Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 12 2012) Mercury Goes Retrograde Today~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 09:08

Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 12 2012)

The Week Ahead | March 12 2012

I hope that you didn’t stress out as the March winds blew in some magnetic instability last week. It was yet another reminder from the solar brain of our galaxy that we still have an incredible amount of information to integrate into our DNA codes as we ride this Ascension train of change. The sun will play a very active role in 2012 and 2013 emitting magnetically charged particles called coronal mass ejections that soar through space with compelling force to assist us at this pivotal time. The Ascension has movement and since I last wrote the velocity of light increased 17% establishing new growing pains that will lead to great new horizons of harmony and peace.


These large explosions, nicknamed CMEs, within the Sun’s atmosphere release solar radiation that can have a profound effect on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The gamma rays travel on the solar winds and are the Sun’s way of exciting deep feelings – in other words you get jump-started into processing whatever karmic patterns you need to heal. This current time is a gestalt to allow you to learn these lessons and to confront and remove any remaining energy-viral obstructions to the Soul’s destiny. You know the drill. Before the new You can take hold, the old one has to be stretched and broken a bit. The councils who are directing and advising this planetary ascension experiment can influence us by rearranging the magnetic fields of the Sun which releases a precise charge of the highly active Fire element. The latest charges are lessening the arc swing of duality and creating movement into a greater crystalline frequency dimension.


As the charges impact Earth they manifest an array of challenges with the planetary core and the magnetosphere that surrounds Gaia. As the solar winds enter our atmosphere the radiation can fry electronic hardware such as satellites as well as your physical body’s electrical aspects, including a need for cellular and DNA adaptability. This results in some unusual and chaotic energies in our environment, making people and animals mentally confused. Very often during a potent magnetic messaging cycle from solar consciousness the media will report bizarre behavior of animals. Environmental factors along with mental and emotional responses can switch genes on and off, altering genetic programs. So make sure the energetic opposition is lessened by perhaps wearing copper or gold on both wrists and employing certain gemstones as rings and pendants to help hold your field intact. You also want to hydrate the body as much as possible during and after such mechanics of ascension.


The inner ascension process makes it possible for the physical body to adapt to these cosmic light messages. The spine and the DNA serve as antennas and search modems sending and receiving signals into your personal field of existence (aura) that you integrate through the pineal gland. Via such trans-harmonic superhighways of light the growth of consciousness is supported. Often these download cycles induce a broadening or stretching (read overload) that results in a temporary energy loss. The first sensory indicator is an emotional low, a sense of being tired, and feeling out of sorts. Many find that they become somewhat vulnerable, feeling overwhelmed at times – as if you can’t seem to get things done, as if there are not enough hours in the day. Others sink into a funk, and it seems like you are moving through molasses. Emotions, too, can go from ecstatic highs to deep lows shadowed by lethargic depression. The key is to become aware of your ascension overload quotient and develop the beneficial antidotes that will neutralize the bombardment.


The need for humanity to shift becomes essential to maintain 5D equilibrium and balance. Denial will not serve. The cosmic undulations will only become more intense, as will the heightened energy of the planet itself. The energy of the New evolutionary cycle demands more effort on your part. You must pro-actively raise your frequency to adjust and keep pace. You are responsible for managing your energy and rising to the occasion. Your sensitivity to what lies within yourself (and others) is what produces harmony and order in your life. The solar wind messages over the last week remind you at your auric-field levels that this is an adventure that requires core re-stabilization and re-grounding. Your goal this week is to be a soft, gentle, and flexible soul as you accept that change is good and necessary.


The Sun’s transmissions are growing in frequency and magnitude, affecting you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The bombardments are sent to assist in perceptual alterations, for in these changing times of 2012 your senses are being heightened and expanded out of necessity. Cosmic influences are intended to stimulate a graceful spiritual awakening for humankind. With this understanding, navigate the road ahead with good enjoyment knowing that your perceptions are being nudged into expansion to enhance your quality of life.


As your mind expands in perceptual acuity, you will suddenly know things, see energy patterns and sense the potential occurrence of events days or even months in advance. You are slowly releasing the habit of being third dimensional. This habit, like all habits, is a set of behaviors that originate in your unconscious mind because they have been in place for millennia. Therefore, suggestions for better behaviors and thoughts come by highlighting the old, non-supportive actions, thoughts and emotions.


You’ll have a couple of weeks to slow down, reflect and press the pause button on life since the planet Mercury goes retrograde today and will remain retrograde for the rest of the month. Use the flow of what has just occurred cosmically inside this astrological period to discover any and all illusions that veil your hidden truths. The next couple of weeks will be perfect for raising your consciousness after the solar uplift. If you can make space in your days for mindfulness and spiritual practice, you may well find yourself stepping into another world – a world of peace, bliss and awakening.


On a practical level Donna Taylor states, “This particular Mercury cycle asks us to go back and make changes and to be innovative wherever possible. We need to be thinking outside the box and not care too much what other people think of our strange, unorthodox ideas, for it is precisely the strange and the unusual that will work best at this time. Following convention and protocol will not reap positive results at this time.” (   

What a great time to bring the source of your third dimensional existence out of your unconscious and into your conscious awareness! Let the discovery be the practice that allows you to consciously experience the next evolutionary cycle of earth.

And do it in a strange, peculiar way!

©2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff, All Rights Reserved.

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