Athena Arcturus Anchoring Divine Trust and Faith Through the Celestial Diamond Light

Submitted by AmethystLight on Fri, 06/14/2013 - 18:40

Oh my dear family and friends, I have not talked to you in so long. God bless each one of your hearts, I have missed you. I received this absolutely blissful meditation from Athena Arcturus today and my heart so over-whelmed with love she just asked me to share, share, share the love. <3 <3 <3 Lets manifest and multiply more of that. ~~~~@
I am so grateful to be of service to you in this way.
Such a beautiful thing I have been given from the beautiful, heartfelt light of the Arcturians that I can give to you now. It is so yours. Bless you all so much.
Dear sweet family and friends,

I am Athena Arcturus and I love you so dearly and completely from all that is made manifest within the world let my light from my heart chakra open to you and let you bath without limitation on all the love that I have within me to offer you. I ask that you accept this light from within my heart chakra in whatever way you can and take from it as much as you like for I give it to you freely and without asking anything in return.

It is with such joy and gratitude that I greet each of you for you are so special to my heart. Each one of you that are reading this are more than just human beings upon the earth you are sacred family members that I rejoice in connecting with and I honor with all the love that is within my being.

I bring forward to you today a gentle divine feminine energy from my being and from the Star System of Arcturus to bath your entire being in the loving and warm feminine energies that come from our central aspect.

We shine infinite waves of divine love and bliss to you in each moment and are so proud and grateful to each of you for all you have achieved upon the earth and in your reality.

In each moment, you are growing to align more of your being with your heart chakra and the Creator, for you see that your heart chakra is so expansive that it can radiate to all places, planets, and stars within the Universe.

You might imagine that you are always trying to connect with us on many levels but in Truth it is we that are also reaching out our heart chakras to you in love and expansive for we honor you as divine beings just as much as you honor us.

The earth school is such a sacred place for all souls to achieve such love and wisdom and as you might imagine many of us from other Star systems have come to the Earth School to learn and bask in its radiant wisdom.

We would love to remind you upon this beautiful day that it is the inner experience of your Soul and your Heart that is the most important aspect of your experience.

When you are within your heart and soul you see that all that is created in your reality is a mirror of your divine Truth.

From this place of divine Truth and sacred responsibility you can see then that all those aspects in your reality that you may view as negative or in need of dissolving or changing were always and have always been creations from your own experience.

From this state of divine love and responsiblity, we offer to you as always the Arcturian Celestial Diamonds of Light for you to connect with at a deep level for not only manifestation but also deep cleansing.

What we would like to bring forward to you now is an anchor of the Trust in The Creator. For we would like to bring forward many networks of light that contain this aspect charged with the energy of Trust in the Creator.

"From our space of many light networks within the Cosmos we shine our beakons of Divine Celestial Light, we the Arcturians anchor now within your heart chakra and many layers of networks of light within your being sacred and loving Trust in The Creator. With this sacred Truth, we now also anchor into your being several light networks that will connect throughout your being many sacred crystals that were placed there in a months time ago for activation, balancing, and deep clearing.

From this space of deep clearing, we anchor in the affirmation, "I am Divine Love and I am the center of my being. I now place my Trust in the Creator and in my inner Truth."

You may now affirm: "I am the living embodiment of my Truth. I anchor in Trust in all aspects of my being and now hold forward the divine feminine consciousness of Arcturus anchoring and holding within my entire being the heart chakra energies of the Divine Cosmic Light. I am a Celestial being in Cosmic Manifestation upon the Earth. I am."

Hold this affirmation within your heart and mind for a moment as you affirm: "I am Divine Trust and Faith."

Take three deep breaths while saying this affirmation.

I am Athena Arcturus and I love you all unconditionally. We the Arcturians are so grateful at this time to assist you in whatever way we can. Our Celestial Light is available to you on many levels and we are always able to assist you when you call upon your energies.

Please allow us to congratulate you now on all you have achieved. With Tremendous love.

I am, Athena Arcturus.
Copyright Lesley (HeartsLight, AmethystLight)
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