – BREAKING….As Bondholder Acceptance Revealed To Be A Miserable 20%, Greek Finance Ministry Stuns World With Details Of German Banker Meeting – 6 March 2012 ~ John Ward




GLR John Ward


BREAKING….as IIF & majors bondholding revealed to be a miserable 20%, Greek finance ministry stuns world with details of German banker meeting.





Question must be asked: is this an anti-ECB power play by Bankfurt?

(Updated 17.45 GMT)

At 15.18 GMT today (Tuesday), text of minutes relating to a meeting with senior Frankfurt bankers was released by the Greek Finance Ministry. Complicated, but potentially sensational, the text  (my highlights +emphasis) includes this extract:


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Dark Effects: The Cabal’s Attempts to Control the World by Steve Beckow



Dark Effects: The Cabal’s Attempts to Control the World

2012 March 6
Posted by BZ Riger


Reposted from OpEdNews in light of the accountability phase now underway.

by Steve Beckow, October 18, 2008

The daily economic bloodletting we’re witnessing around us is not solely the result of the fall of the U.S. subprime market or of the U.S. banking sector generally, as some would have us believe.


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Dare you to WATCH & SHARE this video! MUST SEE! Uprising Revolution 2012 against NWO Corporatism.mp4


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Scott Mowry: Major Planetary Transformations Shift Into High Gear



Scott Mowry: Major Planetary Transformations Shift Into High Gear

2012 March 6
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter BZ Riger

Major Planetary Transformations Shift Into High Gear

Massive Arrests, Numerous Resignations, Flying Money and Energy Waves Abound


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The Planetary Grid Transmissions Full Moon - Thursday, March 8



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions

Full Moon - Thursday, March 8 



 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  



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We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash!



We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash!




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Blue Ray transmissions - by Shekina Rose



Blue Ray transmissions
by GLR Shekina Rose


The heart of the Mother of Creation is appearing on the planet through the Rose Ray and being anchored through Mother Mary and Shekinah. It is through the sacred heart of Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit of Shekinah that the Rose Ray along with the Blue Ray is assisting in restoring the God essence to fully manifest into form for humanity. This enables the Mother of the World's heart to return to transform human suffering, resurrecting the Christ body and the Divine Original Blueprint.


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Solar Activity Increasing 3-6-2012


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V For Vendetta Speech


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The Transformational Series~March 2012 by Jill Mara & Simion 7D


The Transformational Series~March 2012 by Jill Mara & Simion 7D


                                                                Simion Channeling

                                    The Transformation Series March 2012


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Message from God on Planetary Ascension - Laura Tyco -



Laura Tyco – TAUK Message from God 6 March 2012 – Planetary Ascension



Laura: I would like to know how much longer will it take until Planetary Ascension, if it were possible to have an idea about that, please?


God: Yes of course, it is a burning question, on the mind of many beings at the moment, none the least on Planet Earth’s mind. You know she is a fully awaken and alive being, don’t you? Her desire to be restored in her pristine form is burning, so to speak. You have noticed the activity seen on her surface is more and more a threat for life on her surface. Of course, she has a strong desire and need for purification from many negative sources on her surface. Some of her manifestations are reactions to human lack of responsibility towards her, while others are triggered by technology stolen from your space brothers and used in order to create an atmosphere of chaos and fear among you. I know none of this is news for you, of course.

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EARTH ALLIES 6.3.12... V for Victory and see Boo Walker shines like a true star... Billy the behind closed Gate's... Greeks and their OHI... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain



GLR Predrag/Saint Germain

[small disclaimer: I am much prettier with no mask...]




Did you watched movie 'V for Vendetta..."?... I would highly recommend, and please, pay attention not on explosions but on words, and complete paradigm shift that our Mr. V [who call himself villain and victim in one...] is so elegantly giving to all the people of this very totalitarian system...

This system is true example where we are in right now, with total controls over our life’s, with media manipulations, with mind controls, with information fabrications, with UFO ignorance...


You can see in the movie quite a lot what is coming in our near future where concepts of numbers and Anonymity will prevail even in this big play that we are all in... yet it will not stop only there... It will become the biggest celebration of Human who just discovered TRUE FREEDOM...



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~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~6~12 The Big Energy Push Forward at The Breaking Point~


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~6~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Big Energy Push Forward at The Breaking Point~


The Eye~ by Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings~ In February we announced that indeed the Separation from the world to the Living Planet had begun. Today, we entered a big energy push forward in that Movement, although it appears calm, if you are sensitive you could feel the intensity of this energy, similar to waves of energy washing over you. This Energetic Point, represents a crossroads and the breaking point, multi~dimensionally. Through this breaking point much will now come to the forefront and events are going to begin spiraling from everywhere.



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One Way to Change Your Local Community... it Only Takes an Email


A couple years ago while living in Arizona I found myself listening to a major gardening show on a local radio station.  This show had been on the air for over 20 years.... and on this Saturday, I began hearing the host promoting the strongest and most dangerous pesticides.  I became internally enraged (sometimes we have to have that passion to move us into doing something good).  I was in dilemma.... do I just go on? Forgetting what I heard? While maybe a few thousand or more listeners were in attention?  Wow... was I on the fence... the little voice saying "well, even if you contact them, they won't do anything about it", etc. etc. ..... but my heart told me I might make a difference....


