~ Alot of Releasing Happening Today~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 11:05

Greetings Love Beings~ There is alot of releasing occurring today as we Head for Our Eclipse Full Moon, Partial Eclipse and then The Huge Energetic Shift of the Venus Transit. Be Gentle with your Selves, as unconsciousness is coming up to the surface for many right now. Just be Aware and Let it go, Higher Energies will Enter as you Release. We Love You and We are With you. Love The Earth Allies

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/2/12 ‘Mindset & Future Paths’




Mindset: Today we would you like to speak to you about the proper setting of your minds and your outlook as we approach the days ahead. What we would prefer to see is a whole new and brighter outlook for you. What we mean by this is we would like to see you look at the days ahead as something to be cherished, something that deserves to be worked for and something that is a valuable and rewarding experience for you in many different ways. What we feel is important for you is not to look towards the days ahead with any kind of contempt, fear, distrust, suspicion, worry and doubt, because if you look at your future through such eyes you very well may end up with the end product that matches precisely or similarly the vibrational energy you have been sending out. Do you understand this? Do you understand this very simple, yet very important scientific, as well as spiritual, fact?


What will happen if you send out these thoughts into the future path of your travel is that you will begin to step on landmines, so to speak, that you, through the direct and indirect actions of your thoughts, have planted in the soil of the path you are traveling upon. What to do about this is a matter of concern for us and we feel certainly should be a pressing matter of concern for you dear ones, as it is your path you are currently clearing today with every thought, no matter how passing in your mind, as you go throughout your day.



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From Jennifer Farley – 6/2/2012



When you reach what you believe to be your highest pinnacle ~ you may look down at the climb and congratulate yourself on the progress you have made. But, if you look to the heavens and say, “look how much further I can go”, that is when you make real progress. ~ Creator


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Jafree Ozwald - There Is No Death



There Is No Death 
By Jafree Ozwald 

"In the midst of winter, I learned that there was in me an invincible summer."  ~Albert Camus

You are like the Sun.  Eternally bright, warm and healing.  There is nothing in this Universe that can put your light out.  Your brilliance will continue on and on... for eternity.  Your inner light is always on, blazing bright and expanding.  You shine without even knowing you are shining.  The light of your awareness is continuous, even when the mind clouds your vision the Sun is always always shining behind it.


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Pondering The Energies


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Heavenletter #4209 Return to Silence


Heavenletter #4209 Return to Silence, June 3, 2012 

God said: 


My heart does flip-flops when I think of you, and I think of you all the time. At the same time (I speak of the myth of time), you arrest My heart. My heart stops beating as I look into your beautiful eyes. You, beloveds, in all your beauty and innocence, are a heart-stopper.

When all see as I do, when all love as I do, We will not be frozen statues, yet We will be still. We will live in the depth of Our hearts, and, in the depths, there is silence. We could say that in the depths, We have pulled on the arrow. And there We are, poised in life before the movie We are in starts, before the movie We are in becomes animated, before the Director says: "Lights! Camera. Action!"


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SophiaLove - This power needs no force





It’s taken several days to get my heart around today’s message.  The hesitation springs from a reticence to force action.  Force is what has been typically used to accomplish any effort on this planet; with war, punishment, law, coercion and power.  Images of impending battle and rising up to conquer, reach deep within us and inspire.  A heroic victory led by one valiant leader – this is what movies are made of.

The Return of the Goddess yields no such images, yet this power is beyond anything we’ve seen thus far. This power needs no such force; it is your very essence.  You’ve been lied to.

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Earth's Ascension: Love & Light to Colombian Tornado's victims


At least one person has transitioned, some one hundred injured and about 5,000 people are homeless in the coastal town of Sabanalarga in Colombia after a tornado ripped through the centre of the town on Friday (June 1). At least one thousand homes lost their roofs throughout five districts of the town. Local television images showed a large funnel cloud sweeping across the town and the aftermath in the wake of the tornado. Local officials said the area would receive aid and resources amounting to about $273,000 USD.





