Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:43

by Owen K Waters


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ He speaks about the 4th dimension. In Truth Humanity is Jumping from the 3rd to the 5th, and skipping the 4th. So we feel he is speaking about the 5th and not the 4th. Love The Earth Allies



Humanity is about to ascend into a more subtle physical form. This will be a gradual change, not a sudden transformation. The start of the new Mayan time cycles on December 21, 2012 will be a pivotal time when consciousness will shift to a new reality. However, this 2012 event is more likely to be viewed as a pivotal time after the fact, and not immediately.


When the astrologically-significant Harmonic Convergence occurred in August 1987, many people expected the world to transform and world peace to dawn on that very day. Human inertia, however, preempts such a sudden change. It takes time for new thought to filter into the reality of world consciousness, and even more time for events to unfold as a result of this change.


Two years after the Harmonic Convergence, what did happen was an unprecedented step forward in human liberty: The Berlin Wall, that separated the Soviet Union from the West, fell. Two years after that, the Soviet Union itself collapsed, ending the global standoff that had threatened the very survival of the human race for over forty years.


The evolution of the consciousness of humankind has been accelerating. Starting with the birth of the Renaissance 600 years ago, then accelerating with the growth of science 300 years ago, and coming into focus with the spiritual searching that blossomed in the 1960’s, the mass mind of humanity has been moving ever more quickly towards The Shift.


Although The Shift is a gradual process that is occurring over many decades, its main milestone marker will be when the mass consensus of human consciousness reaches the tipping point between material, third-density consciousness and heart-centered, fourth-density consciousness. When that happens, physical humankind will become firmly located in a fourth-density environment.


Pioneering individuals have been moving their awareness in and out of fourth-density consciousness for decades. The key marker in The Shift is when the mass mind of humanity reaches that dividing line and takes the quantum step forward into its own heart.

In that new reality, along with the shift into fourth-density consciousness, people will notice that the development of their inner senses has become relatively effortless. Intuition-supported thought will become commonplace. Telepathy between loved ones will become easy to develop. Contact with friends and relatives who have passed on will become ever more commonplace.


Fourth-density physical bodies are less dense than third-density ones. People will begin to perceive the light that radiates from their bodies and other fourth-density matter. Colors will take on deeper hues and sounds will expand in depth, creating a whole new range of possibilities in the arts. People will consume lighter foods and more liquids than before. Everyone will have one job description – to serve humanity in the best way of which they are capable.


The Shift is a cosmic event. It is much larger than this planet or this solar system. It is an upgrade in energy and consciousness that affects all of us. The Earth itself will ‘rise in the heavens’, meaning that, when the time comes for that decisive step forward into the New Earth, the soil beneath your feet will rise in vibration into fourth density just as your physical body will. Humanity will rise in frequency along with the body of the planet.


When the time comes, every physical thing around you will move forward and relocate into a fourth-density frequency of manifestation in, as predicted in the Bible, the twinking of an eye.


Those already existing in fourth density – the spirits of those who have passed on from the physical realm – will also move into a higher sub-layer of existence. This is what is meant by the prophecy in the Bible, that “the dead shall be risen.” Because people inhabiting spirit bodies are already in fourth density, it will be easier to communicate with them once we move into fourth density, even though we will be in a different sub-layer.

Once the mass shift to heart-centered consciousness has occurred, humankind will look back at this present era as something that was very different. Just as you mature and gain wisdom, you view the past differently from the way you experienced it at the time. So, too, will we view the Old Reality differently as we gain wisdom in the New Reality.


The timing of the main event of The Shift – the translation of the mass mind of humanity into heart-centered, fourth-density consciousness is not known. It depends entirely on how much the pioneers of human consciousness – people like yourself – develop their own heart-centered awareness in order to open that pathway in consciousness for more people to follow.


Just as there are those who want The Shift to happen soon, there are those who wish to delay it as much as possible, even though delaying a cosmic event is not within their power. Today, fear is being constantly fed to the public about the possibility of terrorist events. Fear delays conscious evolution and self-empowerment.

As long as there is a risk of terrorist events, it is common sense to follow any intuitive warnings that keep coming to your attention about places to avoid. Your soul won’t let you be in the wrong place at the wrong time provided you listen to those intuitive warnings that we all run into at some point in our lives.


One of our greatest gifts we can offer humankind is to stay the course in our spiritual awakening. Stay the course by focusing on heart-centered consciousness regardless of events that conspire to fill people with fear. Then, The Shift will happen sooner rather than later.

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