~Are We There Yet?~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 13:15

Are We There Yet?

2012 April 9
by Stephen Cook

Don’t you sometimes feel like a kid again, sitting in the back seat of the car, with your father or mother driving you to a holiday destination and wondering: “Are we ever, ever, ever going to get there?”


Sometimes the travelling can be intensely boring and mundane. Either way, time seems to drag on for hours, days and weeks (even years, in my own childhood perception of time!).

And it always seems that the closer you get to that long-awaited destination, the further away it seems.

Sometimes anger, hunger, tiredness and hopelessness set in. Sometimes we might even fight amongst ourselves.

Yet once we arrive at that place of paradise, all thoughts and memory of homework, exams, sibling rivalry and that never-ending journey instantly fade into oblivion.


Can you tell where I’m going here?

Is this current trip we’re all on – this journey through and out of duality and on to Ascension – any different in its detailed planning, scope, navigational hazards and required patience than that holiday road trip?


Is it frustrating? Exhausting? Do you feel a little crabby and irritated?

Have you had second thoughts? Have you doubted we’ll get there? Have you started bickering?


They always say the last few miles are the longest and most difficult to get through. But in this case, the most momentous trip of all our lifetimes will be absolutely, totally worth it.


OK, yes, some days I do feel like I’m doing everything I can to visualise, dream, uphold the light and assist my fellow humans to do everything we all can to bring it on. And nothing much appears to have happened or is happening. On those days, I want to get there like, well, yesterday.


In those moments, the journey feels the same as that relentless school days’ vacation trip: impatiently looking out the window for the next important landmark that says we’re one step closer to our golden journey’s end.


And while all our channelled sources, writers, philosophers, ancient civilisations, Starseed brothers and sisters and fellow Lightworkers keep on giving us endless clues, updates and continuously loving information that we’re indeed getting ever closer to our much desired destination with each passing day, on some days I join the many who continue to ask for proof. A sign post. Several, in fact.

This despite the very solid fact that I know, deep down, that the evidence of how far we’ve all travelled on this particular journey is all around us.


Nevertheless, it’s in those frustrated moments I usually find myself asking a whole heap of questions….


When will the arrests of the cabal begin? When will disclosure take place? What will our galactic brothers and sisters look like? How (and when) will Ascension happen? What will it be like? Will I be going up on a ship? Will I know my true star origins? Will I see my departed Earth friends and family again? Will I still see my partner and my pets? What will happen to my family? What is the role I elected to play in the coming months? Will the entire universe completely change for the better on 21 December 2012?


In fact, the questions on those days are endless. Yet, as we now move on into this exciting year of 2012, those days are actually becoming considerably more rare.


As one who’s never wanted a surprise ruined – whether that be finding out ahead of time what’s inside a birthday present or wanting to know the ending to a movie or book – I’ve taught myself patience. Why? Because I LOVE the thrill of the surprise.

Just think about this for a moment:


If you knew exactly how every single instant of your individual soul’s Ascension path was going to pan out  – and you knew the how’s, why’s, where’s, what’s, etc., of where you were going, what you’ll be doing, what this amazing process is – then all you’d be thinking about day in and day out right now would be what you’d been told, read, heard and now believed. Or didn’t believe.


This would also only add weight to those thoughts, and your Ascension would end up being exactly what you’ve been told. Additionally, any future growth you may have been up for between now and your actual Ascension may not be able to occur. Yep, instead of seeing many changes take place (because you knew how things would pan out ahead of time) this limited your ability to evolve and thus your Ascension path might not have evolved with you. (Now, I don’t know this; I’m just hypothesizing here.)

Meanwhile, it would be REALLY boring if you knew all this. Come on now, be honest. It would. What would there be to be really excited about and look forward to with such wonder. I mean, don’t you just love the excitement of not knowing? I do.


Part of this process is also so you can face and eliminate all your fears.


There’s always a slight fear of the unknown for many of us. Yet we must move forward without fear. Knowing what might happen may eliminate the fear factor and, to me, that would be pointless…

If you know nothing about what is (or when it is) going to happen, you only have your trust, hope and faith to rely on. And doing so is truly facing and eliminating all fear.


To those who say: “Well, it hasn’t happened yet. I want some proof”. Or: “Well, things better get a move on we have only 256 days to go between today and December 21”.


Well, here’s the way I look at it… Anything and everything can happen in the next 8 months and 12 days.


It’s also important to remember, as has been said many times before, that as humans living in duality in a 3D world, we have absolutely no comprehension or understanding of the actual cross-dimensional events and time frame. No matter how hard many of us think or try to work things out, we simply may never be able to. And so we don’t know.


This whole process could also take days, weeks or months. Or be over in the blink of any eye.


Even though we might not know it today, things could really start happening tomorrow. I’m serious. They could, couldn’t they?

Or it could be this month, when we’ve been told to expect the mass arrests of the cabal to begin.


Or the first real proof could happen on May 20 when the Zenith Passage combines with the solar eclipse.


It could happen on June 6 when phase two of the Venus Transit occurs. Or on the Solstice, Wednesday, June 20 or Thursday, June 21, depending on where you live. Or even during the Harmonic Convergence from August 11-16.


Then there’s the Spring/Fall/Autumn equinox on September 22/23. Or December 20 could be a very hectic day for everyone.

Then again, things could kick off in one, wonderful moment of universal, galactic and planetary magic at 12.01 am on Friday, 21 December. Or even 59 seconds earlier!


I actually don’t care when or how it happens. I just intend it to happen – and KNOW it will – and I intend to be part of it when it’s meant to occur.


And so, that’s how I see things: which helps me to wake up each day and keep going, despite being so ready (and exhausted) for it all to kick into gear.


That’s because, deep down, I have a sense of knowing that all will happen at the precise and meticulously-planned moment that it’s all meant to; that the Divine Plan is the Divine Plan and it will be divinely put in place at the divine moment.


I put my hope, faith and trust in this. That’s what truly excites me. And I have not an ounce of fear – or doubt.


On this Ascension trip, I’m letting the universe drive and the Divine Plan navigate and set the destination and arrival time.

I know I am going to just LOVE this surprise.

And that’s why, in my heart and soul, I am already there!

Yes, yes, yes!  You were writing for me.  I'm committed to experiencing all the awe and wonder of each of these days.  Each day I'm flabbergasted by things that were so far out of my awareness the day before... both positive and negative.  There's something new and amazing to learn about myself with each new awareness. 


I'm finding the ride quite exciting.  I love the challenge of staying in my heart while still informing myself of global events.  I'm practicing observing without entanglement.  One of the readings suggested not to dwell on any particular negative video/article but to "hit and run" so as to stay informed but stay out of negativity.  It seems to work for me.


All your questions are the questions we all have and it's so much fun imagining isn't it?  We get to create in the imagination first anything we want.  It's like you say, it's like being a kid  again and not knowing any limitations but knowing the outcome is going to be magnificent. We can't lose remaining in the natural flow of love. 


Much love,


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