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Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 2 June 2012



Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 2 June 2012

Posted on June 3, 2012 by lucas2012infos 
Mindset: Today we would you like to speak to you about the proper setting of your minds and your outlook as we approach the days ahead. What we would prefer to see is a whole new and brighter outlook for you. What we mean by this is we would like to see you look at the days ahead as something to be cherished, something that deserves to be worked for and something that is a valuable and rewarding experience for you in many different ways. What we feel is important for you is not to look towards the days ahead with any kind of contempt, fear, distrust, suspicion, worry and doubt, because if you look at your future through such eyes you very well may end up with the end product that matches precisely or similarly the vibrational energy you have been sending out. Do you understand this? Do you understand this very simple, yet very important scientific, as well as spiritual, fact?


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Glad to see more participation....






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6/2/2012 -- Possible tornado near Denver, CO -- Hail across 1/4 of US


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~ An Important Message~ Rise Out of the Ashes and Into Heaven~




The Life Of Beauty!

I Soar The Skies


I Live The Lives!


I'm Living In Heaven!

I Dance The Sacred Dance


I Prance The Sacred Prance


I'm Living In Heaven!

As Love Flows On,


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~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ I am Making a Commitment Today right Now!




Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader~ Double Rainbow of Joy Appearing Over US Last Night, Igniting the Energies which Serve ALL for the Greater Good Of All


....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.


The People are the Real Government, as decreed and Now this is in complete manifestation. All of Humanity Are to Be Free In Love Through Divine Birthright and Now will each, begin to live true spiritual lives of Peace and Unconditional Love....The current societal belief systems are corrupt and do not support Life. All that does not support Life is dissolving, For the Highest Good of All...


We ask each of you at this time to take a moment and say the following words with US ~~~



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Blossoming


Just like the flowers in the spring


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The Funnies Section:





"Priest Sipping Vodka"


A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak.


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Conversation with an off-Earth Angel



Conversation with an off-Earth Angel 



Hi you... excuse me, are you a human being?


Me? Well, yes, kind of I guess.


Oh Wonderful!!! I've been looking for some for so long! Each time I meet one, they seem not able to hear me, or see me... I thought I'd became invisible and started worring!


Well, yes, mmm... I guess you're an Angel right?


YES!! Thank you for seeing me!



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Many of you are asking what you can do to better prepare your self to receive the wonderful crystalline energies that will be activated and dispersed during the powerful, light filled, open portal days of 2012. These days are significant in that they will carry an increased amount of codes and light frequencies that will usher in the transformational energies for personal and planetary ascension. The only thing we really need to do is be open to receive ~ that's it. Simply be open to receive, and so it is.


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~ Join Us Live for Our Internet Love Party Today~ Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific





Today's Love Party Energy has Already Begun On the Starships!!!


They have already Began to Pour In Huge Amounts of Joyful Energy to Assist US. We would Love as Many Love Beings with US to assist this Energy for Our Upcoming Huge Energy Event, One of the Most Powerful of this Year Yet! The Venus Transit Of Love!!! YeeHaw~


We are Going to Lift the Planet in a Big Way today!!! Thank You For Your Participation!!



Join us Live at 1:30pm till whenever it ends..LOL....




Join us~ Lets Lift this Planet Into the Light NOW~



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SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
I have been contacted  today by a Being of Light with a very subtle beautiful energy and expansive Light. As I insisted on a name so that I would be able to present this Being to my readers, this Being said: “Call me Alpha”
I do not live on a planet, but I Am  associated with planets somehow in a way that I am working to help to maintain the stabilization and balance of their energies. This work is not done arbitrarily, but I am asked by the citizens of a planet, or higher dimensional beings who are assisting with this task,  to help with this service, and they know me because of that.


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The Guardians – 3 June 2012



Uploaded 13 March 2012 by JourneyIntoOneness



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The manuscript of survival – part 148



The manuscript of survival – part 148



 •June 3, 2012 • 


The time is approaching for yet another round of intense energy bombarding your little planet. As always, you will feel the onslaught from all of these highly charged particles in so many ways, but rest assured that even if the process in itself might be somewhat hard to digest, the outcome of it will be beneficial indeed. You see, these incoming energies will drive another nail into the coffin of all of the outdated and outmoded processes and patterns that have been holding your species back, and from now on and to the end of this week, you will literally feel how things are starting to fall apart at an even more rapid rate than previously.


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Lisa Gawlas - The Magnetic Love Frequency – Moving From “Me” to “We.”