With heart pounding I wrote an email, saying such things like them having such an influence on the public and that awareness now was beginning to want natural solutions to common problems.... I also mentioned that they might begin to loose listenership if they continued in the same policies.  I sent the email to both the radio station and the owner of the gardening program. 


The following Saturday I listened to the show. Over the air I heard the talk show host insult my intelligence, etc. So it was the way it was..... BUT, on the next Saturday and subsequently after that, this same host who insulted me began to include an organic consultant as a part of his regular show... so they were now giving two kinds of gardening advice!!  Better than no change, I do say!



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~Power Path Full Moon Update March 8, 2012 with Pat Liles~





 Commentary with Lena Stevens~Dear Friends, 

The Full Moon is Thursday, March 8 at 2:41 AM Mountain Standard Time. This full moon is a perfect opportunity to make a plan and commit to taking some action towards manifesting. Start with a fresh plan even if it has elements of a plan from the past. What is it that you want right now at this moment for yourself? How are you going to get there? You do not need to know all the steps, just the first one. Beware of the tendency to look towards others to do it for you. There is no power in that. This is a time to make your own bid for power. Spirit is certainly listening and if your bid is from the heart and not from ego, and if you are ready for it, it will happen sooner than you can imagine. Remember to practice patience as all things come in their own time. Take action but don't micromanage!



Written by Patricia Liles.
Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com


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~Update by Sheldan Nidle~ New governance continues to move forward.



7 Manik, 0 Ceh, 8 Manik



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~YeeHaw~ X~5 Class Solar Flare Earth Directed~ Stay Tuned for More Detatils~


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Archangel Michael through Ron Head: Your Limits will be the Boundaries of your Imaginations


Archangel Michael through Ron Head: Your Limits will be the Boundaries of your Imaginations






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Open invitation to universities worldwide to share the greatest of truths in the history of humankind


Dear alma matter, colleagues, peers, masters and seekers of knowledge worldwide,

Humanity is in the midst of the greatest awakening in the history of humankind!  Millions worldwide, every day, are waking up to truths that have been kept from us for lifetimes. As one of your alma matter, and with the very most of love and in the highest of light, I invite you to wake up and remember who you are, and to participate and share all that you know that leads humanity to truth. We are all ONE ... we are meant to live in love and light ... with pure food, water ... and in compassion, integrity, love, guiding and respecting of our crystal children and animals. I invite all way-showers, truth-seekers, eye-gazers and wonderers world-wide to look deeper, closer to the truth of what is in front of us right now. Watch Foster Gamble's Thrive, read David Wilcock, David Icke, Benjamin Fulford ... listen to the message of Kiesha Crowther ... and so many more gifted warriors of the light. Wake up and be the change. We are the ones that we have been waiting for. 
With great love, Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light !


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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012...




Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012...


...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA




Relatively quite day today, Sun “only” had a fiew M-Class Flair and no “major” EQ –of course if we use new coordinates of what a major EQ might be-. Mother Earth=Heart as well needs some rest, especially when preparing for Big Shifts All Over. So be in peace and enjoy your Ride.



Mars Has Close Encounter with Earth Tonight (Mar.5, 2012)


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~6~12


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/6/12





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The manuscript of survival ~ part 97


First of all, let us take this opportunity to congratulate you all on completing another installment of this saga. You might not be aware of this, but you have just finished downloading another increment of the literally life-changing bouts of energy that is constantly being beamed not only into you, but also the whole of your planet. It might not feel like much at the moment, but this bout of boosting codes where amongst the most important ones you have received up until now.

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Veronica ~ It Brings Joy Within



Veronica ~ It Brings Joy Within

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | March 6  2012


In the linear it often becomes imperative for you to solve all difficulties immediately. A feeling of despair may arise if a solution is not available in the next moment.


Remember that one incarnates to expand and learn. Many of those difficulties are created and co-created by your own energy. You may exclaim that that is not the case! “Why would I create a problem for myself or allow another to create it for me?”


It is understood that all want to have a harmonious care free existence. Your physical self most likely has a very long list of things that would do just that. By remembering your soulful intentions the difficulties can be examined to find the opportunity of expansion within them.


Take a good look at what has been created to take in the lessens involved. By doing so, you are finding solutions while allowing your energy to grow in the process.



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March Energy Update: Awakening Flows into Transparency, the Seat of Your Awareness Elevates


03 March 2012

There are huge signs available to us now of the immense progress of our personal awakening/divine embodiment and the ascension of our planet into higher frequencies. We can see now how much of what we’ve experienced has led us to a point where we are now energized and empowered enough to focus upon creativity. It’s a joyous amazing time for any who are feeling this shift, and a powerful and encouraging sign paving the way for those in next wave and those waking up!


