~Archea FAITH and MICHAEL ~~ The Coming Announcments~ FIRST CONTACT Part 3~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/28/2011 - 15:00

~Archea FAITH and MICHAEL ~~ The Coming Announcments~ FIRST CONTACT Part 3~


FAITH: Michael and I Greet You, Our Beloved Souls, Once Again In Pure LOVE and Joy To Be Able To Release To You All This Third Part Of Our VERY IMPORTANT Message Regarding The Upcoming Announcements and FULL DISCLOSURE Of The "E.T."~Galactic Federation of Light's Presence AND The First Contact Now SO CLOSE AT HAND!!!


Michael: As My Beloved Faith Has Just Said, There Is ALOT MORE That We Have To Discuss With You All. I Will First Begin My Part Of This Message By COMMENDING EACH and EVERY ONE Of You, Our Beloved Brothers and Sisters, For Your STRENGTH, Your PATIENCE During All Of The Upheavals and CHOAS and Your GLORY-OUS DETERMINATION To Bring About This HISTORIC FIRST CONTACT Mission As SEAMLESSLY and PEACE-FULLY As Possible.


I Will Refer To Something That Our Daughter Eleste and Sister Mary So PLAINLY STATED In Their Own Message Regarding First Contact That I~We Put Out WithIn This Past Sun (Day). In that They Made It EXCEEDINGLY CLEAR ~ As Did Faith and MySelf In Our Previous Message (Part 2 of this series of Messages) ~ That The FULL And FORMAL DISCLOSURE OF Our~The Galactic Federation of Light's Presence WOULD In Fact Be FORCED Out Into The Public Domain Via Your MAINSTREAM MEDIA Outlets and Operations.


Eleste and Mary Very Plainly Stated That We Are NOT FORCING Disclosure To "Take Control" Over Mother Gaia-Earth OR To Harm Her or Any Of You. We Are Doing This In This Way To FORCE The Remaining Dark Cabal/Dark Ones Still In Positions Of Authority In The United States and GLOBALLY OUT INTO THE LIGHT and To FINALLY REMOVE THEM FROM POWER Once and For All!


FAITH and Michael: We Are WELL AWARE From Your Many Crys and Prayers For Assistance From Us and SCREAMS To "BRING ABOUT FULL DISCLOSURE and FIRST CONTACT So That All Of This FIGHTING and VIOLENCE and WAR-MONGERING and The SLAVERY of The Hu-Man Race Would Be STOPPED!"


One Thing that We BOTH Can and Will Tell You At This Moment Is That Although We KNOW What The EXACT First Contact Plans Are; We ARE NOT ALLOWED - By DIVINE DECREE No Less -  To Reveal This At This Moment In Time.


What We ARE Allowed To Do Is To INFORM You Of Certain VERY KEY Things That You Are ENTITLED To Know.


1. The First Of These Is That President Barack Hussein Obama Jr. IS An AMERICAN-BORN CITIZEN. YES, He IS Of Kenyan Descent... Yet He Was, In Fact, BORN IN HAWAII!!! This Matter MUST BE Put To REST PERMANENTLY! It Is NOTHING MORE Than A Distraction and A DESPERATION Maneuver!!!


2. The Second Is That He AND His ENTIRE FAMILY Are Under The Protection Of The Galactic Federation Against Harm Coming Against Him or Them By The Dark Cabal. 


3. The THIRD Is That This ENTIRE "Issue", That Is In Truth Really a NON-ISSUE, OF Barack's ACTUAL CITIZENSHIP Is NOTHING MORE Than An ELABORATE DISTRACTION Cooked Up By The Dark Cabal In HIS OWN CABINET and The United States SHADOW Federal Government TO GET BARACK OUT OF OFFICE On The FALSE Premise that He Is NOT A "Natural-Born" Citizen Of The United States!!!


They Are Doing This For The VERY SIMPLE REASON That They DO NOT WANT FULL, FORMAL Disclosure Of The Galactic Federation's/ Alien (E.T.) Presence AND Subsequent and IMMEDIATE FIRST CONTACT To Take Place. They DO NOT WANT To Be FORCED Out Into The Open and Into The LIGHT For All To See Either, So They Are Doing EVERYTHING In Their Power To PREVENT Barack Obama From Carrying Out His Mission.


FAITH: Beloved Souls, Michael and I - Along With The Prime Creator, The Entire Angelic Realm, Your Guides and Guardians And ALL Of You Galactic and Earth-Bound FAMILY Are ASKING For Your PATIENCE and Perseverance And Your AMAZE-ING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE For Just A LITTLE WHILE LONGER. EVERYTHING Is VERY SOON Going To Be Brought Out Into The FULL LIGHT Of DAY For THE ENTIRE WORLD - ALL OF Gaia's Residents - To See For ThemSelves The ACTUAL and ABSOLUTE TRUTH.


We KNOW That You ALL Are Enduring A GREAT DEAL Of Physical Stresses and Dis-Comforts Coming From The Spiritual, DNA and LightBody Re-Alignments That ALL Who Have Made The Choice To Ascend Are Feeling. We Are Also VERY KEENLY AWARE Of The FINANCIAL "Bind" and Stresses That NEARLY ALL Of You Are Dealing With.


The Fact That Your Laptop and Desktop Computers, Mobile/Cell Phones and Other Digital/Electronic Devices That You SERIOUSLY DEPEND Upon - Some For Your Very Livelihoods - Are CONTINUOUSLY Breaking Down And/Or Mal-Functioning To The Point That You Feel Like THROWING THEM Out The Window or Against The Wall Is ALSO Part Of What Is Happening. PLEASE BE ASSURED That All Of This WILL BE Taken Care Of AFTER First Contact WHEN We Are ABLE To Share Some More Advanced Technology With You.


The Reason For This PROBLEM With Your CURRENT Electronic Technology Is That It Was Simply - and VERY PURPOSEFULLY - NOT Designed To Take ANYTHING HIGHER Than The Current 3G/4G Networks Out There OR The HIGHER VIBRATIONS That So Many Of You Are NOW Residing In.


Until Creator Gives Us The Next Part Of This Message...

I AM FAITH and I AM Michael    


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