Since June first it feels like the readings have once again become something out of a sci-fi movie.  The look, the feel even the understandings would make such a great sci-fi setting.  The only difference is, I know what I see and understand is very real.  The biggest hazard (for lack of a better word) with reading the Light of both soul and matter is putting it all into discernible words… an explanation that would help make sense as it applies to your (and our) life.

I also understand, that we as a species, must process the incoming information and then integrate it into what we currently understand.

So with all that said, I am going to break down what I do understand to date, and simply give you the visuals I don’t understand yet, so we can expand on them each day as we go along.


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~Space Weather Update ~ Lunar Eclipse Tomorrow~


LUNAR ECLIPSE! On June 4th, the full Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing a partial lunar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. The zone of visibility stretches from Asia to North America. In the United States, the event is visible during the hours before sunrise on Monday morning. Get the full story and a video from Science@NASA.


VENUS PASSES MERCURY, APPROACHES THE SUN: Venus is approaching the sun in advance of the June 5th Transit of Venus. From here on Earth, the second planet has become difficult to see wrapped in bright sunlight. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, however, has no such trouble. SOHO's onboard coronagrah blocks the glare to reveal planets otherwise invisible:


A 24-hour movie shows that Mercury is exiting stage left as Venus plunges deeper into sunlight. Updated images may be found here.


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Our Brave New Magnificent World !


This moment forward I let go of all past and present injustices

without judgement fear anger or resentment

to make room for this great place of truth

where light and darkness become ONE

a majestic world of wonderment and love.


We will grow and harvest food together as families ... teach our children the truths of their heritage. Our schools will be in the woods and in our gardens where they will walk with us. Unique artisans will each come out of their safe havens to share their light and brilliance ... and we will accept one another each for our unique gifts ... and give these freely .. and share preserves ... the animals will walk amongst us .. the birds guiding us. It's where we will feel such deep gratitude everyday for the peace our mother earth feels ... and where our friends from other planets and galaxies can mingle freely amongst us. Together we can create music and art and share great intelligent conversations. Women and men will be balanced and kindness and gentleness will reign. Plants herbs pure food and clean water we will give gratitude for. It is a majestic place of curiosity and wonder and new creations ... all lifting one another as we collectively continue to ascend creation. thank you.


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June 2 Crop Circle Manton Grove UK now posted



June 2 Crop Circle Manton Grove UK now posted

 2 June 2012 - 10:45pm |  sierra

Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd June.
Map Ref: SU169676

Updated Saturday 2nd June 2012

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, June 3-10, 2012



Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily activities, it is important that you continue to stay grounded each and every day and that you devote some alone time to further your connection to your Higher Self. It is also very important to keep every thought focused on that which you want to become manifest in your personal world and upon your Planet. In this way, the Universe returns to you that which you give out and the Universe is totally impartial in its giving you all of that which is in resonance with your dominant thoughts. Discipline your minds, Dear Ones, for you are powerful Creators and you bring into creation what you dwell upon.

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Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse & Venus Eclipse


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Kelly wrote this Brilliantly However, the Sun does not represent the ego as the ego in this incoming energy will continue to dissolve. The Sun represents Your Heart Opening to Bring in the Feminine Balance Energy.

Creation by Susanna Monette

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on June 4 occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Thus, a Lunar Eclipse can only occur the night of a Full Moon.



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Conversations with the Pleiadians High Energies~ Remember Your Heart Connection


Conversations with the Pleiadians High Energies~ Remember Your Heart Connection

3 June 2012
You are the One Fractal Art By Earth Ally Will Harader

We The Pleiadians step forward right now because we are a closer vibrational frequency to humanity than others. We are in the 5th Dimension and as humanity and your Sacred planet Mother Earth is stepping into the 5th Dimension we are able and willing and wishing to assist those of humanity who are listening.



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Visionkeeper – Open Your Mind – 3 June 2012



Visionkeeper – Open Your Mind – 3 June 2012

Posted on June 3, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

(picture by www.favim.com)

We go through life believing what we see is what is. What our eyes see is only part of the story, what our minds think about what we see, is the other half. Our beliefs taint what we see and puts our own spin on things. If we oppose homosexuality lets say and we see two men embracing, they are disgusting and should not be allowed in our world. If we believe in the freedom of others to do what they want and be who they want to be, we see two individuals sharing loving and caring feelings. Same scene, different beliefs, therefore a different outcome, and unfortunately a different life for the close minded individual. 


