Ashtar Regarding August 4th, 2012: WE ARE AT THE OLYMPICS!!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 19:55
"Greetings, Beloved Family! We are in awareness of the announcement that we will be de-cloaking at your Olympic Games on the date of August 4th, and we wish to address this in several ways.
"First, as you know, we are not in the practice of giving dates, and we have several reasons for this, not the least of which are your own safety and peace of mind. Remember that the dominoes are falling in a sequential order, and that it is necessary for all who would block your Freedoms to be removed. Also, we ask that you be aware that many dates have been given in the past for events and announcements and that, when nothing has occurred, it has caused a downward energetic spiral for those who have had hope. In other words, it has given the dark hats more disappointment, despair and depression upon which to feed.
"Now, having said this, we announce to you that we are at the Olympics, and have been there since long before the torch arrived. Our ships are so great in numbers as to literally blanket the sky in layers, and our purpose is to monitor, assist in preventing major 'false flag' events, and most of all, to beam loving messages to all present. Yes, even the video recording devices are picking up our high frequencies and thus relaying them, even though we have remained invisible - for the most part! We are in great Joy and thanks for this opportunity to address such a huge audience, and we express our infinite gratitude for the welcome which you have given to us!!!
"We assure you that we shall continue to appear to you in ever-increasing de-cloakings, and that, when the timing, or sequential flow, arrives at the optimal moment, we shall indeed appear to the entirety of Planet Earth. This moment is so close that we invite you to join with us in the Joy of its envisioning, for it is in the state of absolute and infinite Love and Joy that we perceive our long-awaited and much anticipated reunion with you, our Beloved Ashtar Family, who have volunteered to serve in the ground crew!!! 'Stay tuned' - Salut!"
Given through Susan Leland, August 3, 2012.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All Rights Reserved.

Picture above sent by an Ashtar Family member.

Samareh (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 20:13

teeeehehehe so exciting, sending more and more love to all those at the Olympics and who will be watching on tv... this is going to be WONDERFULL.

Instead of hiding their they should wipe us out already like they already plan on doing.... Their def not here for love. They have aducted me many times and others i know of. They only see us as their slaves. were their property and they use us in experiments.... Aliens lie alot  too! trust me from exp.

I know its a bit late but I wasn't expecting a reply. Thanks! And they were short with grey skin. They smelled pretty bad too like theyve never heard of the invention soap and water XD. So their not all evil then? And really they will be gone soon? thatd be awesome! I;m not a hateful person... But i HATE them. They make you do so much horriable things... including making have sex with other humans... They do sugerys on you. Also i read something about them trying to capture souls with capsules but it failed. Which is a good thing! thatd be horrable if they could obtain our souls...

King David (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 20:32

The least you can do is to lift up your skirt a bit so we can all have a peek

Julia Cosby

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 20:35

This is so wonderful to know you are there my Loving Family.  Thank you. The Olympics is such a great event and the participants are extremely happy and proud to be there It would have been devastating to me if something woud have happened.  This is great news, it bring me such joy!! 


I am Sending all my love to you My Family.  Cannot wait to see you in the skies, Welcome, Welcome!!!!


Love & Light

Michael Hall (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 21:21

Excellent! Wonderful! Beautiful! I am going to keep meditating on this, i love you all and thank you so muchfor this message. Namaste'

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 22:58

You humans (us) diffently bring joy to my heart.  I could not but help to laugh out loud.    When I read the comments I kow you are wanting to state an opinion instead of really belieiving there may be a possibility of alien who are speaking to us right now.  Allow what has occurred and what will occur we are spiritual being and any thing is possible. (LOL)  

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 04:55

We need to be shown that it's not a pointless struggle to try to remain positive, especially as day to day life gets more difficult by the day for so many people. Talk is nothing, sitting here and trying to be cheerful in the face of disaster is passivity which is exactly what the cabal wants and that's why we're in the mess we're in. People are too hesitant to step outside their comfort zone. Please stop pulling the "but it'll scare you" card. Even the bastards that run the planet believe that such a scenario would actually UNITE the people.

equine_si (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 09:47

When I see dates come and go I choose to use the extra time to make an extra effort to bring more Love into my heart so that I can be of greater service to this transformative process.  I find it is working wonderfully as day by day I feel less and less turmoil within.  :-)


Love & Blessings to you All!

Marc Landry (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 12:07

It is time.

You are letting us down.

Humans continue to ignore the subtle, and the vast majority are unaware.

richard (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 16:40

when you do give dates, we that believe try to wake ppl up by passing this along to those still unaware and when it does not happen not only does it push those sleeping further back it starts to make us believers question our beliefs

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 19:11

Ashtar family member -

Please send us a sign that you are not the deceiver - the fallen one. I you are legion as you indicate, give us reference as to what dimension you are from and what your name is phonetically.

A map or a crop circle indicating your origin might help sine we're only on the third dimension here on Gaia. Who were you at the time of Atlantis?

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 11:36

Dates are an's just a TEST to see how many humans continue to believe after there is nothing that physically happens in the 3d reality. HOPE is false....but when u meditate u find answers & real Honest proof of who u are & what your objectiv is here as a Light worker.

NOTHING will ever happen in the 3d because the frequency & vibration levels are too Low, you can only raise your Vibration to see them with your heart & 3rd eye chakra.

As long as u have "hope" you will always have "dispair".....they were here before Aug 4th & they will be here forever. They are just Waiting for us to mature we can reach them!!!!!

It is only up to us as an Individual to look within.....they can't do it for us. Remember the bible also says when the End comes there will be a great separating of the "Wheat from the Shaft." Dates are just Test.....that is all.

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