Submitted by AstroEyes on Sat, 08/09/2014 - 22:53

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.   This Full Moon is also a Super Full Moon meaning that the Moon is very close to the Earth. This is the second Supermoon in a row - the first occurring on July 10, and one more to follow on September 9.  This is called a Perigee Moon and it is when the Moon comes within 90% of its closest approach to earth.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants and our psychic! Accelerating shifts in consciousness.   Remember that this powerful Super Moon last a day and half (or 2 days as some are now saying) on each side of the peak.

The Full Moon happens when the Sun and Moon are opposing each other.  With this Aquarius Super Full Moon we have a Leo  Sun.  The goal of an opposition is to bring into balance the 2 sides… this case….bringing into balance the Aquarian Moon energy with the Leo Sun energy. 

Aquarius is about the power of community, humanity and our tribe.  Those that vibrate where we vibrate.  It is about thinking outside the box and wrapping our minds around information that some might think is…….way out there. Aquarius is futuristic and the sign of the genius. Aquarius is about freedom and the honoring of that freedom, so they can move into that “big Picture”  for all humanity.  Aquarius loves people of all kinds, and is willing to accept them into their tribes.    Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun represents our life force.   Leo is about our big heart, thinking with our hearts, and our joyful self expression.  Leo’s love to be on stage, and to be noticed…….they love the applause.  They may also be the leader, and are often times represented as the “king.”

Kings and Queens that ruled with their Hearts, and made themselves “one with their people”……have shown us the wisdom of the balance…between Aquarius and Leo.    They are the epitome of what our Rulers of the World today…. should be acting like now!

 Leo is the Star and Aquarius is the crew.  This Aquarius Full Moon is asking us to balance the self with humanity/community/tribe.  This Aquarius Full Moon is asking us to balance the needs of the collective with our own personnel needs.  Aquarius is often referred to as the “new” age of enlightenment.  Everyone is a star (Leo) in the new world/the new Earth (Aquarius).  We are all equal…..we are all one!

Aquarian energy embodies the message of “everyone is created equal, regardless if they are pink, blue or polka dotted!”  This Aquarius Full Moon is also about linking up with like minded souls….sharing thoughts, resources, etc. for social change and the good of all humanity (Aquarius). It is also a time to enjoy life….have fun (Leo) and gather with your friends and community (Aquarius) and Play (Leo)!

This Full Super Aquarian Moon forms a close t-square (stress, friction) with Saturn (structures, integrity, respect, wisdom's of the Elders)  in Scorpio (passion, Earth spirituality, soul mate and natural shamanism).  Indicating that some long term structures, rules, and old patterns could be on the verge of a breakdown.   Saturn often asks us to become more focused, and to have healthy boundaries.  Saturn in Scorpio is about going deep down in our Soul and reflecting…. while sitting deep with your Soul. Reflecting on things we need to change and release. There is a feeling of being blocked now….like being held back…. Saturn in Scorpio, squaring the Full Aquarius Moon is asking us to reflect and look at the past, especially, through relationship, and let go of the old.  Things again are being put in our faces, right in our faces… we can see them and not miss them.  We can’t make changes if we can’t see what needs to be changed.   It is time to set our goals…… and demand respect and integrity be given and received….. as you head towards your goals.  Saturn is asking us to discipline ourselves, so we can restructure and release the things that are holding us back….. and to do it in the kindest way possible….       Take time to meditate on this…..listen to what your Soul is telling you…..   You are co-creating this “new”……what needs to be left behind so you can move forward into the “new” that is perfect for you and for your community.  Listen to how you can do this in the kindest way possible, totally from your heart……as you start to release and move away from all situations and relationships, that are no longer vibrating where you are and that are now holding you back….Meditate….and Listen!!

What does that all mean?   It means that the Universe is speaking very loudly and is getting quit Urgent about the fact that we need to move from the “me” energy to the “we” energy.   We need to bring the “me” and the “we” into balance!    We must be in balance in all areas to be able to reach the higher energies of this shift……and move into Oneness!

This Full Aquarian Super Moon gives us the ability to make changes.  Uranus (which is the constant of Change)  rules Aquarius….. and Uranus is also in the ongoing Cardinal Square….. bringing changes that come with the images of lightning bolts and earthquakes, along with much transformation.  You can change your life with this energy if you play your cards right.

During this powerful Super Full Aquarius Moon……Meditate on balancing….come up with some of your own ideas of what needs balanced in these areas of your life.  The universe is speaking loudly!  We need to bring ourselves, our relationships, and the world into balance……. as we continue to co-create the “new” during this shift…… continuing towards our own evolution…….while moving towards ascension. All of these energies are also very creative (Leo)…..and if we can channel all of the above energies into creating/manifesting our own reality….a balanced and wonderful community (Aquarius)….then we will have used the energies in the highest way, and we can then co-create the “new” world…  It is a powerful time to manifest….take time to sit in the quite and dream…manifest….create…..and Listen for guidance.

.Mediate on ways to release some of “the aggression” and the “I have to have it my way” types of energy, along with the “unstableness of change. “  Intensifying desires, determination and social reform are all part of these energies.    You may find yourself wanting to be out in the public a little more and, enjoying or participating in community events, with this Aquarius Full Moon….therefore being part of the change, as you start to balance  your own needs with the needs of others.

Sit with the Earth and realize that she is also receiving these energies.   Volcanoes, storms, earthquakes etc. are all possible with all this powerful energy.   

Be willing to accept the changes happening with gratitude, knowing that you are being given everything you need, to support your Soul Growth. Along with aliening your Soul with the ascension energies, as we move  forward into this new world.  Visualize something new and different, wonderful and magical, for our new world, and the new you.   We are still co-creating this “new” world that started 12-21-12…..We are still in the baby stages of co-creation……  We are all one……   Mediate……and Listen.  Manifest and create!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. 

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way.  

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2014  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

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