The Energy of March is amping toward the Equinox. This momentum initiated in December at the Solstice as the Arcs between these alignments in the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices increase in impact.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Life Purpose


Do not worry what your purpose is



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Bill Ballard ~ Volcanic Plumes Over Southern USA (5 March 2012) ~ 6 March 2012


Bill Ballard ~ Volcanic Plumes Over Southern USA (5 March 2012) ~ 6 March 2012

Something very interesting is going on all over the Southeastern USA. It seems to be volcanic plumes or steam clouds that is occurring in dozens of places all over the south today. A few days back there were several known “extinct” volcanos steaming including the Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas. Even near where I lived in southern Mississippi is showing signs of plumes erupting today. Dutchsinse just put out todays coverage of this at this link below. If you are interested in the past events this last week scroll through his videos of the past days.

Volcanic Plumes

3/4/12 | There has been a large uptick in Earthquake activity and Dutch also made a video earlier of whats going on Globally. Please note that this video is taken from the USGS information and at best only shows 1/4 of all Earthquakes globally. I am posting the Global Earthquake overview here

Global Earthquake Overview

3/5/12 | Since the Global Earthquake overview was posted a 6.1 happened in Argentina



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Kryon ~ Reawakening Yourselves




2nd February 21012 : Kaunas, Lithuania
"Reawakening Yourselves"




Greetings dear ones, for I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful for us in the spirit world to be back in Lithuania on this cold winter’s evening.

Dear ones, a new world is coming and the universe is moving into order; the planets, the stars and the solar system are moving to create new beginnings on this earth, completely changing the energies of the earth plane.


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~ The Path of Consciousness ~ by Jennifer Hoffman



 ~ The Path of Consciousness ~

by Glactic Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman

Enlightening Life | March 4 2012

Many people are looking for greater meaning, purpose and clarity in their lives today through the path of consciousness. They believe that if they were more conscious life would exist at a higher level, and be more joyful and fulfilling. The idea that consciousness embodies a higher state of being is only half of the story because when look for higher truth from consciousness, it becomes a means of escaping ourselves. Because we build a link from consciousness to spiritual wholeness, we deny who we are and what we have created, we think that we could do better, be more, or experience life in a more fulfilling way if we could be ‘more’ conscious. This creates a mindset where we think that the answers we are looking for are somewhere outside of ourselves, even within the path of consciousness. We believe that conscious beings (or conscious human beings) don’t commit murder, steal, hate and discriminate. We think that we because those things exist we live in an unconscious world and that is not true.

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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus And Adama ~ 6 March 2012


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus And Adama ~ 6 March 2012

I am Horus once again this day, and I am here to bring you up to date on a message that Adama brought forth in Sept of 2007. In that report he told of changes that were taking place, and what was behind several of the issues that have been in place since this whole experience on earth began. In that message Adama told of what was being done and had taken place at that time. I now go from there.
With all that has been taking place in the world and the assistance from the family in the universe, we are cleaning up much of the debris that has been accumulated by the ones who seek to disempower humanity. We are clearing away the nuclear waste activity that has been prevalent and are seeing to it that no more is brought into the environment.
We are clearing away the substances that have been accumulated by the use of pesticides and irresponsible behavior by the ones who would see the use of these to disallow the power that you all are created with. We see that there is much that can be done in this way by all of you, and that many of you are stepping into that ability and making a difference.


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What energy and experiences can we expect in March 2012? ~ Jen Eramith MA



GLR Jen Eramith MA

What energy and experiences can we expect in March 2012?



The energy this month is like a beating heart, it has a pulse. There is a feeling that things coming in and going out. There is a feeling of things moving forward and then backward. There is a rhythm to this month and if you can find that sense of rhythm and go along when things move up and go along when things go down, you will find that this month can feel very powerful. It can take you to a deeper place in a way that is similar to the beating of a drum taking you to a deeper place inside yourself and in your connection with Spirit. If you are not willing to move with the rhythm of the month, you are going to find yourself really struggling to find balance. It will feel like you are being tossed around in different directions and it will be difficult to stay on course.


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Heart of the Dove... USA


Image courtesy of "Awakeningfromwithin.com"


In a beautiful book by J.J. Hurtak, "Book of Knowledge - Keys of Enoch" which is a detailed reference of what is happening in the cosmos today - all information given to Hurtak by Star Beings.... written back in 1977....


is an overlay of the Dove over North America... the beak of the Dove is over the ancient Mayan pyramids in the Yucatan... and the HEART of the Dove is over the exact area which steam is beginning to vent from dormant volcanos - Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana.... the center of this area in Arkansas contains almost an endless amount of quartz crystals... I hear news reporters say diamonds, but I don't think so.... 


The sun is "burping" CME'S.... the HEARTland is becoming alive.... ascension is the alignment of hearts throughout the Cosmos... 


I will be aligning my heart which enfolds all of you... with the heart of Gaia who allowed me to remove some of her powerful crystals years ago, and envision all all these hearts connected to our sun and then the Great Central Sun.... in Bliss!


Maybe there is a secret crystal garden in that Arkansas heart that will allow me to sail with its eneregy and love into our new world .... I can see it now....


Much lo phi,


grailheart in love





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