Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 11:13




with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!

First Transmission ~ New Moon ~ March 22, 2012


During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.

Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. At the end of each shamanic program, mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.

Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.




Transmitting from the Amazon Jungle

During the Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon, March 22


angelsanties          hopedevenuto          kalistarhawk
Angel, Mexico                         Hope, USA                         Kali, Canada

shea           sophiananda          garygandalf
 Shea, USA                      Sophiananda, Hawaii                Gary, Canada

olgasharna          ramiro          erichamilton
Sharna, Panama               Ramiro, USA/Mexico                    Eric, USA     

idelia           vince           teaganfea
Idelia, Uruguay                      Vince, USA                       Teagan, Australia

melissa          joost
    Melissa, USA                     Joost, Netherlands


alfredo22         tiara          Funi

Alfredo Delafe of Cusco and the Peruvian Andes
Tiara Kumara of Children of the Sun Foundation
Shipibo Plant Master Funi and his Amazon Jungle Village

With gratitude to Casa Shipiba





We are now preparing to take a huge evolutionary leap as we collectively open ourselves to receive the highest level of activation that has yet to grace our Group Body.

Several members  of our Avatar tribe are traveling deep into the Amazon throughout this year of 2012 to effectively serve as prototypes for the greater emergence of the activated light body blueprint. They are working in concert with the ancient plant wisdom and primordial energy of the rainforest to more greatly prepare the physical vehicle for the descent of the I AM Presence into bodily form.

The Divine Intent during these profound Expeditions is for participants to undergo deep bodily purification to reach total clarity of consciousness and Divine Union with our Source of Life. The goal is to realize the "self" as a whole and to be completely realigned as one within the universal ascension spiral through single pointed focus with the I AM Presence and the Group Avatar Soul. 

The Energy Transference

Through the Group's high energy harmonic, their interlocking energy matrix is the KEY that unlocks the codes to the new genetic programming.  It is this unlocking that fires the collective DNA and that which will be transferred out to the entire Group Soul of Children of the Sun.

We are ALL one Group Merkaba. What affects one, affects the whole. From the incredibly raw and pristine environment of the Amazon Jungle, expedition participants will transfer outwardly to our entire global family... the realizations, activational codes  of light and divine blueprint activations that are self actualized.

Through the skill of Energy Transference and as we all consciously join our energy matrices, the intent is to raise everyone organically to an extraordinarily high level of light quotient. 

How to Receive the Amazon Transmissions 

This is a transference of energy that takes place during the Planetary Grid Transmissions and during the four global times designated on the day of the New Moon. It is to be received from the silence of our sacred space as we join in meditation together.

(There is no audio recording). 

It is recommended to be in meditation for at least 45 minutes in a quiet, comfortable space where there is no interruption or interference. It is recommended to create the most energetically pure space around you during receipt of this energy transference. 

Please regard this time as sacred union with your mighty I AM Presence. 

If you are not able to make any of the four global times, please know that that this mass energy transference through the planetary Crystalline Grid is outside of the time-space continuum. It is uploaded and delivered as a packet of light and can be called to you at any time.


Don't miss the first Mighty Wave of 

Energy Transference from the Amazon Jungle

The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ New Moon ~ Thursday ~ March 22

Linking ALL Networks!



Let's Build our Healing Circles and Networks

Through the building of our Group Antahkarana and the simultaneous activation of our Solar Magnetism, our ability to  heal, transform and transfer energy is increasing substantially. 

We are becoming the full manifestation of our Solar Self, the mighty I AM Presence on Earth with magnetizing support from the Great Central Sun.

Beloved Solar Angels! 

Let's build our healing circles and networks in anticipation of the mass energy transference from the Amazon.  This monumental outpouring of ascension codes and activational frequency will be significantly amplified if received in group formation on the physical plane. 

Open and expand your Group Merkaba Portal of Light within these Circles to maximize your group's receptivity to this tidal wave of Amazonian energy. Receive, ground and then transfer out this sacred energy to your loved ones and within your community.

You may use this invocation in your group circles....


Group Avatar Invocation 

i am maltese


Oh Mighty I AM Presence and Legions of the Sacred Fire... we call forth the most powerful penetration of God's Solar Fire... to blaze in, through and around our entire Group Body. Connect us now... to the I AM Presence of All Life... including the wisdom of Ascended Nature and the Forces of the Elements. 

We command that our multi-body system reflect and embody the patterns of the Immaculate Concept... transmuting any limiting energies into the perfection of God.

May we be emptied of all that no longer serves the highest purpose of the Divine Plan... so that we may be as hollow instruments... open and ready to receive solar radiation of our I AM Presence. 

As living crystals, programmed to activate the divine blueprint, we invoke the FULL remembrance of our natural ability to transfer divine particles of energy outwardly to all life and to simultaneously receive this same activating energy inwardly through our bodies and the Unified Field.

Mother-Father God, fill our healing circles with the transfiguring power of Divine Love. Empower us to act a group of empty cups...  as mighty conduits of the Amazonian life force... which is then to be transferred out to all Humanity.

All Mighty I AM THAT I AM, please use us as one Group Harmonic... as a super conductive forcefield through which to transfer the ascending streams of light externally to all life. 

We affirm and command that our entire beloved planet and her host of lifeforms... be raised up to the SAME level of vibration. 

And SO IT IS. 

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