Aluna Joy Yaxk'in~Solar flares

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 08:36

a message from The Star Elders channeled by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
17 May, 2013

We have had four Class X solar flares in a couple of short days. These are powerful very flares. (for the basics about solar flares, google it, or go to We feel solar flares just as they burst from the sun. Our technology feels the magnetic pulse about 48 hours after the solar explosion. This is so, because humanity is connected to everyone and everything in the universe, and our technology is not. As above, so is below. Humanity is ONE.

Today my heart is racing, my head is aching, and I am writing this from my cozy, pillow filled bed with my iPad. Many of you out there are having a huge range of odd symptoms, that by now I am sure you are all painfully aware of. But read on.... There is a reason for these events and our reactions to them. Remember . . . you are a spiritual being in an all too HUMAN body that is evolving and ascending.

The Star Elders say that these pulses of light (that we feel instantly), which are also infused with magnetic energy (that we feel 48 hours later), are part of the divine plan. With these multiple, layered flares, we are being infused and saturated with new light from a new paradigm. At least for now, we are not getting a break as this is the final stretch of a very long journey. These solar pulses stretch us beyond the form we are familiar or comfortable with. This is a part of the ascension process. When we can hold no more light, we feel like we are pushed to the very edge and feel like we could explode. These pulses of light are the framework for the new world we building. Only then, the following magnetic pulse helps us release all that is not needed for our future. The magnetic pulses bring up to the surface everything that does not fit within the collective divine plan. We purge, detox, and let go and surrender from our body, mind and spirit. This purging creates more space for more light.

Now the odd thing is that we are going through this ascension process all the while the outer world seems to be clicking along like business as usual. We didn't expect this. Yet inside our hearts, we feel like something big has changed within us, and the world feels very surreal. But if you look closely, you will see this shift in nearly everyone's eyes. You might see people with the subtle stunned look, with eyes like a deer caught in the head lights. Others will over compensate by being overly happy and enthusiastic, because they can't admit they are feeling strange to say the least. Then there are those that are agitated and rushing around like they can outrun this wave of light. Then there are those that are still in full on denial. Don't worry . . . they will catch up quickly. And lastly there is the rare few that have already arrived at the finish line, and the rest are only a heart beat behind them.

The Star Elders say it does not matter what you do now. You can try out all of the avoidances above, but you can not avoid, deny or out run this rush of light that we are in now. At least for now, we have no space in between flares to ground ourselves and rebalance. We planned it this way, because we knew our body (that holds history and memory) would run the other way like our life depended on it. This is the old fight or flight memory that we will no longer need in the new world. Just when we have a bit of space to begin to face our purging shadow side, another pulse of light (solar flare) slams into us, thus not allowing us to retract back into a more comfortable and familiar territory.

How to deal with pulses... Simple... Let GO and let GOD emerge from inside of you. I laugh now as the Star Elders show me that old gory scene from the movie Aliens. Yeah... Their sense of humor keeps me going, along with the support of all of you out there. The world is pretty strange right now. We don't know which way is up and its ok. We are being called back to basics, the core of spiritual truths and crave a return to a simple life. And what we thought the ascension might be is not quite how it is showing up. The Star Elders have always told me that when we arrive, there are going to be some great surprises. Well... "Surprise!"

So just breathe and know that we are being protected and fiercely guarded by a divine plan set into action. Our star family is watching over us, as we transform quickly into something we can't even envision now. So breathe, get yourself grounded as much as possible, and hang out with like frequency soul family. We are going to survive, there is no doubt, and we will have the surprised of a life time together.

i feel the DNA. upgrades are manifesting now, subtle as it may seem.

this is a real blessing to us all.

our ESP. ability we all do have, i mean all of us, it is only in degree, which may have something to do with our brainwashing and beliefs of what is the truth. for we all know that there are people who are just like all of us exept are being studied on and used,who have a great deal of ESP. compared to most of us for now.

its like seeing our human future skills in them, and what will be when will get all our DNA. hooked up to full function.

mankind will be in shock of how the earth has been functioning in terms of the: must eat or die mode, this applies to every animal, plant, and of course us human beings  and its mode of behavior to gather food, and to keep it safe from others. this means  when the times comes to pass in that we all can read each others minds and know each others intentions immediacy, and no longer be tricked, hunted or controlled by fear, and doubt., the truth will be known once and for all.


does the actions of a lion that hunts, tricks, and captures the deer to eat it, make it a evil being ((for being DNA hard wire driven)) by  its real hunger or it dies for lack of food, does it mean it has bad intent to trick, hunt, and kill its food source.


mankind in many ways does have many behaviors ((considered by many as the evils of the flesh)), also to survive, just like the lion, and other animals do to survive on this earth.


i ponder if we did NOT NEED this DNA hard wire pattern of eating or we would die, if our love would be of more compassion for all to our survival and the safety of the others for they would no longer be our competitor for our food gathering and Sheller needs we will live in and kill, lie, trick others for.

i.m.h.o. mankind class system is and will be a real big a wake up call to the true understanding of ourselves, and  fact that we all must have forgiveness of others ""for we know not what we do"".

brainwashing of racism and hated of the color of skin, social beliefs of that religion, etc. may be from this primal instinct to trick, hunt, trap, and destroy our adversaries of our food supply, and to protect and  maintain our mate selections, and the picking of the leader of the wolf pack, and ranking of classes  among our groups or pack, is not our DNA. hardwiring codes.


we are not alone anymore, for our guidance will be needed to make the adjustments of our rage, and our forgiveness of our DNA. hard wiring of the human instincts of survival we all use among our peers and ourselves. then the golden age will be here for all of  us and our children.


blessings to all of us for we are all one

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