Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 10:04

Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012

Treat one another with loving kindness. It will change your reality. What if you knew that everyone you met, everyone you interacted with, and everyone you saw on the street, on the news, and in your neighborhoods was a living, breathing incarnation of God’s love. What if you knew that every person was held close to the heart of God, beloved by angels, and no matter how unthinkable their behavior, good at the core of their being. What if you knew that they, like you, no matter how unconscious they may seem, are really also on a quest for love? How would you treat one another then dear ones? We implore you no matter what actions you take in the physical world, no matter what words you speak, try your best to come from love.


For in truth, the person that cuts you off in traffic is in need of love or they would not be behaving that way. The person that acts in an angry fashion around you requires your prayers. The one who is insensitive and unkind is really a hurting child. Dear ones, we are not asking you to remain around unkind behavior, nor are we asking you to stuff your feelings. We are not asking you to remain silent when you feel compelled to speak. We are simply asking you to be kind to yourself first – to treat yourself with utmost sensitivity and care, and then from that space of loving kindness, to base your words and deeds in love as well.


If you correct a child, or an adult behaving like a child, you can do so with love. If you walk away from a barking, snarling, snapping dog, or a barking, snarling, snapping individual, you can do so without any need to defend or justify your actions. you can simply move away and keep them in your prayers, for in truth, they are in desperate need of peace.


Your world would be a much better place, if instead of sinking into the darkness of those around you, you chose to remain in your light. Some would find comfort an step into the light; others would run away and remain in darkness. However, you would find that all of humanity would sort itself out into groups of like mind and heart and you would all be much happier.


So try, do your best, to allow your words and actions to come from a space of love… love of God, love of self, and then love of others.

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