Ascension Rock ~ Mt. Shasta

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 11:01

Ascension Rock ~ Mt. Shasta


Do you know the way to…Ascension Rock? Apparently I didn’t. Of course, I certainly thought that I did, but those more in the know than me have pointed out the error of my ways. So you ask, what is it I’m even talking about?


Well, about a year and a half ago someone told me about this cool place on Mt. Shasta where you could essentially tune into the energies of the mountain and actually ascend to a higher plane. Yes I know, sounds quite new agey and all that, but I’ve made a few trips over the years to Shasta from the Bay Area where I live. I definitely believe there is something quite extraordinary about this mountain. I’m a bit on the fence as to what it is, but I’ve got an explorer’s heart. So every year or two I take a long weekend over there to see what’s the latest thing happening.


I hadn’t been there in over a year, and I figured it was time to check out this new story. I had a few days off at the end of July, so I packed up the camping gear and headed out. I was told that this Ascension Rock was at a place on the mountain called Red Fir Flat. I didn’t think I’d ever been to that particular spot, so I checked in with the local Forest Service office in Shasta when I got there. They were nice, but a bit busy, and when I mentioned Ascension Rock I got a little smile. Seems lots of people had been asking about that place lately. They also informed me that Red Fir Flat was a group camping area, and that there was group camping there right now. And to please respect them as they had their own activities going on. I got the directions and headed up the mountain.


The highway from town goes about eleven miles up and ends at a parking lot about 8,000 feet elevation, but Red Fir Flat was about seven to eight miles up and probably around 6,500 feet up. I pulled in on a dirt road on the left and saw a number of cars parked. I drove past them to where the road ended, as I was told Ascension Rock was right there on the left. Driving in I saw a few people walking around and a couple people meditating. I parked by a group of rocks and then wondered, now what? As I got out of the car a couple people came over and asked me if I was looking for something.


Dirt road turnoff to Red Fir Flat


As I looked at the rocks, I told them that I thought I’d found it. One of them politely informed me that this place wasn’t the real Ascension Rock, and that it actually was near where I turned onto the dirt road off the highway. And that if I parked near there and hiked up the hill to the left there would be a much larger grouping of rocks at the top. I thought maybe they were pulling my leg, as I was told I could drive right up to it. As one of them started to say something, an older man with a friendly disposition walked up and greeted me.


For a moment I did a double-take, since he immediately seemed familiar. Had I met him somewhere? Nothing came to mind, but then I remembered what a friend had told me about what it felt like meeting someone you’d known in a past life. Was that possibly it?


Anyway, he was very friendly and told me his name was Bruce, and that he ran a meditation group called The Eureka Society that had been coming to Mt. Shasta every summer for almost forty years. Wow, I bet if anyone had stories about the mountain, he probably did. I did get involved in a long conversation with him, as the others left us alone and went about their business. He told me more than I can remember, but I’ll try to encapsulate as much as I can. At least in reference to why I originally made this trip.


It seems that he has been coming to Mt. Shasta since the 1960’s and having spiritual experiences there, which he writes about in more detail in his book, Mt. Shasta – The Vital Essence. Also, he and his group have been experimenting with sacred geometry since the 1980’s, building and maintaining what he calls ‘geometric devices’ in several places around the country. One of those places is on Mt. Shasta. Of course, these geometrics are spiritual not physical.


He went on to explain that years ago people were coming up to the area above Red Fir Flat to where he believes the ‘real’ Ascension Rock is. And that about three years ago people then started coming to the area where I thought Ascension Rock was. He thinks people got misinformed about where it really was, and then it has continually got passed on as the wrong place. But he also believes that people feel that it is there because they are sensitive to the geometric devices they built right next to those rocks several years ago. And as they have continually maintained and enhanced the devices more and more, people who have spiritual sensitivity are actually picking up those spiritual devices. And since those devices give people more access to higher spiritual levels, they mistakenly believe it is the rocks next to the devices. I see the logic of that, but I wasn’t totally convinced.


