Astrology June 4, 2012: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 09:12

Astrology June 4, 2012: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Marie Curie

A Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse in “truth-seeking” Sagittarius today (7:12 Am EDT) is a chance for us to experience what it is that we “know for sure” about our lives. It is an opportunity to sit with what “rings true for us” in the trusty chambers of our heart.


With the New Moon / Solar Eclipse in “fact-finding” Gemini, two weeks ago, we gathered information, sampled new experiences. We may have also set our intentions. Now we are witnessing the full distilling of all of that process. We are at that juncture where we are assigning meaning to everything. Full Moons serve to bring matters to a culmination point. They symbolically and literally create a “full illumination.” Lunar eclipses help to pack an even greater punch for us by putting big exclamation points behind any of the revelations that are delivered to us now. The Universe, in a way, seems bent on making sure that we really “get it” now, whatever the “it” may mean for us, through the guise of the eclipse.


With “action-oriented” Mars squaring this super-charged lunation we may also feel called upon to put our “truth into motion,” or be willing to take a stand for whatever it is that we believe in.  Since Mars is also in “workable, analytical” Virgo, we may be needing to get “very real” with our beliefs and see how they can practically support us in our daily lives. Mars in Virgo is excellent energy for holding us accountable.


Too, what we may find, in the coming days ahead, a la the keen eye of the Virgo Mars and also expansive Jupiter, still in “pragmatic, earthy” Taurus (Jupiter rules Sagittarius), is that some of the things we thought for sure could fly, may only actually be elusive pipe-dreams, at this point. That we may need to go back, once again, to that illustrious drawing board to see how we can ingeniously reposition the wings on our ideas and beliefs, so that they may soar majestically alongside the confident eagles already in flight. Full Moons allow us to poignantly and eloquently empty ourselves of whatever is expired, or no longer needed by us, for whatever reason.


“Mystical” Neptune is also stationing retrograde today, in “contemplative” Pisces (5:03 pm EDT), suggesting that we must also be willing to look inside for the answers. Be willing to still ourselves long enough so that we may clearly hear the angelic voice of our intuition whispering to us via the gentle ripples dancing across our soulful waters. Neptune will remain in retrograde motion until November 10.


“Love Goddess” Venus is also gearing up for a very rare eclipse of her own tomorrow, as she dares to boldly display her seductive brand of soothing feminine charms across the face of the empowering Sun (our soul’s purpose).  Venus perhaps reminding us here to let the connecting power of love, that naturally resides in each of us, to let it flow unencumbered from our hearts now, so that it will joyfully light up all of our countenances, and null and void all of the darkness that potentially threatens to overtake us, if we do not persist in finding a way to come together. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr.


We may want to make special note of where (what houses) the 14 degree Sagittarius-Gemini axis falls in our birth charts, as those are the areas of our life that are being activated now and where we may also be experiencing an awakening of consciousness and a call to action.


Wherever Mars is transiting in Virgo, in our charts, may also be where we are building in new skills, or where we are needing to perfect our performances.


The house (area of life) that Neptune is stationing retrograde in today, is also where we may want to try to tap into our intuition, to see what it has to say for us with respect to that particular sector of our life. This part of our life will also likely be ripe for much inner reflection in the coming months.


A Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius also helps to energize activities in these areas: publishing, philosophy, writing, higher education, organized religion, advertising and promotion, long-distance travel, matters pertaining to other cultures, dealings with the law.


What do you “know for sure” about your life? How might you share your own truth with the rest of the world now in ways that are personally empowering for yourself?

Happy Eclipse blessings to you!


Patrice Thompson is a Life and Career Coach for women in transition. All of her coaching is done by telephone. If you would like to find out more about Patrice’s coaching services and how she may able to support and partner with you, drop her an email at


Copyright 2012

Source Notes:

full Moon:

summer lotus:



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