I am observing in myself and others, the enormity of the love we have for ourselves! The universe is working overtime to bring to our awareness everything that we have created thus far, that was not fully felt or processed in the moment. It is asking us if we are done yet. Do we need more of this pain or trauma to learn from or are we ready to move on? We are being presented with our emotions once again in order to move through and beyond their prior weight in our emotional field. We are being offered freedom! The opportunity to view our lives through a new lens, to look at the past with a loving eye. We can rewrite the past and allow ourselves a brighter future. We can love who we were when we felt that pain and choose to let it all go. Or not. The choice is always ours. There is no one else who has to be involved when we know that we have created every aspect of our lives. Perhaps not consciously in this realm, but from our higher, broader self, we set it all in motion for the experience that we would gain.
Now we are choosing to evolve this planet and all of us on her. That means we all have to lighten up. Our unresolved pains are heavy and in order to lift off, we must cut them loose. We need to free ourselves of the weight and begin to feel the joy of a new perspective.
I have found myself laughing out loud when something shows up of late. I can almost hear myself asking this aspect of me,
“How about this? Does this hold any trigger still? And what about this? Does this hold any remnant that is unresolved ?” On and on it goes as we lighten our loads and our hearts.

That deep recesses of our hearts are being emptied of the old to make way for the the new love pouring in.
All of this while our physical bodies are stretched to the max trying to assimilate all of this radiant liquid love light that is pouring into our vessels. Exhaustion is common as well as fogginess, an inability to think in the old linear way, body aches and pains, a myriad of strange symptoms that the medical profession struggles to put a name to. We are ascending, bringing our divinity into our bodies. It is quite a feat! Thank your body for all that it does even if you find yourself having to take two or three naps a day.
Many are finding their identities dissolving as old habits and expressions no longer serve the being we are becoming. There can be a pulling away, an inward focus as the new anchors in. I have found myself sitting up straighter, my posture improving as this new being is huge and demands more room in my body.
We are in the end times, the end of the old matrix controlled life. We are freeing ourselves to live a life of peace, harmony, freedom and love. We are co-creating a world of wonder and unity. Let us be mindful that these times call for gentleness, for all others and for ourselves. Everyone is doing their best. It is not an easy time but know that we all petitioned to be a participant on this planet to witness and contribute to this massive change.
Knowing this, we can appreciate and open ourselves to all that is arising. All is seeking to be felt, to be loved, to be accepted. We can determine to feel everything fully so as to free our hearts to have a greater capacity to love. We are meant to be in love with everything! Think how much our greater being loves us, to move all the pieces on the chess board that are required to bring forth the memory of one painful situation or another, into our lives in this now. It is mind boggling how it is all arranged. Whenever I think of it, I am flooded with appreciation for myself and the Creator. What wondrous times we live in!