The real Ascension Rock from the dirt road entry


So he showed me a couple of them, and had me ‘try’ them out. Oh my, double wow. I got really high in them, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. In fact, it’s actually very hard to put the experience into words. Maybe in another article I will try my best to do exactly that. But right now, I’ll just try to process it. If anything, I’d say if someone said that this was ascending to another plane, then I actually did that. Didn’t I?


Which takes me to another point I’d like to mention here. This idea of ‘Ascension’. What does it actually mean? And does it mean the same thing to these various spiritual groups who seem to use the term so very loosely? I know basically, that it means to ascend to some higher spiritual plane of existence in some form or another. There are Ascended Masters, Ascended Teachings, ascension related to enlightenment, the idea you can ascend without dying, and on and on. But it all seems a bit general, hazy and used by and for different situations depending who you talk to. Oh well, I’m not going to answer it here. Maybe another topic for another article?


Finally, I asked Bruce if he knew who may have started sending people to this incorrect version of Ascension Rock. He said he wasn’t sure, but he’s spoken to a number of I AM’er’s and Telos people who have been through, and figured they were directing people here. (A note here: The I AM religion is run by the Saint Germain Foundation, which has a presence in Mt. Shasta City and on the mountain. The Telos people believe that there is an actual Lemurian city inside the mountain called Telos. Whether it’s physical or spiritual, I’m not sure what they believe. Check them out further online if you have interest in any of that.)


Not the real Ascension Rock at end of dirt road


Bruce adds that of course all are free to go wherever they want on the mountain, but that the original Ascension Rock is not where the geometrics are. And they can also come to where the geometrics are, but he offered a small warning. These devices are ‘hot’. Meaning, if you don’t know how to handle the energy these devices offer, it can possibly do damage to your own spiritual structures.

To underline his point, he offered this analogy. A fire in a fireplace can offer nice, comforting warmth when it’s contained, but uncontained it can burn down your house. When ‘playing’ with these devices, you’re playing with fire. If you’re unsure what to do, he says you can contact him first on the Eureka Society’s Facebook Page. And if you want more private guidance, you can both take it from there.


One final irony that Bruce did mention. Although there are several organized groups from all over the world that make treks to the mountain every year, apparently there are two local companies that conduct commercial enterprises on the mountain and give tours of spiritual power spots on the mountain. The companies are Shasta Vortex Adventures and Shasta Spiritual Journeys. And one of these spots they take people is this new Ascension Rock. The irony is that they charge people for these tours, in essence to a place he created and spiritually maintains. He doesn’t want to quibble about the money involved, because that’s not why he does this. His main concern is that the people going there are not getting the whole story about what this power spot is really about, and what to do with it. Again, you can contact him for more info.


(10/7/10 Note from Ashalyn: ‘Beautiful site you’ve created here. Thanks for attempting to “pull it all together.” I am owner of Shasta Vortex Adventures and I see that you made a comment about me taking people to Ascension Rock. Actually, I avoid it at all costs because it has become so popular. I prefer taking people to other power spots on the mountain, where we will most often be alone to do the spiritual healing work that we have come there to do. It would be great if you would edit/correct that reference to Shasta Vortex. I would be eternally grateful.’)


In wrapping all this up, I truly have to say that I got more than I expected when I set out on this little trip. I didn’t just find Ascension Rock, but so much more. It also made me realize that a true central place is needed for all the spiritual information about Mt. Shasta. There is certainly a lot of it all over the web, but I think I’m going to have someone build me a website that has it all focused and organized in one place. Yes, I’m going to do just that.


(Note: I wrote this paragraph a few days later to inform you about my new Shasta website – Yes, I actually had it done and this article will appear on it. I’m hoping more of you will contribute your spiritual experiences on Mt. Shasta right here on this website. We’re still setting that part up, but it should be there eventually. And be sure and check out the video I took when I was at Ascension Rock. Until then, enjoy! – DS)


Here is a Link to the Video

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