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Power Path ~ Full Moon/Eclipse Update 6/4/12 with Pat Liles


Written by Patricia Liles



Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse Sun in Gemini 14º/ SuperMoon in Sagittarius 14º Monday, June 4, 5:12 AM MDT


The powerful spring pair of solar/lunar eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius is completing. The next eclipse window will be Nov. 13 (total solar) and Nov. 28 (partial lunar). Last year we had total eclipses of the Moon and partial eclipses of the Sun, and now in 2012, we are having total Solar eclipses and partial lunar eclipses. So many beautiful, orderly cycles. Fitting that this transition time of 2012 is focused on the Sun at its height of sunspot/solar flare cycle. Solar eclipses help us reset our will, purpose and identity and realign with our soul consciousness clearing away what is no longer of use as we move forward. There’s a bit of wrenching as we let go of what we are used to and prepare to hold newer and more creative energy. Change of this sort can be difficult for the body – many report fatigue or crankiness.


The Gemini archetype with its Sagittarius opposite sign pair is magnificently highlighted in multiple ways currently:


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Caroline Myss ~ The Gift of Seven Extraordinary Days of Grace (Part 1)



Caroline Myss ~ The Gift of Seven Extraordinary Days of Grace (Part 1)

Posted on June 1, 2012 by Gillian


Grace comes in many expressions. It intervenes in raging arguments, calming your anger so that you do not say what you can never take back. Grace whispers thoughts of hope in desperate times, giving you the stamina to hold on through the storms of life. And grace delivers inspiration, awakening creative resources deep within your being. The power of grace is endless, silent, and powerful.


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Beauty & Light Amplified: the Venus Transit


Monday, 14 May, 2012 


 Photo by crystalin

Greetings Dear Ones of Light, 


It is a wonderful time to be here with you now, as the Earth approaches her last cycles in this passage toward greater unity and wholeness. Returns of this sort are long anticipated and it is with this sense of enthusiasm and wonder that we join you today. 

Within your being are vast annals of information that transmit energy across what you think of as time.  You are a multidimensional portal of light and with your focus, give shape to this light in your realm, your world, and also in perhaps a less conscious way, you transmit continually to the whole and also to the streams of consciousness where you have resonance and affinity through focus experiences. 



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Unified Field Theory, John Hagelin, Ph.D


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Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for June 2012



Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for June 2012



Astro Connections Blog | June 2 2012


June is another powerful and action-packed month. The planet Venus takes center stage, bringing us into direct alignment with the feminine Goddess energy. There are two periods when this energy will be especially potent: on June 5 when a rare Venus/Sun transit will occur, and on June 27 when retrograde Venus makes a direct station.


This month also features a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 4, which is when Neptune turns retrograde. On June 11, Jupiter enters Gemini and Chiron turns retrograde. In addition, the first of seven Uranus/Pluto squares is exact on June 24, which is also when Saturn turns direct. Another energetic gateway is the Summer Solstice on June 20.

We begin this month under the influence of the May 20 New Moon in Gemini, with the themes of education, communication and flexibility. With the Gemini focus, we are looking at how we choose and process information and how this influences our beliefs, ideas and actions. It is favorable to open to new ideas, but to also be discerning about what resonates with one’s own authentic truth and values.



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Return of the Goddess, 6~5~2012 (and Her Update)… from Portal 2012 With Kauilapele Commentary


Return of the Goddess, 6~5~2012 (and Her Update)… from Portal 2012 With Kauilapele Commentary


Posted on 2012/06/02

Click to Enlarge


 Commentary from

Kauilapele's Blog  Well I finally felt the movement to put this up here, from Portal 2012. It may be helpful to some of you/us.



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Lee-Anne Peters – When Is Enough- Enough? – 3 June 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – When Is Enough- Enough? – 3 June 2012

Posted on June 3, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

The twists and turns on a grand old tree! The construction of the human body! The microscopic life within an inch of dirt! The creation of galaxies! Wow, so much mystery that can really have our mind boggle at the mere thought!

You know quite often in our life – with its day to day pressures and scenarios we become overwhelmed by what may be. The Universe in all of its mystery is in such perfect order – like an orchestra playing a grand classical piece. Everything in its vastness is in harmony. When things become overwhelmed we often wonder what went wrong – what happened along the way for us to reach that conclusion!!


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